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Commodification of Rap by White Artists Rap entails a genre of music that can be traced back to its African roots, and was established as an instrument that would be used to illuminate the plight of the black race. Many people especially the black felt that it was a revolutionary item that would be used to shed some light on the matters that affect the black people. But with the evolution of rap and hip hop in general, the whole idea have incorporated individuals from all walks of life regardless of their ethnic background.
Both whites and the black have reserved a place for rap and hip hop. The debate doing the rounds in the society is not about the positive transition in hip hop. People are bothered that it has been transformed to an item that is used to generate money. The rise of white rappers in the likes of Eminem has not happened without hurdles and questions. Such people found discouragement in their early stages as some felt that they were not even a half black to do the rapping. Ideally, rap was a black thing.
What matters in the context is how white rappers have fared in this field of music. Eminem has mastered his art far better than a number of his male counterparts. His lyrical flow, regardless of the content has been found more appealing than that of many rappers. But we should digress and consider the likes of Iggy Azalea who are not American in the first place but have seemingly been well treated in the light of rap awards. Many other rappers in the likes of Azealia Banks feel that Iggy is not in to represent rap or hip hop as she barely understands black issues (Boom).
This takes us back to what would otherwise inspire Iggy Azalea to get involved in rap. Is it about the multicultural nature of the society today? Is it about talent? Wait, we should look at what comes with music industry these days. Celebrities are racking millions of dollars overnight. This element, money, has set the whole industry in motion motivating many individuals to get involved. Organizations are endorsing rappers so as to have financial returns. These are not the days when radio hosts and programmers had no place for rap as they claimed it was fad.
In fact, commercial hubs have reported of increased sales after playing more rap music in their stores. The big issue is that rap has been transformed to a commodity in the market. It is being traded for money and fame. Who is behind this commodification of rap music? Many are pointing fingers to the likes of Iggy Azalea who apparently does not understand music. She is in for the money as rap fans claim. Many have been bothered by lack of her originality as she has assumed an American ascent affiliated with black people.
She lost her Australian ethnicity. What is adding salt to injury is her many nominations and awards especially when many assert that she lacks bond with rap and hip hop. Many feel she and other white rappers have turned rap to a commodity rather than use it as an instrument of illuminating the plight of the minority. Rap was not intended to be just a money minter but a revolutionary tool.REFERENCEBoom, Daniel Van. 'I did not want to win that award': Iggy Azalea reveals she was RELIEVED to be beaten out by Eminem for rap Grammy.
even after his controversial lyrics about her. 5 March 2015. 5 June 2015 .
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