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Stress Science and Technology - Essay Example

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The paper "Stress Science and Technology" discusses that science and technology have had an enormous impact on reducing the burden of physical work and improving social welfare. Successful contributions have been made possible due to enormous support from socio-political factors…
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Stress Science and Technology
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Investment in Education- Stress Science and Technology Shimpa Bajaj 9th April Countries can be distinguished on the basis of the group they belong to - Developed & Developing countries. The differentiation is basically made on the evaluation of social, cultural and economical variables. The social and economic growth of the developed countries is because of the reason that they pay due attention on growth of education, science, and technology. On the other hand, developing countries are aware of the importance of the above variables but still fail to make long term investment. The basic problems of developing countries are the weak educational and scientific infrastructure, and a lack of appreciation of the importance of science as an essential ingredient of economical and social development. The development of science and technology also plays a vital role in defining the infrastructural growth of a country. Science and Technology growth help to achieve the national goals such as increasing employment opportunities, raising standard of living, reduction in poverty level, improving literacy rate, protecting the environment, strengthening the bargaining powers. Education, research and technology works as instruments for accelerating development and determinant of net income of the country. Thus they should receive special attention in national planning. It is evident that capitalizing on investments in science and technology is a vital for every nation. Country should keep on updating their strategies regarding R&D. The science and educational policies must strive for continual improvement in the institutions, and strategies that contribute to superior research and effective capitalization. Capitalization appears to be quite healthy in the United States, delivering significant benefits to the nation. Funding in scientific research is considered to be long term investment in developed nations like United States. For example funding provided for non-defense basic and applied research in the States, was $7.9 billion in 1985-and more than half of this kind of support is given to the universities Contributions of industry to national expenditures on research and development are about twice this amount.(1) In the universities, they assign highest priority to stimulating and nurturing scientific and technical talent, and to the concomitant training of students. What is emerging from this priority is the close association of education and economical growth. Accelerating the rate of growth and rate of productivity can basically be accomplished by stimulating and supporting scientific education in universities. Capitalization on science and technology is a major national strength, although there is much room for improvement. The United States faces long-term challenges in maintaining and enhancing our ability to capitalize. Following are some steps which can be undertaken - Government should pay close attention on long-term science and engineering research. Evaluations of the importance of capitalization should be done to seek and identify the long-term contributions of research to meeting national goals. Governments should ensure that individuals and institutions continue to contribute to capitalize research process. Universities should expand their contribution by continuously updating their policies which effect capitalization. Universities, cooperating with science and engineering societies, government, and industry, should develop required manpower and encourage student to contribute in research process. Industry, universities, and government must recognize the importance of lifelong learning for the nation's science and engineering human resources. Governments, industries, and universities should continue to experiment with partnerships A good education system is an essential component which defines country's progress. The word education contains educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead". Education means acquiring new skills and knowledge that increase productivity. This increase in productivity helps in proper utilization of resources. Resources further add on to create new technologies, new businesses, and new wealth, eventually resulting in increased economic growth. Education is beneficial for individual level and also benefits the society as a whole. Education should be taught to give students the skills and to survive in it. Education imparts good vocational and physical training. The major benefits of education are: Educated people can easily make more money People respect people with educations more than those who don't Education gives a choice to work in a field that you enjoy Education facilitates Research and development Education determines the rate of economic growth Education helps in all round development of personality Education provides the basis for a skilled workforce. Education also affects the labour market. Experience of workers increases with an increase in their productivity, thus increasing their earnings. Thus, higher levels of productivity reflect higher levels of human capital, which are in turn primarily a result of increased education, which shows that a positive relationship exist between educational attainment and earnings. The