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The History of German Music - Essay Example

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The essay "The History of German Music" portrays some composers' milestones. Wagner who turned out to be the maker of the German music play, Handel - one of the greatest composers of the late Baroque era, Schuetz who has brought the Italian baroque style of music to Germany, etc…
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The History of German Music
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The history of German Music The German music has a rhythmic and rich history leading back to historic idols for example the deaf mastermind Beethoven, Wagner, Mozart, Brahms, Hildegard von Bingen, Bach, Schubert, and possibly even the Piper of Hamelin. The timelessness of their piece of music charms fans even in the modern eras when heavy metal bands and punk rock holds power. The German hit songs since the 1960s recognized as Deutsche Schlager even now find approval with the older age group. Walzer, German polka and Volkslieder or folk composition have not at all lost their charisma and time and again burst out when the atmosphere is appropriate. The 17th century was dominated with the period of renaissance which witnessed well-known musicians like Desprez, whereas the period of Baroque put forth Vivaldi Monteverdi, Handel and Bach. The early 19th and late 18th century witnessed talents such as Mozart Haydn, Schubert, and Beethoven. The subsequent era acknowledged as the Romantic and took pleasure in the music of Brahms, Wagner, Strauss and Bruckner between others. Although the initial past of music in Germany was conquered with the classics, there was an elegance of well-liked music liked by the working group and some other divisions of culture. These conventional and traditional songs and assonances came down from the generations and are only one of its kinds to particular districts. Moving on in the primitive era of the twentieth century the music of German broke further ground and arrived under the weight of British and American music. German groups for example the Alphaville, Dire Straits and Scorpions made their charisma felt in the global setting during the era of 1970s and 80s. Gothic music and heavy metal bands were enormously admired in Germany. Kraftwerk, the electro pop band unquestionably had the interest of the world through their new electronic resonance that stood out comparative to the rest. Hip hop shortly entered the scene of music of German and break dancing turned out to be an admired form of art. Bands for example the Fettes Brot, Die Fantastischen Vier and Advanced Chemistry were tremendously admired. As stated in the book “German music” ‘Migrant groups found a release in hip hop and it came to be identified with their angst. Around the year 2000 there was a rise in gangster rap culture with groups such as Aggro Berlin holding sway.’ According to John Sullivan “German music has indeed come a long way and has established its hold on the world music charts.” The majority of the renowned rhymes, carols and ditties that all of us at the moment take for granted own their foundation in Germany. For instance, Twinkle, twinkle little star was made by no one other than the youthful Mozart. The everlasting notes of the largely admired Silent Night, Christmas carol, were composed by Franz Guber. Ludwig van Beethoven is a well known name contributing to the vast world of music. As stated by the American heritage dictionary “Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. He studied in Vienna under Mozart and Haydn. In Vienna he first made his reputation as a pianist and teacher, and he became famous quickly.” At this point in time he composed several of his generally popular works for instance the Emperor Concerto, Eroica, the Fifth and the Pastoral symphonies, plus his only opera Fidelio.       Beethoven formed a totally innovative style of music, reflecting his sufferings and joys. His work reached its peak in the expansion of tonal music and is considered as one of the central evolutionary growth in the music history. Earlier than his time, composers composed music for religious services, and to amuse people. However people heard the music of Beethoven for its own sake. As a consequence, he prepared music more free of religious or social purposes. Near 1800, he realized that he was gradually becoming deaf. By 1820, he was more or less totally deaf, Beethoven wrote his best works. These comprise the five last sonatas of piano, the Ninth Symphony, the Missa solemnis with its choral climax, and the five last string quartets.  In 1826 Beethoven caught a severe cold, which turned into pneumonia. He passed away on March 26, 1827  George Frederick Handel is another name in the history of music. As stated by the Annie E Kemp “George Frederick Handel - one of the greatest composers of the late Baroque era - was born in Germany but spent 40 years in England, where he directed and composed operas as director of the Academy of Music.”  He was born in Germany where he turned out to be an organist at the age of 17 at the Cathedral. Afterward he operated as a keyboard player and violinist in the orchestra of Hamburg opera. In 1706 he shifted to Italy for four years where he learned opera. There he came to be recognized as a reputed as an operatic composer and keyboard virtuoso.  In 1720 he was an employee at the Kings Theatre, London. He formed more than a few operas affected by his understanding in Italy, but gradually he started to compose oratorios in English. Subsequent to a stroke in 1737, he came in good health, and furthermore composed a number of his most unforgettable work. With the masterpiece of the Messiah oratorio (1742) the whole tradition of baroque reached its end. His massive composition consist over forty operas, approximately twenty cantatas, orchestral oratorios, sacred music and vocal works. “Heinrich Schuetz was born in Germany Schuetz travelled to Italy to study in Venice. After his return he played an important role in bringing the Italian baroque style of music to Germany.” (Susan Caroline). His work of art comprise psalms, church music, passions, motets, first German opera, Dafne , created in Torgau in 1627 and German requiem. Being a German protestant Schuetz added to a great extent to German artistic unity following the 30-year war. “Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig, Germany. For three years he lived in Paris and in 1842 he moved to Dresden where he was appointed Kapellmeister. After the revolution in 1848 he had to flee from Germany, moving to Paris and Zurich. After his return he won the backing of the eccentric King of Bavaria, Ludwig II, who became a fanatical admirer of his work.” (Thomas Brothers) Richard Wagner turned out to be the maker of the German music play, which binds all life actuality and fantasy into one symbiotic combination. He attained this outcome with a new musical skill whereby the most important motives return, often customized by the requirements of the performance, and offered a kind of harmony to the whole work. His most well known creation Ring of the Nibelungen is a four- evening cycle of dramas of music. To complete his goal to give a complete performance of the Ring (Siegfried, Walkure, Gotterdammerung, with Rheingold as opening), he opened the now celebrated theatre at Bayreuth, which was built in 1876. Parsifal, his final opera, was staged in the year 1882, a year previous to his abrupt death in Venice, from a heart attack.  Work cited: Bossy, Michel-Andre, Thomas D. Brothers, and John C. McEnroe. Artists, Writers, and Musicians: An Encyclopedia of People Who Changed the World. Westport, CT: ORYX PRESS, 2001. Print The Riverside Dictionary of Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Print. Willoughby, Susan C. Heinrich Schuetz: Symphoniae Sacrae I, in Lectulo Per Noctes : a Performing Edition. , 1977. Print Handel, George F, Navarro L. A. García, Francesco Macci, Edit Gáncs, Annemarie Topler-Marizy, Emmy Lisken, Erich Wenk, Rolf Ewerhart, Pavol Bagin, George F. Handel, George F. Handel, George F. Handel, George F. Handel, and George F. Handel.George Frederick Handel. St. Laurent, Quebec, Canada: Madacy Music Group, 1993. Sound recording. Read More
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