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Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring" will make an earnest attempt to present the central thesis of the theory, the nursing met paradigm concepts addressed by the theory, unique concepts of the theory, and a diagram of links among theory concepts…
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Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring
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Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring al Affiliation) Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring This paper provides a general overview and various components under Watson’s theory of Human Caring, the conception of Caritas and human phenomenon. Special emphasis is placed on the origin of the theory, how it has been applied in the past, the central thesis, and the nursing concepts covered under the theory. The summery part of the theory has the central thesis of the theory, the nursing met paradigm concepts addressed by the theory, unique concepts of the theory, and a diagram of links among theory concepts. To justify the use of the theory, the paper has covered the description of the environment where this theory will be applied, pragmatic adequacy, social meaningfulness, feasibility, and compatibility. The paper covers major conceptual features of the theory and human living procedures inside the theoretical and moral foundation of the body of this caring theory work. The paper acts as a direction for specialized practice, in addition to a disciplinary plan for the discipline of Care. Introduction The theory of human caring was created between 1975 and 1979 at the time when Jean Watson was lecturing at the University of Colorado. The theory originates from Watson’s observations of nursing practice during her doctoral studies within educational, medical, and social psychology. Jean Watson preliminary endeavor brought out the connotation and put emphasis to nursing as an upcoming discipline and different health line of work that possessed its own exceptional standards, acquaintance, and practices, in addition to its own ethic and purpose to the public. The development of this theory was also spurred by Watson’s participation with an incorporated educational nursing set of courses and hard work to discover ordinary connotation and array to nursing that go beyond settings, populations, areas of expertise, as well as subspecialty areas (Butts & Rich, 2015). Originating from her promising point of view, Watson makes clear the value of nursing, ethics, way of life, acquaintance, and activities involving human being caring need proper verbal communication order, arrangement, intelligibility of impressions and line of work. This conjecture goes further than the central physical worldview and opens to individual, inter-subjective, and internal connotation, essential therapeutic procedures and the life world of the practicing individual (Fawcett & Desanto, 2013). The process of human caring entails 10 caring factors, which are equivalent to conventional medicine. The promising viewpoint and theory of human caring brings a sense of balance to the cure direction of medicine, making nursing to have its distinctive disciplinary, logical, and proficient reputation with itself plus its public (Watson, 2012). This theory continues to be utilized within the same field of nursing in the past. Past works continue to evolve with dynamism from the novel publications of 1979, 1981, 1985, and the 1990s from a further rationalized outlook of 10 caritas procedures, to caring skill as sanctified discipline, and to a unitary worldwide awareness for leadership. This theory makes associations between human caring, therapeutic relationships, and even harmony in humankind, with nurses acting as caritas peace creators in the process of practicing human caring for persons. This caring involves divine center of attention on transpersonal compassionate moment, post- contemporary critiques, and metaphysical from hypothesis to ontological standard for caring discipline. A wide developing unitary caring discipline worldview underlies the fluid development of the human caring theory and its base on philosophy and ethical underpinning for Watson’s work (Fawcett & Desanto, 2013). A diagram of the links among the concepts of the theory: The diagram shows nursing concepts in theory, practice, and research. I selected this theory because if an individual decides to use the caring perception as theory, replica, viewpoint, culture for changing self and application, it can assist in finding answers for various questions that might help in relation to nursing practice (Watson, 2012). Some of the questions that this theory might help solve include; Is there correspondence between the standards and foremost concepts and viewpoints in the representation and the given nurse, faction, structure, association, program, populace requirements, medical organizational background, or other unit that is bearing in mind intermingling with the caring model to convert and improve practice? What is the individual’s sight of human? What does it mean to be human, helpful, curing, or appropriate? Nurses can use this theory in solving a wide range of nursing related issues. For instance, nurses should use the theory to know if they possess a spiritual knowledge, or find out if they are spiritual beings possessing a human experience. Such reasoning in view to these theoretical questions can direct a nurse’s worldview and lend help to make clear decisions on where one may position in a caring structure. In this context, some of the questions that this theory can help address include; Are those working together and engaging in the model fascinated in their own individual development? Do they have commitment in search of genuine associations and caring-healing relations with self and others? Are those concerned cognizant of their caring-caritas or non-caring awareness and deliberately in a given instant and at an entity and system point? Do they have interest and commitment to growing their caring consciousness and dealings to self, other, surroundings, personality, and wider universe? Are those functioning in the model attracted in transforming their view from a contemporary medical science cure direction to a very caring, curing, loving model (Sitzman & Watson, 2000)? Transpersonal caring associations are the basis of the human caring theory. Transpersonal caring expresses an apprehension for the inner life of humankind. Furthermore, transpersonal caring goes beyond personality aspects of life covering the deeper associations of character. Therefore, transpersonal caring association goes past ego-self and gives entails religion, and other relations that hit into healing potentials and probabilities. Transpersonal caring tries to demonstrate the character or essence of the other self through the processes of