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Vaccination of children. The importance of parents need to vaccinate their children - Research Paper Example

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About 1.7 million children that are not immune die each year from: Diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, tuberculosis and tetanus. Immunization protects children against some of the most dangerous diseases of childhood and without immunization any children die or become disabled…
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Vaccination of children. The importance of parents need to vaccinate their children
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? Vaccination of children Vaccination of children About 7 million children that are not immune die each year from the six child killers: Diphtheria, measles, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, tuberculosis and tetanus. Immunization protects children against some of the most dangerous diseases of childhood and without immunization any children die or become disabled (Howitzer, 2011) “Babies are born with some natural immunity which they get from their mother and through breast-feeding. This gradually wears off as the baby's own immune system starts to develop” (What is immunization and how does it work?, 2011). According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Vaccinations not only protect children from developing a potentially serious disease but also protect the community by reducing the spread of infectious disease” (Prescilla, 2011). Vaccination can help children for the growth of their immunization system. Children during their developmental stages are vulnerable to many diseases. They may not possess adequate resistive power to counter the attacks of diseases during their infancy or early childhood period. Many children forced to suffer death before the introduction of the practice of vaccination of children. Diseases like diphtheria, small pox, measles, polio etc can cause immense problems to the children during their early developmental stages. After the introduction of vaccination for child diseases like polio, small pox, diphtheria, measles etc started to decrease or disappear from the world. In other words, vaccination of children saved millions of lives since its introduction. Today, in most of the countries vaccination of children against dreadful diseases starts immediately after the birth itself. Periodical vaccination against different diseases may continue till the child reaches his/her 15 or 16 years of age. In short, vaccination of children can save millions of lives and therefore the parents should give more attention to the periodical vaccination of their children. This paper analyses the importance of child vaccination. Importance of Child Vaccination Up through the early 1920's, diphtheria was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases in the United States, killing over 10,000 people every year. We started vaccinating children against diphtheria in the 1930's and 40's, and today it is rare for a doctor even to see a case of diphtheria. In 1962, the year before measles vaccine was introduced; almost 500,000 cases of measles were reported in the U.S. In 1998 and 1999, only about 100 measles cases were reported each year. Until the middle of the 20th Century, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases the world has ever known. In 1967, the World Health Organization declared war on smallpox with an intensive, worldwide vaccination campaign. Twelve years later, smallpox was wiped out - gone from the Earth forever. Parents in the 1950's were terrified as polio paralyzed children by the thousands. Now the fight against polio is nearly won, and soon it will join smallpox as nothing but a bad memory (Vaccinations for Children, Why and When, 2011) The above statistics clearly show the importance of vaccination of children. It should be noted that some of the serious diseases which hunted human for a long time, is under control at present, only because of the development of child vaccination system. It is necessary to vaccinate babies using a baby vaccination schedule. This vaccination schedule normally starts immediately after birth itself. Today, medical science has a vaccination schedule for babies and the strict observance of this schedule can help the babies to resist the attack of dreadful diseases. The normal vaccination schedule of a child is given below. AGE VACCINES Birth BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B 6 weeks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV 10 weeks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hib, PCV 14 weeks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV 9 months Measles 1 year Varicella 15 months MMR, PCV Booster 16 months Hib Booster 18 months DTP Booster, OPV+IPV Booster 2 years Typhoid 2 years 1 month Hepatitis A 2 years 7 months Hepatitis A 5 years DTP Booster, OPV Booster, Typhoid 10 years Tdap, HPV (Immunization schedule in India, 2008) In some countries booster doses of vaccines for some particular diseases may continue even up to 16 years of age. Children need support from their parents during their developmental stages. They cannot take decisions about their future since they are too immature to do so. Parents have the moral and legal responsibility to assist or help their children during their growth phases. This responsibility also includes the timely vaccination of their children. It is quite possible that children may develop physical and mental problems as a result of the failure of their parents to give them timely vaccinations against diseases. For example, a person with polio can definitely blame his parents for his physically handicapped state. If the parents took more care during his childhood, he could have avoided his physical defects. In other words, the negligence of his parents costs him his life and he may curse his parents during the entire span of his life. “Disease prevention is the key to public health. