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Practicum Experience and Achievement of Personal Learning Objectives - Essay Example

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The essay "Practicum Experience and Achievement of Personal Learning Objectives" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on practicum experience and achievement of personal learning objectives. There were four learning objectives the author accomplished within his project…
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Practicum Experience and Achievement of Personal Learning Objectives
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? Practicum Evaluation Summary Paper Practicum experience and achievement of personal learning objectives from Practicum Learning Agreement Based on the practicum learning agreement, there were four learning objectives that I accomplished during the process of my practicum project. However, it is essential to point out that the learning objectives had to be aligned with my practicum goals which were: To improve HCAHPS scores at the Ben Taub General Hospital (BTGH), because patient surveys have consistently been scoring the hospital at levels that could be bettered. To improve overall service at BTGH, so that every patient who wants to can get the highest quality of care. To improve patient-provider relations at BTGH, by improving the quality of the service which patients receive. In order to accomplish these goals, each objective in the practicum learning agreement was to be designing in a manner that helped me achieve the overall goals of my practicum project. Nonetheless, I achieved the following four objectives as per my practicum learning agreement. I carried out an effective analysis of the need to improve the low HCAHPS scores at BTGH. I learned how to develop an action plan based on the following approaches: Conducting a staff survey that identifies the needs for a healthcare facility. An effective process of conducting the literature review for the need of improving HCAHPS scores I learned the effective approach of implementing an action plan in order to improve HCAHPS scores and the importance of a mentor. Finally, I learnt the process of conducting an effective evaluation of the overall project. Effective Analysis Based on the practicum learning objective, I achieved the objective of carrying out an effective analysis on the need to improve the HCAHPS scores in a facility. While my practicum project focused on improving HCAHPS, it is important to point out that this objective will be crucial in ensuring that I also engaged in effective analysis that highlighted the importance of a project and the needs that the project sought to achieve. Consequently, this process of analysis focused on engaging in an assessment that enhanced my examination of the needs of a project. In this case, this learning objective has played a crucial role in ensuring that I gained experience in conducting literature review that supported the goals of a project that I wanted to implement. On the other hand, this learning objective has played a crucial role in ensuring that I gained experience in conducting surveys that identified the needs of a healthcare facility. In this case, not only have I gained experience from the practicum project on how to identify the needs of a facility as an effective way of ensuring that I focused on achieving the overall objective of my project, but I have also gained the experience of structuring the survey questionnaire in order to obtain results that will help me develop an effective project. In addition, this learning objective has helped me gain experience on the approaches to use in order to conduct surveys from my respondents. Overall, in the process of achieving this learning objective from my practicum learning agreement, I have achieved experience that will be crucial in my future engagement as a nurse, and especially in the process of engaging in projects that changed practice. Developing an Action Plan The experience learnt during the preparation of the action plan is crucial in enhancing my future nursing career. In achieving this learning objective, I developed the action plan using the findings from the literature review that I conducted from the peer-reviewed journals and the survey I conducted among the nursing staff and patients admitted at Ben Taub General Hospital as represented in Appendix 1. These two activities were essential in developing the objectives of the action plan and identifying the areas that required attention in order to achieve the overall practicum’s goal of raising the HCAHPS scores at BGTH. On the other hand, it is crucial to point out that the process of identifying these areas was essential in developing the processes that would help an individual achieve the goals of their project after identifying effective solutions. On the other hand, this practicum learning objective of designing the action plan was crucial in highlighting the role of a mentor in accomplishing various tasks. In this case, the development of the action plan was therefore critical in achieving the objectives of the practicum project. However, the failure to ensure that this process was aboveboard may have result to the implementation of a solution that might have qualified as a failed