caring, healing, and being in genuine relation (Sitzman & Watson, 2000). Such a transpersonal association is predisposed by the caring awareness and intentionality of the nurse as she or he goes into the life of another person, and is capable of becoming aware of that person’s state of being at the psyche and character point. It indicates a focal point on the uniqueness of self and the distinctiveness of the instance, where the coming as one is communal and equal, completely personified in the moment, whilst illogically able of transcending the moment, open to novel potentials. Transpersonal caring requires genuineness of being and becoming, an aptitude to be there to self and others in a philosophical frame; the transpersonal nurse has the capability to hub perception and intentionality on kind, curing, and completeness, pretty than on sickness, poor health and pathology (Watson, 2012). The main conceptual fundamentals of the original and developing Watson caring theory lies under the ten care aspects that were reversed to ten caritas developments. Transpersonal compassionate moment is another important concept of this theory. Caring awareness is also among the concepts. Additionally, caring and healing modalities is another concept of the human caring theory. Other vibrant aspects of the theory that have are rising as more unambiguous mechanisms take account of extended views of self and person consisting of unitary togetherness and in person character. The concepts that relate to the human caring theory include caring and curing realization and lively heart-centered existence. Other concepts entail human–ecological section of a caring moment and unitary togetherness worldview, which is the continuous completeness and connectedness of each one. Furthermore, the human caring theory entails ethical obligation to guard and augment human self-respect, esteem, and love for the person paying respect to his or her requests, desires, and rituals. Another concept is inner synchronization and level headedness for maintaining sense of balance (Butts & Rich, 2015). There are many applications of the human caring theory through the ten care factors. Humanistic Approach to care Caring is based on a set of collective humanistic unselfish values. These values comprise of compassion, understanding, concern, and embracing love for self and others. Humane values come up from obligations to and contentment from getting through giving. They introduce sense to one’s life via one’s conviction and interaction with other people. Humanistic-altruistic approaches and acts give the starting point of human caring and encourage the excellent proficient care, and as such, make up the first and most fundamental issue for skill and ethic of compassionate (Fawcett & Desanto, 2013). Helping and supporting faith and anticipation The past of medicine is full of citations of the significance of a person’s conviction in faith and hope. For instance, Hippocrates believed that an ailing person’s mind and spirit should be stimulated prior to treating the ill health. In a set of other occasions, medication itself was less important to magic, invocations, magic charms, and prayers. Within this Carative Factor, beliefs of the patients are optimistic, privileged, and esteemed as important influences in encouraging and maintaining wellbeing. In spite of what scientific routine is necessary for therapeutic care of a person, the nurse should promote faith, anticipation, and the deep conviction organization of the person under care. Even when there is zero left to do medically, the nurse nurtures the ill person’s faith and hopes (Fawcett & Desanto, 2013). Sensitivity to self and others Being human is characterized by having ability to feel. Repeatedly, people permit themselves to imagine their opinions, other than to feel their feelings. The basic technique to build up compassion to self and to others is to be familiar with and feel one’s feelings. The improvement of self and the fostering of decision, taste, standards, and compassion in human relations develop from emotional situations. Humanities and empathetic life occurrences stimulate the extension of feeling. Sensitivity to self is the acknowledgment and recognition of feelings, excruciating as well as joyful ones. It is cultured by focusing into oneself and a readiness to discover one’s own thoughts. Individuals who are not responsive to and keep inside their own feelings may not be able to let others to communicate and discover their feelings. Compassion to self not only directs to self-acceptance and emotional development, but to sensitivity and recognition of others (Brencick & Webster, 2000). Enhancing and accommodating the appearance of positive and negative ways of thinking and sensations A focal point on feelings in addition to the non-rational emotional features of an occasion is essential for nurses involved in the human helpful procedure. The caring association can shift to a deeper, genuine intensity if the nurse accepts this care factor. Additionally, in paying attention to, and respecting another person’s way of thinking, nurses respect their story, which determines connotation and significance for them and their curing (Butts & Rich, 2015). Involvement in imaginative, individualized, crisis solving caring procedure, nurses make use of nursing procedures that is a resourceful, problem solving technique to aid with decision making under all nursing circumstances (Brencick & Webster, 2000). A resourceful advance acknowledges that nurses bring into play all ways of know, being, and doing in appealing in medical caring. The providence of care involves nurses going into a patient’s room and holding a conversation with the patient. This procedure entails complete employment of self and all of one’s abilities, acquaintance, instincts, perception, aesthetics, expertise, talents, empirics, and principles, private and even saintly significant. In a caring discipline model for practice, all understanding is precious and accessed for medical caring. The procedure utilizes resourceful thoughts as well as scientific common sense and expertise (Brencick & Webster, 2000). In a caring discipline setting, the human caring theory accredits that the nurse is not simply touching one’s physical body or fulfilling physical requirements but personified strength too. References Brencick, J., & Webster, G. (2000). Philosophy of nursing a new vision for health care. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Sitzman, K., & Watson, J. (n.d.) (2000). Caring science, mindful practice: Implementing Watsons human caring theory. Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (second Ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Fawcett, M. & Desanto, B. (2013). Contemporary Nursing Knowledge: Watson’s Human caring theory. Butts & Rich (2015). Evidence based practice for nurses (second Ed) Read More
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