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Ethical Assessment of Healthcare Case - Essay Example

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The essay "Ethical Assessment of Healthcare Case" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the ethical assessment of healthcare cases. To a great extent s/he believes that in healthcare, organizational decision-making facilitates a platform for a healthcare executive…
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Ethical Assessment of Healthcare Case
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? Ethical Assessment of the Nursing of the Concerned July 13, Ethical Assessment To a great extent I believe that inhealth care, the organizational decision making facilitates a platform to a health care executive to engage in the practical application of ethics. However, there is no denying the fact that in an organizational context, the measure of the ethical affiliations of a person is to a great extent confined to what could be deduced from one’s actions and words. To date there does not exit any standard to gauge the ethical integrity of a person’s heart and mind. Hence, practically speaking the onus to retain ethical integrity in the health care is primarily confined to the ability of an executive to resort to ethical words and actions during the course of one’s duty (Kultgen, 1988, p. 7). Considering that the professional ethical standards contrived by the bodies like ACHE do continue to serve as the standards following which, a health care executive could chalk one’s course. It goes without saying that the Code of Ethics constituted by the ACHE does serve a viable standard as per which the executives could assess one’s ethical credentials (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2012). In my personal capacity I believe that this ACHE Code of Ethics furnishes to me a touch stone going by which I could assess my individual role as a professional, especially more so when my role is directly linked to my identity and capacity as a health care executive. I emphatically hold that the availability of ethical standards do make way for the inculcation of the values like human dignity and human welfare at the health care facilities and do make the health care more equitable, efficient and accessible. The ACHE Code of Ethics do pragmatically enables me as an executive in being true to my commitments to the patients, my colleagues, the organization which I serve, the society and the larger statutory and state guidelines and rules that govern the healthcare in the United States of America. The ethical assessment undertaken by me not only extended to me ample encouragement regarding the ethical spheres regarding which I was upright, but also furnished to me much insights regarding the aspects where I was unaware or perhaps deficient. While being involved with this assessment I do realized that I make it a point to conduct myself professionally while being in consonance with the values like fairness, integrity and honesty (Montefiore & Vines, 1999). I make it a point to assure that all my decisions and actions do tend to be in consonance with the statutory and legal guidelines and norms (Montefiore & Vines, 1999). I do have in place a personal program aimed at a realistic self assessment and a continual up gradation of my proficiency and skills. Besides, I never tend to be biased and unrealistic in my expectations from others. To continue my professional education I am right now pursuing a Masters program for mha/msn. I never tend to exploit my professional relations or position to accrue unwarranted advantages or favors. Yes, I do believe that it is imperative for an executive to divulge one’s financial or other conflicts of interest (Montefiore & Vines, 1999). Though, actually speaking, I had never been in the need to comply by this code, I do believe in its validity and relevance. I make it a point to never to misuse the confidence placed in me by others in a professional capacity. Yes, I do sometimes get a bit misplaced in the context of this ethical code. In a futuristic context, I do believe that it is worthwhile to ask for the advice of someone who is not involved in the situation I face to get a better perspective. It is always my intention to carry myself in a way that bolsters and enhances the dignity and image of my profession. I also realized that I am quite aware of my responsibilities towards the patients. It is always my intention to continually access and gauge the quality and standards of health care services being accorded to the patients through measures like quality of care assessments, tracers and patient surveys (Sherman, 1999, p. 9). During the course of my professional activities I simply do not allow any such considerations to interfere that could be deemed to be prejudicial or discriminatory. I even walk an extra mile to assure that the patients get well informed about the varied rights, responsibilities and risks they are subject to. As per by beliefs, I always do leave it to the patients to decide as to whether they want to avail a particular service or not. However, I do see to it that their decisions are guided by the right and true information and facts (Sherman, 1999). I always try to contrive apt processes for the resolution of the conflicts between the patients, their loved ones and the staff. For instance I do agree that the Jehovah’s Witness should not receive blood. But, I also hold that such patients should be informed about the available alternatives so that they could resort to an informed decision making. I am least tolerant of any abuse of power or any attempt aimed at comprising patients’ privacy or confidentiality. I go by the premise that it is the informed patients who make informed decisions (Sherman, 1999). In my organizational capacity I look to it that the scarce resources are so allocated to extend a safe care to the patient. I do seek the knowledge of my superiors to be cognizant of the aspects aimed at improving the sound business practices. Besides, as per me, it is always important to respect the customs and choices of the patients. When it comes to being truthful in the areas of communication, I do feel that I need to work on it. However, it is my conviction that the interests of the patients stand to be paramount. I always stand accountable for my mistakes and try to learn from them. In a larger societal context, I always do make an effort to create a quality of health care environment that facilitates an ethical conduct (Peterson, 2001). I feel that I can further improve my approach by being a better listener and by not resorting to any impulsive decision making. It is my personal commitment to do work on the lacunas and deficiencies indicated by this ethical assessment. References American College of Healthcare Executives. (2012). ACHE Code of Ethics. Retrieved July 13, 2012, from the ACHE website: Kultgen, John. (1988). Ethics and Professionalism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Montefiore, Alan & Vines, David. (1999). Integrity in the Public and Private Domains. London: Routledge. Peterson, Anna L. (2001). Being Human: Ethics, Environment and our Place in the World. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sherman, V Clayton. (1999). Raising Standards in American Healthcare. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Read More
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