project. Hence, the mentor was crucial in the review process of the project and immensely contributed to its success. Based on the achievement of this practicum project objective, I have learned important skills that are essential for my future practice. In this regard, I have acquired the skill of investigative assessment that ensures that I was able to identify the most important aspects in a healthcare organization that require to be addressed in order to improve the quality of care provided. In effect, these skills will be an important component in designing an action plan that will help me implement projects that seek to implement change process in the workplace. Effective Approaches of Implementing an Action Plan It is one thing to prepare an action plan, and it is another task to implement the action plan in order to achieve efficiency in the project being implemented. In this regard, the practicum learning agreement helped me achieve the objective of identifying the effective approach in implementing an action plan. Achieving this objective was through an interaction of two various aspects. First, an effective approach is one that factors time as an important feature in the implementation of an action plan. The time factor plays an instrumental role in enhancing the success of the program since it highlights the activities that are essential in the implementation process, which also allocates the roles and responsibilities of each team member and the time of implementation at which their roles were crucial for the success of the project. In line with this, the date of implementing the project was also set with a determination of the starting time of the implementation to the day of completing the project. Another important factor to consider for effective implementation of the action plan involves the reviewing of the project in order to achieve feedback from a mentor on the implementation process of the action plan. A mentor has more knowledge and skills than the skills and knowledge that I possess. In this case, the feedback that my mentor provided was crucial in modifying the practicum project’s implementation approach. Based on the achievement of this objective, it is important to point out that this practicum learning agreement’s objective provided me with essential knowledge and skills that is essential in the achievement of my career goals. In this regard, I realize the importance of the time factor in achieving the goals of my project, especially in future projects. On the other hand, I will not engage in future projects without a mentor who provides me with feedback that is crucial in modifying aspects of the implementation of the project that do not support the overall objectives of the project. Evaluation of the Project The final objective of the practicum learning agreement involved the evaluation of the project. In this regard, it is crucial to point out that evaluation of the project is important in determining its success. Based on the project, it is crucial to point out that the evaluation process involved carrying out a comparative analysis of the HCAHPS scores before the implementation of the project, and after the implementation of the project. The final objective of the practicum learning agreement is the ultimate stage of the practicum learning agreement. In this case, the achievement of this objective is essential in determining the overall success or the failure of the project. Consequently, I ensured that I conducted the achievement of this project using the most appropriate approach that enhanced success. The determination of the success of the project focused on an evaluation process that involved various approaches. In the first approach, I developed an evaluation tool that I administered on hospital staff, and patients, in order to evaluate their perception about the changes in practice resulting from the implementation of the project practicum. Another approach focused on the analyses of the HCAHPS scores data obtained one month after the implementation of the action plan, which was on 27 February this year as shown in Appendix 2. From the foregoing, this objective from the practicum learning agreement is crucial in my future practice since I will be able to evaluate a project through developing a tool that ensured that I implemented the evaluation using approaches that determined the success of the organization. Evaluate the effectiveness of the practicum project. Based on Appendix 2, the evaluation process investigated the effectiveness of the practicum project in the organization. In line with this, it is crucial to point out that most of the targets that the practicum project sought to achieve were in the process of being achieved based on the survey findings. For example, the practicum project had set a goal of obtaining an overall score of 74.9 in terms of the communication between the nursing staff and their patients. This target was set to improve the baseline rating of 3.0 in the organization. Nonetheless, the practicum project managed to score 65.1 points as seen in Appendix 2. On the other hand, it is crucial to point out that in so far as raising the HCAHPS scores in terms of the staff’s responsiveness, the practicum project was essential in raising the score from 36.0 to 54.0 although the target was set at 