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Vaccines prevent disease in the people who receive them and protect those who come into contact with unvaccinated individuals” (How Vaccines Prevent Disease, 2009). It is often said that prevention is better than cure when we talk about human diseases. In other words, it is better to avoid the possibilities of a disease than treating it after its occurrence. Vaccination is one way of avoiding diseases. Children do not possess a well-developed immunization system. Their immunity may become fully functional after their adolescence. It is necessary to help children to acquire immunity through vaccination till their immunity systems become fully functional. In other words, the vision behind child vaccination is helping the child to overcome his most difficult period of life as far as the attack of disease is concerned. The immunity or antibody received from the mother by the new born babies may last only one or two months. After that he may become extremely vulnerable to childhood diseases if the parents failed to give him timely vaccination. Immunizing individual children also helps to protect the health of our community, especially those people who are not immunized. People who are not immunized include those who are too young to be vaccinated (e.g., children less than a year old cannot receive the measles vaccine but can be infected by the measles virus), those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons (e.g., children with leukemia), and those who cannot make an adequate response to vaccination. Also protected, therefore, are people who received a vaccine, but who have not developed immunity. In addition, people who are sick will be less likely to be exposed to disease germs that can be passed around by unvaccinated children. Immunization also slows down or stops disease outbreaks (How Vaccines Prevent Disease, 2009). Many people have the illusion that child vaccination may help only the child who receives vaccination. In fact child vaccination is a community service or a social service. It should be noted that many of the childhood diseases are contagious in nature and it can spread quickly from one child to many other children. In other words, the failure of one child to get proper childhood vaccination may cause problems to other children as well. Thus childhood vaccination becomes a social necessity rather than an individual necessity. For example, polio vaccine is given to all children below five years of age during some specific periods of a year in countries like India. The aim of such a national child health campaign is to eradicate polio completely from the soil of those countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 900,000 measles-related deaths occurred among persons in developing countries in 1999. In populations that are not immune to measles, measles spreads rapidly. If vaccinations were stopped, each year about 2.7 million measles deaths worldwide could be expected (What Would Happen If We Stopped Vaccinations?, 2011) The above statistics clearly show the importance of vaccination in preventing disease epidemic. Some parents in America have the false belief that their children do not need polio vaccine since polio is completely eradicated from American soil. Even though United States succeeded in eradicating some of the most common diseases like polio completely from its soil, it is necessary for the children in America also to get vaccinated against polio. This is because of the fact that polio is still prevailing in countries like Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Niger, Afghanistan, Egypt etc. Since United Sates is targeted as the country of destination for immigrants from these countries, polio virus can reenter United Sates through the immigrant community. Under such circumstances, children in Untied States also should take vaccination or preventive measures against diseases like polio until such diseases completely eradicated from the earth. Some parents assume that even after taking childhood vaccination, some children get affected by diseases and therefore childhood vaccinations are meaningless. It should be noted that no medicine is capable of offering 100% protection against any diseases. The effectiveness of medicine may vary from person to person. I can also vary based on the nature of the disease. However, it is proved that “for measles and polio the success rate of vaccine is 95%. The success rate of vaccine over diphtheria and whooping cough is 84% and 70 to 90% respectively” (Howitzer, 2011). When we consider the success rates and failure rates of childhood vaccines, it is evident that success rates are extremely higher compared to the failure rates. Some parents also think that childhood vaccinations may develop side effects. It is a fact that after certain childhood vaccinations, the child may develop fever, redness, soreness, headache, fatigue, itching, bruise, lump etc for a temporary period. However, such problems may not last long and when we consider the lifelong advantages of childhood vaccinations, such small problems or side effects are negligible. “Like any medication, vaccines can cause side effects. However, a decision not to immunize a child involves risk and could put the child and others at risk of contracting a potentially deadly disease” (Possible Side-effects from Vaccines, 2011). Many of the parents have the belief that childhood vaccination could be the major reason for autism because of the suspected link between autism and thimerosal contained in some of the childhood vaccines. However, experimental studies have proved beyond doubt that such concerns are meaningless or baseless. We now know that there is no link between autism and thimerosal. The cause of autism remains unknown and so, because of this quandary, all kinds of associations have been speculated. Thimerosal, which is essentially a type of mercury—ethylmercury—has been used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1920’s. It has been suspected to be linked to autism, since mercury is toxic at very low levels to nerve cells, including the brain, so we call it a “neurotoxin (The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations, 2008) There are many myths prevailing about vaccinations in general and childhood vaccinations in particular even among some educated people. Such people are of the view that injecting antigen which causes diseases is not a good practice. As we all know, all the vaccines contain antigens that cause diseases. However it is not dangerous as believed by some of the people which is evident from the facts given below. When germs enter the body, the immune system recognizes them as foreign substances (antigens). The immune system then produces the right antibodies to fight the antigens. Vaccines contain weakened or dead versions of the antigens that cause diseases. This means that the antigens cannot produce the signs or symptoms of the disease, but they do stimulate the immune system to create antibodies. These antibodies help protect you if you are exposed to the disease in the future (Childhood Vaccines: What They Are and Why Your Child Needs Them, 2010) The right to live is a basic right for all the human beings. Same way the right to get proper care during childhood is the basic right of a child. Parents who decided to have