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What Does Coaching Mean - Term Paper Example

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"Coaching Philosophies and Objectives" paper discusses that the coaching philosophy will guide one on how to behave as a coach and interact with their athlete, footballers among other examples. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and wants to be in the future. …
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What Does Coaching Mean
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COACHING Affiliation Table of Contents Content Page Introduction…………………………………………………………… 3 Coaching Philosophies………………………………………………… 3 Coaching Objectives…………………………………………………... 5 Coaching Styles………………………………………………………. 7 Communication Skills……………………………………………….. 9 Motivational Skills………………………………………………….. 10 Conclusion………………………………………………………….. 11 Bibliography………………………………………………………... 12 Coaching Introduction Coaching is the process that involves a one-to-one relationship between an individual (one being coached) and the coach. Coaching is usually done via telephone, face to face, with specific objectives and goals aiming at developing potential, improving a relationship and even enhancing performance. At times, coaching helps breaking the barriers to help achieve greater levels of performance of the team. This process of self –leadership helps individuals in the society to gain clarity about what they are undertaking, who they are, and where they want to go as far as ambitions are concerned. In simple terms, coaching is training or development that involves an individual (coach) supporting the learner (trainee) in achieving professional objectives. There many types of coaching like business, sports, and philosophy to other. A coaching philosophy is what one values and how he will approach his coaching roles. Coaching philosophy covers ones purpose as a coach and how he will approach player development and winning. Ones coaching philosophy is composed of the primary objectives and at times beliefs and the principles that one adhere to achieve his goals (Program, 2010, p. 45). Coaching philosophies One’s coaching philosophy will guide him on how to behave as a coach and how to interact with his or her athlete, footballers among other examples. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and who one wants to be in future. In many occasions, it is based on one’s experience, knowledge, opinions, and beliefs. All excellent philosophies irrespective of their length describe and explain the purpose of coaching, the views, and the principle that the coach will use to achieve his goal. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 130) Some of the elements of the coaching philosophies are discussed below. Motivation vs. Inspiration: Inspiration is the shortest- lived character or behavior. In many occasions when a challenge requires a force and application over time, inspiration may help to start us off, but motivation provides the perseverance required. (Barbour, 2011, p. 335) On the other hand, motivation is based on the intrinsic need of people, for example, how vital is the outcome for the performer. As far as the footballer has made up his mind as to the desirability of this result for him then his coach can help him to achieve his goal. When a footballers or athletes depend on the coach for his so called motivation, then the coach will be in trouble. It is because coaches need highly motivated players to work within the field. Plan, prepare and perform: For all aspects of football planning is the key ingredients for good performance of footballers. It is advisable to use planning, preparation and performance in the ratio of 3:2:1. That is taking 3 hours to plan, 2 hours to prepare and 1 hour to perform. Fitness, skill and game sense: Whenever it is possible the coach should try to reproduce the ‘game type ‘preparation. Tactics and competencies of the game at times need to be given much weight for better performance. But the most importance aspect is we need not do is ‘mindless drill and decide our target game sense activity. Footballers should spend most time in situations that are pressured in terms of time and space. (Program, 2010, p. 67) .This will help them to win possession, make good and fast decisions and execute efficient disposal. Leadership: This is the most vital component in terms of the coach effective performance. The belief that most people have that we need to use the same style of leadership with all persons, in all places should not be the case. One need to come with his style or approach depending on the maturity of individuals he is coaching. Young athletes with no experience need some real direction and control. But when the player grows, become educated, experienced, confident, they need to be far more involved in the coach-player relationship. A well performing team is always having a high leadership group, who wants to take ownership of the dynamics of the process which in place at that instant moment (Association A. F., 2012, p. 320). Honesty is the best policy: Honesty between players and the coach builds trust in the team. Sometimes, it becomes harder to pass information to the athletes if the information will not be pleasant to them. But the truth is that while the reality may hurt, people of quality will deal with it perfectly well. Lifestyle balance: Both the player and the coach need to plan and commit themselves to the principles. Unless both can have blockading tactics and techniques, and then football can become a very, all-consuming and often a deliberating experience. This means having a small but very sincere commitment to developing someone beyond football. (Passig, 2014, p. 42) My reflection When a coach training, his players are it, footballers or athletes, he must understand his players in terms of age. If the players are young people, he needs to guide them efficiently to make them become good players who are very discipline in and who follow the rule of the game. Coaches should also have a greater interest and love with his players; this will make the players like and enjoy the game. Coaches should make the footballers spend most time in situations that are pressured in terms of time and space. The training helps the players to win possession, make good and fast decisions and execute efficient disposal and makes them be good players in the field were quick and good decision-making is highly required. Coaching Objectives Coaching is done with some aims and objectives, objectives and the working cultures in which one operates. These objectives are the aims for doing the coaching ,what the coach or trainer and the trainee wants to attain after a stipulated time frame they set that is the time after the coaching period or after sometimes within the coaching period. (Burgt, 2009, p. 240) Small steps in understanding the concepts during coaching enable one to gain significant steps towards achieving ones goal. Creating opportunity: Defining your priorities and identifying options: Here the coach and players needs to set his priorities and identify as well their options. Coach and his players must prioritize on what they want. In a case where a team is playing more than one match, for the better results the coach should prioritize on the cups and trophies on the games they are playing, and decide to work more hard to some particular ones. These tactics are achieved through putting down the priority of the team. The coach and the players can decide on how to play and help build the team. The coach and players identify options on one another on how to run the club. Evaluating obstacles: This is a primary objective that will make any group or to prosper in whatever they are undertaking. