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Observation and Reaction assignment - Essay Example

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The leadership of Sam Walton, the founder of two American retailers, Wal-Mart and Sams Club, contains such charisma and strategic strength, that we can use his leadership…
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Observation and Reaction assignment
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Business life of Sam Walton The leadership style and competencies of one leader can be applied in any field in order to achieve success. The leadership of Sam Walton, the founder of two American retailers, Wal-Mart and Sams Club, contains such charisma and strategic strength, that we can use his leadership style in the field of nursing too. This paper describes his leadership style and competencies; relates his style and competencies to patient outcomes; and, recommends changes. Walton was the leader who redefined the ways big businesses are run and sustained.

His strategic leadership has brought where Wal-Mart is today (Garrison, Noreen & Brewer, 2011). He found that discounting was the future of retail. This strategy led to the success of his business. Relating it to nursing, in order to gain positive patient outcomes, nurses and practitioners must be able to make strategic decisions that prove to be beneficial for patients in the long run (Sare & Ogilvie, 2010). Walton held the view that one should go the opposite way of the conventional methods to be successful.

This strategy can be applied to gain patient outcomes by ignoring the traditional ways of dealing with patients and treating them the way others are not following, to make a unique niche. This will attract more patients, and will also improve the quality of health care. For example, under situations when nurses have to deal with drug addicts, they should focus more on their psychotherapy rather than traditional medicines. To conclude, Sam Walton’s leadership style and competencies should be applied in the field of nursing to gain quality patient outcomes.

Nurses can use Walton’s strategic planning to improve the quality of services. They are also suggested to use Walton’s nontraditional style for treating patients. ReferencesGarrison, R.H., Noreen, E., & Brewer, E. (2011). Managerial Accounting. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Sare, M.V., & Ogilvie, L. (2010). Strategic Planning for Nurses: Change Management in Health Care. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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