68.8. Consequently, this means that the practicum project was effective based on this evaluation. Another area that the practicum project was instrumental in raising the scores was in the area of pain management with the scores rising from 56.2 to 70.6. Thus, the practicum project was effective. Practicum Experience and my Functioning as an MSN Prepared Nurse It is crucial to point out that the experience I have gained from my practicum experience is essential in preparing me for my future career as an MSN nurse. In this case, it is evident that a new nurse will experience a challenge in playing a new role, which is usually due to unpreparedness. In line with this, the practicum experience I have gained from this practicum has made me ready for my future role. Wieland, Atmiller, Dorr, and Wolf (2007) noted the importance of the experience in a practicum in preparing a nurse by easing the stress of their expected new roles through an adaptation process provided by the practicum. Consequently, the experience drawn from my practicum will be crucial in ensuring that I was fully prepared as an MSN nurse. From the practicum, I have benefited from the experience and expertise of a skilled mentor. Consequently, this experience will be crucial to me as an MSN nurse since I will be able to mentor young nurses who joined the practice. Lloyd and Bristol (2006) identify the importance of mentoring in promoting teamwork within the practice. In this regard, learning from other nurses has been instrumental in ensuring that I valued teamwork in nursing with sharing of skills and knowledge being fundamental. Other than this, I have gained the experience of transferring the knowledge from class into real life experiences that developed solutions that are tangible. In this regard, various researchers point out to the importance of transferring knowledge from class to real-life experiences as an important role of practicum practice (Hahn, 2010; Ralph, Walker, & Wilmer, 2010). Consequently, my experience during my practicum will be crucial in my career as a prepared MSN nurse to engage the knowledge and skills learned in practice in order to provide the best care in practice. References Hahn, J. A. (2010). Practicum Projects of Value: A Successful Strategic Partnership Between Nurse Executives and Master’s Level Academia. Nursing Economics, 28(3), 143-149. Lloyd, S., & Bristol, S. (2006). Modeling Mentorship and Collaboration for BSN and MSN Students in a Community Clinical Practicum. Research Briefs, 45(4), 129-132. Ralph, E., Walker, K., & Wilmer, R. (2010). Practicum and clinical Experiences: Postpracticum students’ Views. Journal of Nursing Education,48(8), 434-440. doi:10.3928/01484834- 20090518-02 Wieland, D. A., Atmiller, G. M., Dorr, M. T., & Wolf, Z. R. (2007). Clinical Transition of Baccalaureate Nursing Students during Preceptored, Pregraduation Practicums. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(6), 315-321. Appendix 1 Practicum Goals: 1) To improve HCAHPS scores at the Ben Taub General Hospital (BTGH), because patient surveys have consistently been scoring the hospital at levels that could be bettered. 2) To improve overall service at BTGH, so that every patient who wants to can get the highest quality of care. 3) To improve patient-provider relations at BTGH, by improving the quality of the service which patients receive. Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome 1.0 Analyze the need for improving low HCAHPS scores at BTGH 1a. Conduct a literature search of 15 peer-reviewed journal articles about how to raise HCAHPS scores 1b. Create an anonymized survey of care providers and staff at the hospital asking about how they feel about their customer service 1c. Review survey tool as developed with mentor. 1d. Administer survey as developed. 1e. Meet with administration and mentor to review findings. 1a. Submit annotated bibliography of literature reviewed regarding raising HCAHPS scores 1b. Submit copy of survey 1c. Document review of survey with mentor 1d. Submit summary of survey results. 1e. Document meeting with administration and mentor to review findings 1a. Completed 1b. Completed 1c. Completed 1d. Not completed 1e. Not completed 1a. Completed Annotated bibliography placed in portfolio. 1b. Completed Copy of survey placed in portfolio. 1c. Completed Review documented in practicum journal. 1d. Completed Summary of survey results placed in portfolio. 1e. Completed Meetings documented in practicum journal. Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting 2.0 Develop an action plan based upon the care provider, staff survey results and literature review addressing the need to improve the HCAHPS scores 2a. Conduct literature search on developing an action plan for improving HCAHPS scores. 2b. Develop action plan including: objectives processes to address improvement of HCAHPS scores financial, patient and staff implications cost-benefit ratio timeline for implementation 2c. Review action plan with mentor and administration. 2a. Submit annotated bibliography of literature search of at least 15 articles on developing an action plan. 2b. Submit action plan to include: objectives processes to address improvement of HCAHPS scores financial, patient and staff implications cost-benefit ratio timeline for implementation 2c. Document review of action plan with mentor and administration 2a. Completed 2b. Completed 2c. Not completed 2a. Completed Annotated bibliography placed in portfolio. 