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 278)For example in football, the coach must overlook at the obstacles that his team may face and deal with them before the problem strikes them. In football, some of the obstacles may include lack of uniform and boots, lack of finance to aid in their transportation. Coach and the shareholders should oversee all these barriers and come with the appropriate solutions. Developing strategies that convert ideas into reality: Through coaching an individual who had a talent and had not yet realized of his talent can be trained. The person is then able to build on his talent and become a great player, for example in football, volleyball, athlete, basketball among others. In business when one has some good business ideas, after training he can become a good businessman. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 300). Promoting Growth: Overcoming some challenges to become who you want to be in life: Through training one can overcome forces of inertia and some challenges that may deter him from achieving what he intends to be in his life. If we take an example of a footballer, after training for some duration of time he will get some pieces of advices from the coach and from the teammates and hence realizes his dream of becoming a good footballer. Increasing self-awareness: During training, the trainee will get the knowledge of what he expects in his life and his field of profession. This will make the trainee achieve his dreams and ambitions. The trainee will acquire knowledge of the game and rules of the camp we take an example of the football or athlete (Passig, 2014, p. 82). Enhancing Resilience: Having confidence to influence and create change: Through training one can gain confidence in whatever he is undertaking, after training a footballer until he becomes perfect he will definitely have confidence when he is in the field, and this will significantly bring positive in the team by getting a positive results. Coping through adaptation and understanding: A footballer will get adapted to the rules and tactics of the match which he observed from either the coach or his fellow footballers. After some time of coaching, the player will have a good understanding of the competition and rules of the game hence become an excellent footballer. My reflection Coaching has paramount objectives that make us become great people in life. Coaching makes us realize our potentials and help us to identify our talent through training. Through coaching, one can overcome some obstacles he may face in life as he builds on his talent. One is also able to convert ideas into reality during the process of coaching (Program, 2010, p. 120). Through coaching, one can prioritize on which is important to him and achieves it fast and the rest later. Coaching styles Coaching styles are the methods that are used by coaches to administer and give directives to trainees. These are the style that coaches use to their trainees. Training and coaching differs in different levels. There are wrong, and right coaches depend on the techniques used by coaches to administer their methods of their operations. The styles that a coach may use are Autocratic coaching, business-like and Democratic coaching are illustration below. Autocratic coaching: This style of coaching is known as ‘do as I say’. This is where the coach makes all decision without any consultation with his players for example footballers or athletes. This design helps the students or followers understand but cannot do the thinking for them. Since one person is making the decision that is the coach, players may rebel against the coach and fail to follow the coach demands. The followers are also not told the reason for the instructions given. (Program, 2010, p. 63) External motivation is enhanced and it may bring inferiority complex to many players. Players who need more direction will typically do well with this style of coaching. Even though, this technique may help to develop discipline in the game, this type of method will not necessarily help their understanding of the sport. Many educated people favor this type as it helps them squeeze the most from them and challenges their thinking capacities. Democratic coaching: This style of coaching, the coach involves players in the decision-making process. The positive part of this form of leadership is that the feedback of the players is listened to and there is feedback to both parties. The players will try very hard to achieve goals and aims of the team set aside by the team. The players will also show maximum respect and will be more willing to instruction because they are aware that the coach is truly interested in their opinions. This style needs more skills and balance by the coach to know how much decision-making is required of the players. It is because not all players see the team perspective but rather have their individual perspective. This style ensures that there is freedom of speech and it builds the self-esteem of the players and the coach. