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Matching Time Utilization Trends and Objectives - Essay Example

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The paper "Matching Time Utilization Trends and Objectives" states that the need for efficiency in the healthcare field has increased significantly; in fact, time management is one of the elements that contribute to the improvement of quality in health care services offered to patients…
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Matching Time Utilization Trends and Objectives
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? Time Management Table of Contents Introduction 3 Planning 4 Prioritization 4 Organization 5 Hourly Rounding5 Matching Time Utilization Trends and Objectives 6 Avoiding Interruptions 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Time Management Introduction Need for efficiency in health care field has increased significantly; in fact, time management is one of elements that contribute to improvement of quality in health care services offered to patients. Moreover, time management has been acknowledged as a significant element in performance for professional nursing (Tucker, 2013). On the other hand, the process of time management in nursing practice has been explored through scant empirical researches. Nevertheless, these few researchers have discovered that time management do not focus on getting things done. Instead, it focuses on implementation of strategies that are involved in the process of time allocation. This paper explores issues regarding time management in nursing profession, through elaboration of strategies involved. Numerous empirical investigations have indicated that nurses should develop a habit of arriving early in their workplaces. Therefore, by arriving early, nurses get enough time to read reports, hand cover sheets, organizes their work and settle their minds (Woogara, 2012). Moreover, apart from arriving early, they can also develop a habit of making notes for their personal use. These notes are obtained from hand cover sheets and reports. In fact, they can also develop lists or grids containing patients’ names and related tasks. Besides, these notes incorporate a list of activities to be undertaken during the day, and objectives that should be achieved (Woogara, 2012). Nonetheless, nurses should estimate time required for completing each task, and this can prevent misallocation of time on some tasks, thereby neglecting others. Given that nursing is a highly challenging profession, there are chances of having numerous tasks, which cannot be completed within the working hours. Moreover, this leads to increases changes in prioritization of these tasks (Fedor, 2013). For instance, changes in prioritization of tasks occur in situations where patients need urgent attention. Nevertheless, it is wise to consider the pace of tasks in nursing practice, which can lead to burning out and stress. Therefore, time management techniques are designed in ways that facilitate achievement of objectives and preventing burning out or stress (Fedor, 2013). In this case, time management techniques are subdivided into seven strategies, which include: Planning Nursing profession has an aspect of unpredictability; thus, it calls for setting strategies and planning on ways to undertake various tasks (Tucker, 2013). The nurse is required to make necessary plans such as competing patients’ paperwork, establishing ways to deal with patients’ needs, making submissions of laboratory requests and attending staff meetings (Tucker, 2013). Task that are completed are noted in a “to-do-list,” thereby helping nurses to stay focused. In this case, nurses are able to ensure that time is not wasted. Nurses are urged to assess their lists in order to modify it through deletion or addition of items based on their importance and urgency (Tucker, 2013). Therefore, planning enables nurses to manage their time and reduce chances of forgetting important things. Prioritization Prioritization of tasks can facilitate management of time, thereby enabling nurses to attend to their tasks depending on level of urgency (Woogara, 2012). In this case, nurses should arrange tasks to be undertaken during the day based on their priorities in order to allow them identify tasks that can be postponed (Woogara, 2012). For instance, care of patients and their satisfaction should be highly prioritized by nurses. Therefore, they are supposed to complete tasks that are highly prioritized, thereby eliminating chances of forgetting or delaying tasks (Woogara, 2012). On the other hand, nurses are urged to revisit their schedules in order to rearrange and prioritize their tasks depending on tasks that have not been accomplished during the day. Organization Nurses are expected to be organized their tasks in order to avoid time wastage; for instance, by being organized, they cannot waste time searching for prescriptions, patients records or laboratory results. In this case, they are supposed to keep their working areas organized and tidy in a way that facilitates locating paperwork and dispensing prescriptions (Tucker, 2013). For example, nurses are urged to begin their daily activities by cleaning all equipments in order to make them ready for use. It is important to save files in their computers and organize their hard copies by use of clipboards or boxes, thereby preventing them from cluttering their working areas. In fact, being organized is a significant time management skill, which has proofed to be helpful to numerous nurses, who require accessibility the similar documents and patients records (Tucker, 2013). On the other hand, tasks can be delegated to nurses that are hired to share responsibilities, thereby enabling things to run efficiently without burning out. Hourly Rounding Time is also managed through implementation of hourly rounding by nurses since they facilitate satisfaction of patients; in fact, this concept was established in 2011 by Studer Group at Batson Children's Hospital (Tucker, 2013). Initially, the nurses used to respond to patient calls and this approach was inefficient, thereby creating a need for establishing hourly rounding. In fact, the concept of hourly rounding requires nurses to make regular visits to patients, whereby they should visit them once in a span of one hour (Tucker, 2013). Therefore, in this way, nurses are able to address to issues such as patient’s pain, food and drinks. Hourly rounding has proofed to be a significant technique of time management in nursing profession; in fact, it enables nurses to address patients’ concerns. After completion of hourly rounds, nurses are expected to review their paperwork in order to assess other responsibilities that are yet to be completed. Matching Time Utilization Trends and Objectives Nurses are expected to compare utilization patterns and daily tasks based on personal and professional objectives. In this case, nurses are able to identify patterns, which form impediments to attaining set objectives. Wittenberg (2013) explains that nurses are also urged to focus on identifying things that leads to time wastage such as inappropriate planning, fatigue, stress, procrastination, interruption and delegated tasks. Moreover, nurses are supposed to restructure their schedule in a way that focuses on achieving their objectives. Therefore, nurses can match time and patterns of time utilization in order to achieve their objectives (Wittenberg, 2013). In fact, this can enable nurses to eliminate and reduce problems that impede effective in offering health care services. In addition, time management in nursing profession by matching time utilization trend and objectives enables achievement of objectives based in the level of their urgency (Wittenberg, 2013). Avoiding Interruptions In order to manage time there is need to deal with interruptions, which are not contributive to achievement of set objectives (Bynes, 2013). For instance, nurses should avoid spending their time on chats that are not related to work. Moreover, they should avoid checking emails or other tasks that are not related to work. On the other hand, nurses should create time for relaxing and visiting places that reduce their stress, though they should avoid getting carried way. Bynes (2013) explains that by avoiding interruptions, nurses are able to remain organized; thus, they are able to save time. Therefore, nurses should understand that interruption lead to wastage of time, which can lead to failure. Conclusion The paper has explored issues regarding that time management in nursing profession; in fact, this discussion commenced with introduction of the topic. The next section entailed a discussion of seven strategies, which can be applied in saving time. In this case, the paper discussed ways through which nurses can save time by planning, prioritizing, being organized, conducting hourly rounds, matching time utilization patterns with objective and avoiding interruptions. Therefore, the paper has explored ways through which nurses can facilitate time management. References Bynes, C. (2013). 5 Time Management Tips for Busy Nurses. Nurse together. Retrieved from: Fedor, C. (2013). Time Management in Nursing. Retrieved from: Tucker, K. (2013). Time Management Skills for Nurses. Chron. Retrieved from: Woogara, N. (2012). 10 ways to effectively manage your time on the ward. Nursing Retrieved from: Wittenberg, S. (2013). Effective Time Management. Advance for Nurses. Retrieved from: Read More
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