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The impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder on an individual - Research Paper Example

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The impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder on an individual Name: Tutor: Course: College: Date: TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page………………………………………………………………………………….1 Abstract…………………….………………………………………………………………3 Definition…………………………….…………………………………………………….4 Diagnosis of FASDs………………………………….……………………….……………4 Features of FASDs………………………………………………………………………….4 Impact of FASDs………………………………?…
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The impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder on an individual
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They had however never been classified as clinically diagnosable until 1973 and identified as a preventable cause of disability. They was also addressed formally for the first time as disorders stemming from maternal consumption of alcohol. Consequences of prenatal alcohol consumption on the children born were visible but in a society where specific protocol to fight against them had not been established or the study of these disorders. These conditions continue to evolve with the nomenclature as new diagnostic methods demand to improve as well.

Despite being a long lived problem that the organizations try to address, alcohol consumption amongst women of childbearing age and those that are pregnant persists and the risk of FASDs has not reduced (Streissguth, A.P 1997.) Whilst FASDs are a preventable cause of defects and lowered quality of life among the people affected and the society by behavior change and rehabilitation by alcohol consuming mothers. Definition Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASD refer to a group of conditions acquired by people born of mothers who drank alcohol during their pregnancy period and the effects of the alcohol on those in are prevalent afterwards.

These defects acquired from birth are permanent and consist of a number of conditions such as the Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS, partial Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder pFASDs. Alcohol related birth defects ARBD, fetal alcohol defects FAE and alcohol related neurodevelopment disorder ANDD. Diagnosis of FASD. Diagnostic approaches of the FASD are characterized by approaches of the features relating to the kind of defect in question. It involves screening by use of imaging techniques such single photon emission computed tomography SPECT among others of technology to detect developments of FASDs and address them early.

The physical examination where the individual affected is made for structural features associated with FASDs as well as intellectual quotient tests. This is the neurological effects of alcohol in the fetus are active in slowing brain activity Neurological effects relating to alcohol could extend to slow learning from slowed brain activity and could lower the IQ of the affected person to the third quartile. The maternal history of alcohol consumption is relevant to confirm the signs and the intensity of the defects.

During diagnosis follow up is important to ensure consistency in the treatment. Features of FASDs. The features include characteristic abnormalities of the facial structure which could be short palpebral features, a smooth philtrum and thin vermillion border. Other symptoms include abnormalities in growth in both the prenatal and postnatal periods of the child’s development. FASDs are also characterized by defects of the central nervous system CNS which portray in structure or behavior and could be neurological or a combination of them all.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are also evident by retardation in growth where the height of the affected individual and or his weight is not greater than the

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