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When Is It Okay to Break Confidentiality - Essay Example

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This essay "When Is It Okay to Break Confidentiality" focuses on both positive and negative ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality in a clinical setting. On the negative side, patients may lose trust in the healthcare professionals or the service provider if there are fears…
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When Is It Okay to Break Confidentiality
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This may be problematic for the healthcare personnel to diagnose the actual disease a patient will be suffering from, and it may be difficult to apply proper medication to the patient. This is dangerous since it can be harmful to the patient in the long run. However, there are certain instances where a breach of confidentiality can be viewed in a positive light. If a patient, particularly an adolescent, is diagnosed with a disease that can be harmful to him or her, then there is a need for breach of confidentiality if it is necessary for the parents to know the case.

If the disease is also a threat to the community at large, then it may be imperative for the healthcare practitioner to breach confidentiality. In this particular case, Hathaway believes that harm will come to Andrea who has been diagnosed with cervical cancer unless the parents are informed of the diagnosis of the disease. The problem is that the patient is minor, hence she may not follow proper channels of having the disease cured unless her parents are informed. It is also difficult in different healthcare systems in the US for a minor to be treated with such a disease without parental consent.

Therefore, for the benefit of the minor in this case, it will be ideal to breach confidentiality. 2. . The case of cervical cancer can pose a threat to public health if it is not controlled. Therefore, measures should be taken in order to ensure that public health is not negatively affected, hence the reason to breach the principle of confidentiality. The virtue theory, on the other hand, talks about what a good person will do in certain circumstances in life (1). In this case, a good person will take measures that are meant to protect the patient as well as the community at large.

Any action that is beneficial to the community and the patient is appropriate though it may entail that confidentiality will be breached. These two ethical theories give the healthcare practitioner a leeway to make positive decisions though they may be in breach of confidentiality. 3. In order to address the dilemma presented in this particular case study, there are different stages that can be taken. First and foremost, it is imperative to diagnose the situation and identify all the problems associated with the scenario.

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