amount of education an individual receives not only affects his earnings, but the quality of his employment as well. Educated person has a choice to choose his field in which he wants to work. In the book "Studies in Human Capital", Jacob Mincer stated that Educated workers have three advantages relative to less-educated workers: higher wages, greater employment stability, and greater upward mobility in income. In any nation education is the basic necessity for the socio-economic development of the individuals and the society. Not only individual but society is equally benefited by education. Literacy andeducation have a direct relationship with human development. An increase in literacy rate will enhance the human development. . Research has shown thateducationcan improve agriculture productivity, help in industrial growth, enhance the statusofwomen, reduce population growth rates, enhance environmental protection, and raise the standard ofliving with an increase in earning capacity. Education act instrumentalinfacilitating achievements at individual and national level. A nation with high literacy rate grows in every field whether it is research and development, industry, agriculture. All developed nations while making their strategies lay emphasis on long term investment in Education. Education in the United Statesis mainly provided by thepublic sector, with control and funding coming from three levels:federal, state, andlocal(2). Public education is universally available (3). School curriculum, funding, teaching, and other policies are set through locally electedschool boardswith jurisdiction overschool districtswith many directives from state legislatures. The ages for compulsory education vary by state. It begins from age five to eight and ends from ages fourteen to eighteen.A growing number of states are now requiring compulsory education until the age of 18. Government plays a major role in building the Education system, but there are certain challenges always faced by the government: 1. Improving access and quality of education at all levels. 2. Increasing Funding for higher level of education. 3. Increasing the Literacy rate. 4. Removing secularism from education. 5. Modernization of Education system The American educational system has been known to produce students who are not aware of the world and different cultures because the educational system in its current state does not leave much room for critical thinking. The problem becomes evident if we look at the varied curriculums and subjects that are being taught. There is a lack of emphasis on academic learning, and the only thing that matters is high stakes testing. Other nations are quickly becoming the world's leading providers of higher education. College enrollments may be booming here in the U.S., but China graduates twice as many students with bachelor's degrees and six times as many engineering majors as the U.S. Returns on investment in education are calculated on the basis of human capital theory. Human capital theory defined the concept that investments in education increase future productivity. In the information economy of the 21st century, education will become increasingly important. Investment in education increases labour force productivity and enables individuals to become better citizens. The effectiveness of American education will have an important impact on U.S. economic performance for the foreseeable future. Government need to keep on updating their strategies and make long term investment in education sector. Science and Technology policy constitutes an integral part of a nation's overall industrial policy (4). All developed nations consider scientific innovation as an essential component of any major economic activity. Experience in the USA, Japan and Germany has shown that expenditures on R&D pay for themselves many times over through higher efficiencies, better productivity and improved resource conservation. Moreover, national competitiveness is closely correlated with expenditures on science and innovation. The more innovative firms are, the more they are profitable and the more value-added they create in a nation. Investment in science and technology makes substantial contribution to economic growth in terms of higher rate of National Income & GDP. In the post-war era, the US was left in a position of unchallenged scientific leadership, being one of the few industrial countries not affected by war. As a result, the US government became, for the first time, the largest single supporter of basic and applied scientific research. For the past 80 years, the United States has been integral in fundamental advances in telecommunications and technology. For example, AT&T's Bell Laboratories spearheaded the American technological revolution with a series of inventions including the light emitted diode (LED), thetransistor, the C programming language, and theUNIXcomputer operating system.(5) The United Statesis considered as the most technologically powerful nation in the world. The availability of land and labour, the diversity of climate, the presence of canals, rivers, and coastal waterways, and the abundance of natural resources, fast transport, and the availability of capital all contributed to America's rapid industrialization.