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 50) Casual coaching: In this type of coaching style, the coach will leave the players to run the program of their own. This method is also known as laissez-faire. The traditional style of coaching mostly used by inexperienced coaches. The players will advise one another and give one another pieces of advice and some skill on how to play and train. Players typically enjoy this style of coaching the most because they are the decision-makers in the team. The problem with this style is that it breeds complacency and unprofessionalism. With respect to the goal, this type of coaching which sets process aims rather than specific outcomes results. This style is very bad for young players who do not understand it. Selection of Coaching Methodology Casual coaching may prove to work best for trainees who already have a bit of the knowledge of what is expected of them. These players will share out among themselves their experiences and skills. A trainee may find it easier to learn from a fellow trainee because the relationship between the two is very informal hence they are free to share on whatever issues. Autocratic coaching should only be used for junior trainees who do not have any information, knowledge and understanding of all that is expected from them. Such trainees will purely depend on the directives issued by the coach hence care must be taken to ensure the most accurate and intended instructions are issued. Suppose the coach would like to build the relationship between him and the players, it would be more prudent for him to deploy democratic coaching. With democratic coaching, the player fully feel involved in the training process and think of the decisions made on their own. Most preferably this would be successful for the senior trainees whose ideas they feel should also be part and parcel of the decision-making crew. My reflection These three methods of coaching are either good or bad depending on where and which people (age and stage) they are applied to. One can say that autocratic coaching is bad. But depending on the society it has been used to will help answer the question if it is bad or good. For example in young players autocratic is the best coaching style to use because young people still lack experience hence they need to be guided by whatever they do (Barbour, 2011, p. 350). Also, if we take an example of a mature athlete casual style will be the best for him because he is used making the complicated decision for himself. An experienced coach decides the different style of coaching sometimes there is need to use casual coaching rather than autocratic. This mostly depends on the season and the situation. Morale boosting does not need autocratic. Communication skills Communication skills are skills that are applied to the act of successfully sharing the meaningful information and ideas with people by means of an interchange of experience. Below are some of the communication skills that a coach may use to train his trainee (Hofstetter, 2013, p. 320). Listening: When a coach is giving the instructions to his players they must pay attention and get everything that the coach is saying. Through active listening, the player will get everything the coach is saying. A player is an excellent listener who gets and follows the instructions of the coach. Friendliness: Through a friendly tone, personal, question and a simple smile will encourage the coworker to continue talking to you about open and honest communication. This is important in face-to-face as the coach is talking to his trainee, the trainee will like the conversation and hence taking the instructions. Confidence: It is paramount for one to be confident in all of his interactions with others. The Trust will ensure your coworker that you believe, and you will follow whatever he is saying to you. If a player is very confident when talking to his coach, his coach will be more confident that he is going to follow the instruction his coach is giving him. (Program, 2010, p. 78) Motivational skills Motivation skills are those that helps one to become motivated to work towards achieving goals, whatever they might be. A business coach may help a person learn tips and techniques that make it easier to become motivated and with the same spirit. Some of the motivation skills are discussed below: Rewards: Giving out rewards for a good work is also a greater way to make both employees in the business and players to work very hard. For those were rewarded will work very hard to get the reward again and again. Goals: Setting of the goals and the objectives that the team is willing to achieve within a given timeframe motivates the players to work harder. Every member of the team would direct all his efforts towards the realization of the set goals. Recognition: A player would be highly motivated if his exemplary performance and skills are recognized. Recognition of such skills can be asking the other players to strive and perform as the player is doing. The skills can also be recognized by giving the player time to train and share his skills with fellow players. Strengths: When the players are given the opportunity to identify their strengths, the find it was motivating. Every player will work harder to build on his strengths and make it more outstanding than the strengths of the other players. In this way, each works to outdo the other hence sky remains the limit of their performance. My reflection Coaches to profoundly improve their performance there should use good communication skills like good listening, be friendly and be confident while a coach is communicating to his trainees. Coaches must also use motivation skills like rewarding their good players and recognize them. Each of the trainees tends to stretch beyond his limits to reach the set goals and targets when there are rewards that come with making achievements of such goals. Rewards and motivation make the trainees feel that his efforts are worthwhile and necessary for the team. Conclusion In summary, the coaching philosophy will guide one on how to behave as a coach and how to interact with his or her athlete, footballers among other examples. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and who one wants to be in future. In coaching philosophies, there are some objectives that must be attained. There some coaching techniques that coaches use to train their trainees discussed above these are; casual, democratic and autocratic. My overall reflection is that coaches should have a good interpersonal relationship with this trainee, be interested in them for higher and performance the team. Coaches should also apply good communication skills as being confident and have a friendly relationship with him and the players. Coaches should also use an appropriate coaching style to his players. Coaching creates awareness among us. Bibliography Association, A. F. (2012). Soccer Coaching Bible. New York: Human Kinetics. Association, U. S. (2004). Coaching Tennis Successfully. New York: Human Kinetics. Barbour, J. D. (2011). Exploring Coaching Philosophies and Coaching Strategies Within Collegiate Livestock Judging Programs. Clayton: University of Kentuck. Burgt, T. v. (2009). Unternehmer Coaching. Amsterdam: epubli. Hofstetter, A. B. (2013). Softball Coaching Bible, The Volume 2. New York: Human Kinetics. Passig, N. (2014). Winning Basketball: Coachs Survival Manual. New York: Rio World Class. Pribil, R. (1958). A survey of the coaching philosophies and practices of intercollegiate debate coaches in the United States. New Jersey: University of Wisconsin--Madison. A program, A. S. (2010). Baseball Technical Skills. California: Human Kinetics. Read More
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