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Reflections on Memorable College Experience - Essay Example

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The essay "Reflections on Memorable College Experience" critically analyzes the author's reflections on his/her memorable college experience. S/he can vividly remember their first day in college as if happened yesterday. S/he started their degree that s/he could not wait for reporting day…
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Reflections on Memorable College Experience
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Memorable college experience I can vividly remember my first day in college as if happened yesterday. I was so eager to start my degree that I could not wait for reporting day. I had worked hard in high school to ensure that I met the required entry points and it was therefore a great relieve to me when finally, the admission letter came. Everyone in my family was overjoyed and even arranged for a special send off party which had my high school friends, our neighbours and relatives. After so many oratories on how I should conduct myself in college, I was finally released to go and “build my life” as many put it. It has been a year now and having just completed my first year at college, I can say with a lot of confidence that my college experience has been awesome. Not only have I made several friends, but also have had a taste of what freedom is, besides learning the consequences of procrastinating. Though it was hard at first I have been able to adapt to the college food, burnt the midnight oil for several nights as well as spent numerous hours on heated, albeit meaningful debates. I have had several experiences during my short stay here, but there is one that really has not only changed me, but has also shaped and strengthened my character. One of the greatest things in college is the amount of freedom every individual has. There are no rules in college, no one to wake you up or tell you what you can or cannot do (provided you are not disturbing anyone’s peace or breaking the set rules).There is also no one to push you to attend your classes and it is up to you to go and register your courses by yourself, know where the lecture will be held as well as what time it is going to take place. This therefore means that an individual has the power of choosing what is right or even bad for them. An individual therefore can decide on what s/he can partake as far as their lives are concerned. This freedom however has come with its own attendant therapies and has caused the ruin of many a young people. During my short stay I managed to make a few friends as well as break away from bad influences. I observed how my classmates used to behave and just wondered whether they had come for a holiday camp or to study. One of my first experiences in college is the fact that it is so different from high school. I noticed that some commute from home to the campus and this really impressed me, I being a foreign student from China, studying in Boston, USA. However, there were lots of other freshmen who had left their homes far away and had come to college for their studies. Without any doubt, this was a dramatic experience for most of us away from home. Unlike high school, I also noticed that the workload in college is far much than that of high school. The workload has been heavier, as well as more intense, demanding than I have ever experienced before in my entire life. I have therefore been faced with a lot of challenges due to the huge volume of workload that comprises of reading, short deadlines from lecturers, and the large amount of time spent in writing, writing and writing. This has resulted in my being at times frustrated, lonely and makes me miss my family and friends back in China. My being away from the comforts of my home and friendships, especially people that I am close and used to, have led me to experiencing some seemingly long lonely nights which keeps me longing for the good old days. However I have utilised such nights in writing as well as studying and this. I learnt a lot of lessons from this experience. First and foremost is the fact that one’s social life is what s/he makes of it. College is one of the best places where one can meet, make friends and establish life time connections. However, one should be careful the kinds of friends s/he engages with because various people come from different backgrounds which may either have a positive or negative impact on one’s life. This therefore means you have your social life at the palm of your hands and it is up to you to decide what to do with it. You should also have your own motivations, rules as well as goals in life so that nobody will alienate you from what you love. A person should be on his /her own guard so that you may not be swayed in bad company which may lead you astray. The second most important lesson that I have learnt is the fact that time management is very important. Basically, everyone has got 24 hours every day at their disposal. What one does with this time is what makes or breaks us. There are those people who spend most of their time socialising whereas others spend their time in pretence that they are working. There are those students who also spend their time discussing and thinking of new ideas, whereas others love to just sit and drink. It is therefore very important to learn how to balance one’s work, friends and family. These are three very important things that one should carefully assign time to for a healthy and meaningful lifestyle. Inspite of its significance, several people are terrible time managers. Instead of seeing time as a resource, and using it for actions that will yield long term results, many people waste it away doing useless things that will not matter the next day in their lives. Honestly, I have been no good in this area, but regardless of my many struggles, I have managed to see significant improvement in managing my college life effectively. I have for instance never missed a lecture, or failed to turn in my assignments at the right time. Time management has never been easy, simply because, there has always been an abundance of disruptions to keep one off track, but learning to effectively make use of one’s time finally pays up well one day down the road of life. One of the secrets that I have discovered of effective time management is being focused on whatever one is doing. Thus when it is time for classes, attend classes, when it is time for play and partying, then play and party as if there is no tomorrow. A student and any individual for that matter should not waste time going back and forth between various activities. Instead, one should indulge fully in whatever activity, s/he is doing, though granted, this is not always the case or easiest thing to do, but at the end of the day, it will assist one to be in charge of their time. Another important lesson I have been able to learn is that one can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of college life till you have no time for yourself. It is therefore very important that a person should create some time for oneself. Find your, “me moment” and make it ideal time for yourself alone. That time can be used in various ways such as reading, writing or just meditating. In college this may be difficult, but still one can find time off the busy schedules given. A lot of people never have time for breathing, since they are constantly busy. Having some time alone can assist one not only to rejuvenate but also come up with unique ideas on how to change his/her life. I have learnt for instance to take some time off for meditating since it helps in relaxing as well as calming my nerves. Secondly, I do think a lot when alone and contemplate on several issues that could have clogged my mind. In addition, I exercise during my free time by either walking or running, a wonderful moment that keeps me alert and healthy. Overall, campus is a beautiful place to not only study, make friends, socialise, exchange ideas, establish connections but also to make mistakes and learn from them. In my short stay, I have grown and capitalized on available opportunities. I cannot wait to visit people at home and recite to them my experiences in this foreign land famous for its vast opportunities. Works cited Dianna, Blerkom. Orientation to College Learning. New York: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Read More
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