2b. Completed Action plan placed in portfolio. 2c. Completed Review documented in practicum journal. Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting 3.0 Implement action plan to improve HCAHPS scores 3a. Set up date and time and implement action plan to improve HCAHPS scores with care providers and staff 3b. Have mentor complete written feedback report on implementation of the project. 3a. Document implementation of action plan and personal learning 3b. Submit written feedback report from mentor on implementation of project. 3a. Not completed 3b. Not completed 3a. Completed Documented in practicum journal. 3b. Completed Mentor written feedback placed in portfolio. Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting 4.0 Evaluate overall project. 4a. Develop evaluation tool to administer to hospital staff and care providers on success of the project. 4b. Administer evaluation tool to hospital staff and care providers 4c. Analyze HCAHPS scores data 1 month after implementation of action plan and compare to initial baseline data. 4d. Meet with mentor to review all evaluation results. 4a.Submit copy of evaluation tool administered to hospital staff and care providers on success of the project. 4b. Submit summary of evaluation tool results. 4c. Submit chart comparing HCAHPS scores before and after implementation of the project. 4d. Document meeting with mentor to review evaluation results and overall project 4a. Not completed 4b. Not completed 4c. Not completed 4d. Not completed 4a. Completed Copy of evaluation tool is placed in portfolio. 4b. Completed Summary of evaluation tool results placed in portfolio. 4c. Completed Charts Placed in portfolio. 4d. Completed Meetings documented in practicum journal. Appendix 2                           Goal met   Improving   Met, or better 73.3     Overall Rating Stretch Goal =   77.3   Goal 24-Jan 27-Feb               74.9 3.0 65.1               Goal 24-Jan 27-Feb               78.7 4.0 70.6               75.2 3.0 67.2               78.6 6.0 64.5               82.4 3.0 80.2                                   Nurses/staff will use the language line to facilitate info dissemination amongst non-English speaking patients as evidenced by charting of its use in EPIC in the interpretator use section at least twice a shift. Nurses will explain to the patients/family the name, purpose, expected side effects and frequency of the doses as evidenced by handouts (in preferred reading language) on them at patients' bedside and the patients/family being able to verbalize about one to three of their medications on daily rounds. Nurses will collaborate & formulate with patients their plan of care and other needs each shift & keep them updated on changes as evidenced by patient/family being able to verbalize what their POC is and say that the nurse reviewed it with them on daily rounds. Nurses will explain the use of medical equipment to patients as evidenced by the patient/family being able to verbalize their uses on daily rounds.                     Conduct communication/soft skill classes to all staff Managers will do 1:1 mentoring to staff by shadowing staff and giving timely constructive feedback Managers/Directors will round daily to ask patients about their medication and treatment plans, medication understanding, communications and responsiveness of staff.   Goal 24-Jan 27-Feb               68.8 36.0 54.0               72.2 50.0 57.0               65.3 22.0 40.0                                   Staff is to do hourly rounding, addressing the 3Ps- potty, pain & position as evidenced by charting of outcomes hourly in EPIC. Nurses/staff will respond to alarms/noises within 1min of occurrence as evidenced by patient/family verbalizing it was so during daily rounding All staff will answer call lights within 2 min and start to satisfactorily address the patient needs as evidenced by the HUCs' call bell log results.                     Managers/DON will summarize common problems from rounding/chart reviews and work with leaders and staff group to identify solutions. Managers will do constructive feedback for staff and service recovery for patients/familes in isolated incidences Follow-up with patients that frequently call on a shift to ensure needs are being met during each shift                       Goal % Rank Jan.               79.6 56.2 70.6               80.4 72.3 73.4               89.2 56.3 76.0               79.2 40.0 62.3                                   Nurses will address the patients' pain ratings, interventions follow-up pain assessments on admission, beginning of shift, Q4hrs & after interventions as evidenced by documentation in EPIC Nurses will communicate the pain management plan to the patient as evidenced by writing the dosing times on the white board and the patient/family retelling what it is during daily rounding.                   Managers will do constructive feedback for staff and service recovery for patients/families in isolated incidences During leader rounds, ask patients about their pain relief during the last 24 hours. Leaders or designee to review EMR for proper pain documentation and follow-up. Read More
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