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Case Study 2 Grand Canyon In the given case scenario, we need to deal with Mr. P on medical as well as social and psychological grounds to give him and his family a chance to a better life. He needs to be dealt at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of his personality and the treatment should be aimed at patient rather than treatment of the illness merely. This approach for his health should be directed at three levels, first would be further prevention of further problems for him, next would be proper treatment and last step should be early rehabilitation and disability limitation for him (American Cancer Society 2008).
The impact of his treatment should also include his family situation, housing, employment, earning persons of the family and the family crisis Mr P is passing through. This approach would not only make treatment more effective but will also help the patient to understand his illness and this will also leave a very important aspect on his wife as well. The basic principles for the treatment plan are almost the same to Holistic medicine approach. The societal perspectives, role of family and community relationships should be kept in mind as approach towards chronic illness of Mr P (WHO 2002).
His treatment plan should include cost effective medications as he can’t afford expensive medicine. Moreover, social and charity organizations working for chronic ill patients should be involved in this and they should help solve financial issues for this family. The role of his wife is very important; she should be explained about the nature of his illness and the responsibilities that lay ahead of her. She should also be advised to involved other relatives in this matter and ask for their help.
Diet plan and other general safety measures should be explained to her so that there can be proper rehabilitation for Mr P. Her psychological strength can play a great role in improving health of her husband. They should be explained about the medications, possible adverse effects and duration of action for this medication. Other non-pharmacological methods like diet, exercise etc should also be taken into consideration. She should also be advised to seek some jobs with relaxing working hours or something that she can do by spending her time at home.
Their religious, social and culture aspects should be respected and can also be used to the approach of giving benefit to people. To educate patient and his wife, the concept of Advance Care Planning (ACP) can be used. Advance Care Planning is a process of providing health education and care to patient and his family, clarify treatment preferences and developing specific goals of care (Sara N Davison 2006). This education should be directed by explaining Mr P and his wife the detail of his disease the possible prognosis and various outcomes.
Consult and define the key priorities in their lives and manage the treatment and rehabilitation plan accordingly. The ultimate aim for this problem is to improve the health status of family and improve their standard of living so that they can atleast afford better living facilities. Special effort should be paid to strengthen the relationship between them as a family since this would play a positive impact in coping up with the problems they are facing.Teaching plan should always be given in language that patient feels comfortable in.
In explain the teaching plan according to Patient Centeredness approach (US dept of health and human service 2011). In teaching, always take first initiative in discussion. Ask them as a family what they understand about the level of illness and nature of his sickness. Once they have given their side of story, explain them the real picture on basis of scientific knowledge and the possible prognosis without using scientific terms. At the end of the session ask them what they have understood from the whole discussion.
Involve social, psychological and family issues into discussion and suggest those ways through which they can make a better living for themselves. It is very important to follow these guidelines because lack of time and attention can seriously affect the prognosis and health of chronic ill patients. (Stephen Adams 2012).ReferenceAmerican Cancer Society (2008). Holistic Medicine. N Davison (2006).
Advance Care Planning in Chronic Illness. End of life Education Care center. Fast Facts and Concepts 162.Stephen Adam (2012), Patients being treated like medical conditions, not people. The Telegraph. Department of Healthcare Research and Quality (2011). Patient Centeredness, National Healthcare Quality Report, 2011. Chapter 5.World Health Organization (2002). ETHICAL CHOICES IN LONG-TERM CARE: WHAT DOES JUSTICE REQUIRE?
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