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Return on Investment : Education Funding - Research Paper Example

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Return on Investment-Education Funding Name: Institutions: Return on Investment-Education Funding Introduction The cognitive process of coming up with the idea of what to pursue in life is very crucial and should be taken with due consideration. The choice that an individual may make has a very great impact in the entire life…
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Return on Investment : Education Funding
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Choice of pursuing business Pursuing a degree in business is not such easy as someone may think. Passion, attitude, desire, purpose quotient and personal motive made me prefer to spending four years in college to pursue a degree in business rather than get involved into what may in return bring poverty in my life. In relation to this, advice and encouragement from my role model had a significant impact on my choice. This is a kind of life investment when we think of the situation of recent job market.

Though the kind of decision that one makes normally influences his future life, that’s why I chose to do what I like most and also I have similar skills in the same field. It was a good inspiration which made me stand strong on the decision. The start of this journey in the college is not that easy since one has to spend more of his time as well as more cash. I knew from the experience I had that, my choice will maximize the returns. Though the undertaking is very expensive I possessed all this skills and I knew I will emerge as victor.

Research from different authors shows that a university degree can bring up to 15 percent returns. The averaged rate of return from investing in a college degree is more than ever, (Michael, 2012). According to a study which was carried out by Georgetown University, it was clear that it matters a lot on what one studies. This is what brings the difference in what you earn in a life time. Therefore the degree which one chooses is very important and this is what I took into consideration as I was making my degree choice.

The period spent to pursue an educational degree involves many expenses. In the modern society, scholarship assistance is offered but this does not mean that no other expenses. This has not been the solution. Studying in colleges and universities is becoming more expensive but more people prefer to study. This is because a degree normally gives a clear picture of an individual and the skills he may be possessing. Since the cost may be too high, some students prefer going for loans which they would pay at a later time.

The total cost of expenses could be summarized as; Tuition Recreational fee Activity fee Transportation Living allowances Medical fee Loan fee Books Miscellaneous fee Total $42,900 $90 $25 $720 $18,000 $2,500 $100 $1,300 $120 $65,755 From the above summary, the loan I apply will have an interest of 10 percent per annual. The interest starts from the day of disbursement Once the period of pursuing the degree is over, the next step will be getting involved in the job market. This is considered as the best moment of reaping the fruits of life.

My first goal will be to ensure that once am in the line of duty, I have raised the cash to ‘pay the outstanding loan with the shortest time possible in order to avoid high interest. According to the research I carried out on one of the U.S bodies which carry out research, it was evident that people who especially those with a health or a business degree earned twice more than the other groups of people. This was quite a good encouragement to most probably who hold the degrees. The figures were incomparable for the $45,692 earners and $27,511 earners.

One group earned twice the earning o0f the other group. Most of the people are business oriented and they therefore end up engaging into part time activities which earn them cash. From the research of those involved in business, they are

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