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Celebrate Whats Right with the World al Affiliation Celebrate Whats Right with the World Different forces within the environment drive a person. The direction within which a person moves to is determined by their goals and other factors. In most cases the driving forces is self belief and the ability to connect positively to the environment. Failures within the personal spaces will affect once goals. The effort inserted at the individual level will determine the levels of success. The essay will focus on "Celebrate Whats Right with the World" by DeWitt Jones.
The video determines the possibilities within the personal spaces and how effective a person maybe in overcoming different challenges. The health field bases on different factors the ability to overcome challenges depends on the models choices by a particular party. A person is best defined by the manner in which he or she overcomes social and other environmental challenges.The challenges within the environments are what shape a person’s mind. Jones (2001) creates a new concept and encourages each individual to describe their environment based on positivity and ignoring the negative attributes.
The positive energy defined by the author is essential in everyday’s life. The world needs positive minds to enhance activities within the cultural spaces. Ignoring the negatives implies that allowing a person’s mind to generate solution based on available options. Public health is a major proponent in a given society. The positive energy within the spaces can be used to point out opportunities and highlights models to be applied while assisting those affected by a given misfortune. Illnesses require positive energy.
The positive energy is accompanied by diversity on the mind set. A person needs to take diversity as tool to appreciate other cultures and identify the significance of different people within the environment (Jones, 2001). Diversity allows a person to seek advice in case of a complex situation. The social spaces are developed to give room for different ideas. Diversity allows those with negative thoughts to shift their philosophies and allow the society to unite against a given occurrence. In my case, I believe in a diverse mind.
The ability to mentor others and offer health services are based on a diverse approach. Working with a community that allows the minority and the marginalized groups to have equal say is what I believe. Healthcare provisions bases on two components. These components are determined either by the health providers or by the healthcare beneficiaries. The beneficiary needs a positive thinking while the providers require a diverse culture that will determine efficient health services. In conclusion, the video highlight different components that could be enjoin in the healthcare sector and guarantee effectiveness.
The social and cultural spaces are key components. The positive interaction with this environment will ensure effective provision of services. The positive minds ignores the demerits within a given sector and allow a person to work based on his or her ability. Supportive environments will fast track individual efforts. In this case, diversity is an important element. Diversity allows a person to seek advice and allow second opinions within the health sector, positive thinking promotes personal health and diversity increases the quality of healthcare provision.
ReferenceJones, D. (2001).Celebrate Whats Right with the World. [DVD]United States of America: Star Thrower Distribution
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