There have been a number of issues that are faced by individuals while taking the decision of entering into college after a certain age. This report aims at understanding the possible reasons why individuals opt to continue with higher education after a certain age and feel the need to complete the education which has been left incomplete for various reasons in the past. The issue that would be discussed in this report is - continuation of education at later stages in life. There are numerous cases where individuals discontinue their education due to reasons like inability to pay for higher education, current good job prospects, and personal reasons.
These reasons however do not mean that individuals would not get back to completing their education. There are a number of reasons when individuals decide to return to complete their education. A few of the reasons are mentioned below: a) Better Job Roles: Certain industries require the employees to have a college degree. There have been numerous talks and emphasis that has been placed on the importance of a college degree. There is an added value to individuals when a college degree has been attained.
Individuals might be good at their job however with the added college degree a sense of accountability is attained and higher educated work force simply means higher tax returns and greater democracy. The effects of education are very high on the type of job that individuals can get. Apart from the fact that individuals get better roles, higher education also affects the society on the whole (Inside Higher ED, 2007). b) Updating knowledge and skills: Some individuals also take up education as a means of keeping themselves updated and helping them increase and improve their skills.
This can be the case for a lot of individuals who are either able to start a business of their own and require to keep themselves updated with the current improvements both technological as well as on the basis of skills. This is one of
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