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Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Effective communication is a very crucialfactor in successful implementation of new policies. There are different approaches that one can use to communicate his or her idea to the target recipient. In this case, the problem of nurse staffing level is a serious issue that needs good articulation. It is clear that the sender is effective in written communication than oral message delivery, thus the choice to communicate the ideas through e-mail has some advantages.
First, emails are a fast means of delivering a written message, thus will ensure that the message reaches the policymaker at the right time (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee, 2011). Second, service providers usually provide e-mail senders with adequate space for data storage. As such, the sender can store the information for future reference. It is also relatively cheaper for reaching out a large number of people who may be important for successful implementation of the proposed policy. However, relying on e-mail as the main communication media also bears some risks.
First, the target recipient might miss the chance to see the crucial information. This is because the message can go directly to the recipient’s spam box. Consequently, there will be permanent communication failure, which translates to policy implementation breakdown. Second, if the recipient does not have access to internet, there may be delayed response to the problem, which is very crucial for the wellbeing of the society. Lastly, emails can be hacked and viruses often impair message delivery process through file corruption.
Consequently, it remains clear that email cannot replace face-to-face communication if the message is to be delivered precisely and win the hearts of policymakers. Unlike emails, face-to-face communication gives the message sender the chance to use non-verbal cues to express how grave the matter is (Bailey, Cerio, Stanley & Harp, 2007). Nonetheless, email communication still remains a cost effective and fast means of delivering important messages.ReferencesMason, D. J., Leavitt, J. K., & Chaffee, M. W. (Eds.) (2011). Policy & politics in nursing and healthcare (6th Ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.Bailey, S., Cerio, T., Stanley, C., & Harp, T. (2007). Best practices in faith-health partnerships for policy implementation. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 35(4), 129–131.
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