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Eye Screening Reflection of Learning - Essay Example

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Such children have either vision problems or perception problems. The purpose of Early Youth Eye (E.Y.E) care community initiative is to improve visionary problems of the children in order…
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Eye Screening Reflection of Learning
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EYE SCREENING REFLECTION OF LEARNING Presented By goes here] To [your goes here] [Your goes here] [Your university’s name] [Due date of the paper]Purpose of the Early Youth Eye Care Community Initiative Researches show that almost 25 percent children are not able to visualize things properly. Such children have either vision problems or perception problems. The purpose of Early Youth Eye (E.Y.E) care community initiative is to improve visionary problems of the children in order to improve their learning ability.

Children having visionary problems are not able to perform well in any field of life. The Early Youth Eye Care community tends to make children improve their performances in school as well as in daily life. The goal of the program’s volunteers is to remove visionary problems for students through proper vision screening and treatment of eye disorders.Who is being Served The Early Youth Eye care community is providing its eye care services to the children studying in Kindergarten, first, third, fifth and sixth grades at Minneapolis Public Schools (Anonymous, 2011).

Impact on the Community The impact of the Early Youth Eye Care program on the society is excellent. People appreciate the efforts of the E.Y.E volunteers and donate to help them continue putting in efforts to remove visionary problems for the children. The E.Y.E community uses vision screening to detect actual problems of the children in order to provide them with appropriate medical treatment. The volunteers also help poor families in receiving health treatment. Moreover, they also make people aware of the ways they can use to protect their eyesight and improve their vision.

Barriers to Receiving Healthcare Four barriers to receiving healthcare include lack of awareness, no proper transport, less money, and lack of interest. I would identify these barriers using surveys and questionnaires. I would design and send questionnaires to every family living in my area in order to know the barriers that they face in receiving healthcare. Based on the analysis of the responses, I would take steps to remove the barriers that I would find.To remove the awareness barrier, I would send brochures to the people.

To remove transport barrier, I would arrange transport to provide pick and drop facility to the deserving people.To remove money barrier, I would help deserving families financially according to the company’s policy.To remove interest barrier, I would contact people personally to educate them the importance of receiving proper treatment.Impact of the Experience The experience would put an impact on my professional nursing career. “Hands-on experience and skills are important for you to success in this career field” (Harvard, 2012).

The experience would inject care for patients and a sense of therapeutic nursing in my mind. It would also help me become able to administer medications and perform diagnostics tests of the patients. “A licensed practical nurse can do things like start IVs, administer medications, take samples, perform basic lab analysis, dress wounds, take vital signs, and perform basic diagnostic tasks” (Smith, n.d.). Moreover, working in impoverished communities and educating unaware people regarding illness prevention and treatment would also help me develop effective clinical skills and abilities.

ReferencesAnonymous. (2011). Early Youth Eyecare (E.Y.E.) Community Initiative. Retrieved from, J. (2012). 5 Steps To Become A Licensed Practical Nurse. Retrieved from, S. (n.d.). What is a Licensed Practical Nurse?. Retrieved from

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