children, have the moral and legal responsibility of extending proper care to their children. Those who do not possess such willingness should never think of having a child. Child growth and development is not only the responsibility of the parents, but it is the responsibility of the government also. Healthy children are the future assets of a nation whereas diseased children are always a burden not only for the parents, but also for the government or the country. The health of a child decides the health of the country in future. It should be remembered that a substantial portion of the governmental spending goes to the healthcare sector. Individual and governmental healthcare spending can be reduced considerably if the parents show the willingness to give child vaccination at the right time. Conclusions Many of the future diseases could be avoided if parents make an effort to give proper vaccination to their children during their childhood. Millions of people lose their lives worldwide in every year because of the failure of the parents in giving child vaccination at regular intervals or as scheduled by the medical science. Children have the natural right to receive proper care from their parents and the governments and the failure of providing child vaccination is a natural right violation for the children. Child vaccines are intended to improve the immunity of the children against some of the dreadful diseases which haunted the world earlier. There are some myths and concerns prevailing among some of the parents about the effectiveness of child vaccines. Some parents believe that after taking vaccines, the child may develop some side effects and autism like diseases. It is a fact that some minor side effects are associated with child vaccines; however, when we consider the advantages of child vaccines, these side effects are negligible. Moreover, it is scientifically proved that child vaccine may never develop autism like severe diseases. In short, it is the duty of every parent to give child vaccines to their children in order to save future generation from epidemic diseases. References 1. Childhood Vaccines: What They Are and Why Your Child Needs Them (2010). Retrieved from 2. How Vaccines Prevent Disease (2009). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from 3. Howitzer G. (2011). The Importance of Child Vaccinations. Retrieved from 4. Immunization Schedule, Children, (2011). Retrieved from 5. Immunization schedule in India (2008). Retrieved from 6. Possible Side-effects from Vaccines (2011). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from 7. The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations (2008). Retrieved from 8. Vaccinations for Children, Why and When, (2011). Retrieved from 9. What is immunization and how does it work?, (2011). Retrieved from 10. What Would Happen If We Stopped Vaccinations?, (2011). Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Annotated Bibliography 1. Childhood Vaccines: What They Are and Why Your Child Needs Them (2010). This article explains the importance of childhood vaccine. It explains; what is vaccine, safety concerns about child vaccines, side effects of child vaccines, necessity of child vaccines, situations in which child vaccine should be avoided, Different types of child vaccines etc. 2. How Vaccines Prevent Disease (2009). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This article explains how child vaccine prevents diseases, working mechanisms of child vaccines, importance of childhood vaccines, necessity of childhood disease prevention etc. 3. Howitzer G. (2011). The Importance of Child Vaccinations. This article explains the importance of immunization in a child’s life, statistics of children dying every year because of the failure of taking child vaccines, different types of child diseases etc. 4. Prescilla, R.P. (2011) Immunization Schedule, Children. Retrieved from This article is written by Randi Prescilla, holder of an MD degree and it appeared on emedicinehealth portal. It explains Why Vaccinations Are Important and the importance of vaccines such as Hepatitis B Vaccine; Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine; Influenza Vaccine; Polio Vaccine; Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine; Chickenpox Vaccine; neumococcal-7 Vaccine; Hepatitis A Vaccine; Meningococcal Vaccines; Rotavirus Vaccine; Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine etc. 5. Immunization schedule in India (2008). This article specifically explains the child vaccine schedules prevailing in India. It explains different types of diseases and its preventive injections at a particular period of development of children. It also explains vaccines other than the scheduled ones which may be given to the children in some special cases. 6. Possible Side-effects from Vaccines (2011). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This article explains the possible side effects from child vaccines. It says that all the vaccine may have some kind of side effects; however, these side effects are negligible when we compare the benefits of child vaccines. It explains different types of vaccines and its possible side effects. 7. The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations (2008). This article deals with the importance of childhood vaccines. It addresses questions like; With diseases like polio or even measles at their lowest level in history, why is it still important to immunize children against such diseases; Is there a specific reason several injections are given together at some pediatric visits?; Do parents risk their child’s health by having them vaccinated?; What are the concerns with aluminum regarding vaccines? Etc. 8. Vaccinations for Children, Why and When, (2011). This article explains the timing of vaccination, success stories about vaccinations, immunity characteristics, how vaccine works etc. It also answers some specific questions with respect to child vaccinations. 9. What is immunization and how does it work?, (2011). This article answers questions like; What is immunization and how does it work ? What are the side effects of vaccinations? Are there any reasons why my child should not be immunized? How do we know that vaccines are safe? Etc and it also explains the ideal immunization schedule for the infants 10. What Would Happen If We Stopped Vaccinations?, (2011). Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. This article answers the question What Would Happen If We Stopped Vaccinations?. It explains the details of various childhood diseases like, rubella, hepatitis, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough etc. Read More
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