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HealthCare Delivery Systems Introduction The health care delivery system is a structure that defines the organization of people, facilities and the necessary resources that are critical in ensuring that the healthcare needs of the people are met as appropriate. Meeting the healthcare needs of the people is the most intrinsic factor inherent in any system or organization. The structural organization of an organization is the most important in the sense that it provides a basis for providing the necessary services to the people as appropriate.
It is important to note that the healthcare delivery systems are unique and varied in every setting (Brown, 2000). Case in point is that the organization of personnel and the institutional set up have various arrangements based on how services are delivered. There are a number of factors that are supposed to be considered in a delivery system. Case in point is that the heath systems should be based on the interrelations between the various components. The personnel and the clients must have a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding only to the extent to which health care services are provided.
The essence of providing services to the people is to ensure that the needs and expectations of the people are met as appropriate (Kongstvedt, 2013). Healthcare delivery systems, medical practitioners have a sole responsibility of ensuring that the people receive the services that are commensurate with their needs. Health systems are defined by the functions and the services provided. Medical and public health have a distinction in the services provided. Funding of health care systems is of fundamental importance in the sense that without resources, it is not possible to effect delivery of services.
There are five levels in which financial resources can be explained in so far as health care services are concerned (Pol & Thomas, 2002). Healthcare, social and taxations are the key areas through which the institutions are funded. Donations and private contributions are other sources of funding health care systems. Funding of health care systems is essential in the sense that it provides a basis for meeting the expenses of the institution and delivery of services. Individuals, who seek services from health care systems are bound by the rules and regulations to part with a certain amount for the services offered.
Individuals pay for services based on the central negotiations or as set by the medical practitioners (Wolper, 2011). To this end, it is important to note that the financial muscle of an organization determines the quality, efficiency and positive response in service delivery.Conclusion Delivery health systems refer to the organization of people, institutions and facilities in meeting the healthcare demands and expectations of the people. Healthcare delivery systems work appropriately if the functions of each entity are either in public or medical services are properly established.
Financing of health care delivery service is of the essence in the sense that the resources help in providing the necessary services as appropriate. Financial aid can be drawn from different sources, including donations, charity and from insurance institutions. Healthcare systems have a major objective of providing health care to the people based on needs and expectations. ReferencesBrown, M. (2000). Integrated health care delivery: Theory, practice, evaluation, and prognosis. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers.
Kongstvedt, P. R. (2013). Essentials of managed health care. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.Pol, L. G., & Thomas, R. K. (2002). The demography of health and health care. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Wolper, L. F. (2011). Health care administration: Managing organized delivery systems. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
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