(6) Most historians agree that the period in which the greatest economic and technological progress occurred was between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th. During this period the nation was transformed from an agricultural economy to the most powerful industrial country in the world. The government investing heavily in scientific research and technological development helped in making advances inspaceflight, computing, andbiotechnology. Science, technology, and industry contributed to its distinct political institutions, social structure, educational system, and cultural identity. American values of meritocracy, entrepreneurialism, and self-sufficiency are drawn from its legacy of pioneering technical advances. An example of Internet can be taken to have a clear picture. Internet has emerged as a most useful gift of Science and technology. It has worked as a source of new wealth and jobs in the United States. This development is the result of U.S. public and private investments in research. Still experts believe that long-term research activities in the public and private sectors are not that fruitful and would encourage some short term investments in other activities. Technology investmentshould support the long-term policies of a company. The public and private company should also possess sufficient financial resources needed for investment. Sound planning is essential to obtain an adequate return on investment. Inadequate planning could lead to financial loss. Effective investment in technology improves the performance of an organization. It promotes advancement and economic productivity. Investment in technology could create job opportunities for many people. The return on technology investment is determined by: Companies' policies Government policies Operational efficiencies Level of customer satisfaction Governments should be actively involved in technology investment. Governments should announce incentives for private sector to invest in key areas. Government support is essential in the key area of research and development (R&D). New technology enables high economic growth and a better cost of living index, increasing the purchasing power. It helps in simplifies complex activities into simple ones and promotes time saving activities. Old technologies derail industrial growth and thus need updating. Advanced technology facilitates competitive effectiveness. It has a great impact on: Industrial growth Work structure Economic growth Society New technologies only benefit the higher sections of the society. But also benefit the lesser-skilled workers. The workers should be trained in new technologies. Training enables them to gain an expertise, increases in their knowledge and making them more interested in their work. Advanced technologies have made a revolution in various fields. The various fields are: Government Economy Bio-Medical Tourism Cultural Military Journalism Agriculture U.S government have been continuously working for development of science and technology. Listed below are some Steps taken for the advancement in science. The U.S. research institutions, funding agencies, educators, entrepreneurs, investors, and companies, is being pressed to adjust and reinvent themselves. The environment for financing science and technology-based start-up companies is currently quite favourable because of low interest rates and strong U.S. equity markets. Research partnerships and collaborations between academic, industry, and government have proliferated over the past 15 years. These often contribute to more rapid and effective capitalization. The spread of new knowledge, products, and processes derived from scientific and technological progress transforms social structures, modes of behaviour, and attitudes of mind. Science and technology have had an enormous impact on reducing the burden of physical work and improving social welfare. New technology also underpins productivity increases, job creation, and gains in wages. New technology helps in making improvements in existing products and services, manufacturing processes, and overall business performance. In the service sector, growing technology creates new opportunities for business growth. Science & technology matters today more than ever. In this era of neck to neck competition among countries to become superpower, and for developed countries to maintain their status quo- Investment in an educated future, focus on new developments in Science and Technology are the needs of the hour. But generally most of the governments ignore the fact that the lack of focus or complimentary inputs to the overall educational strategy can be a major drawback in establishing a deliberate and consistent development path. Often decision makers as well as general public overlook the fact that a proper development growth resulting in various benefits to all aspects of society can be achieved only in a supportive socio-political environment which realises the amount of gains an economy can have with right focus on Science and technology policies. As a recent report of the International Council for Science Policy Studies has emphasized: Technological change and innovation cannot have their socially beneficial effects if the cultural and political contexts are not prepared to absorb and incorporate them. Science and technology have had an enormous impact on reducing the burden of physical work and improving social welfare. Successful contributions have been made possible due to enormous support from socio political factors. (7) After going through the benefits of education of science and technology, we can conclude that every nation should make long term investment in R & D and also encourage private entrepreneurs and agencies to contribute equally. Development of science and technology is vital for nation economical, social and cultural growth. Works cited- 1) Role of Education, Science and Technology in Developing Countries. A. Bilsel and . Oral Eastern Mediterranean University Gazimagusa, North Cyprus (via Mersin 10, Turkey) 2) 3) 4) Barber and White, 1987 5) 6) 7) The uncertain quest: science, technology, and development Jean-Jacques Salomon, Francisco R. Sagasti, and Cline Sachs-Jeantet United Nations University Press TOKYO - NEW YORK - PARIS Read More
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