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The Reasons for Professional Teaching - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Reasons for Professional Teaching" will look at the micro-teach which was carried out as a compulsory part of the APST training in January 2017. It will discuss the author's teaching session in relation to the ‘core knowledge’ of the Professional Standards Framework…
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EPortfolio Student Name Institution of Affiliation Introduction The session will look on the micro teach which was carried out as a compulsory part of the APST training in January 2017. It will discuss my teaching session in relation to the ‘core knowledge’ of the Professional Standards Framework. It will analyze the reasons for professional teaching and look at the benefits of creating teaching to both students and teachers. Furthermore, the paper will reflect on the appropriate use of teaching and learning methods in my specific subject specialism and discuss how I prepared and delivered the lesson to the appropriate academic level and ensure that learning took place and was effective. The paper will also consider how my experience within my subject specialism informed my teaching. Standard 1 Know learners and how they learn 1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning. 1.2 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning. Situation According to Tummons, 2007, reflective practice is a “state of mind, a permanent kind of behaviour”. Moon (2004) adds that we reflect on something to be able to consider it in more detail. Dewey, 1933, describes reflection a ‘the kind of thinking that consists of turning a subject over in the mind and giving it serious thought’. Hopefully, this reflective blog, will help me gain a clearer insight into my own professional practice, enable me to adjust my methods of teaching and learning accordingly and allow me to create an improved teaching environment suited to the appropriate level (Artifact 2). Furthermore, ensure my teaching is able to reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Biggs and Tang, 2007) Task I was asked to prepare a seven-minute presentation related to our specific discipline that was to be pitched to an intelligent lay person. Before undertaking any teaching practice, it is crucial to have a firm understanding of student’s prior knowledge, this can then be used to plan what to teach and develop the learning outcomes. Harper, 2013, stresses that getting the lesson outcomes right, at the planning stage is critical. She continues to say that if too vague or general, it is difficult to measure the extent to which they have been met. According to HEA, 2012, evidence should relate to an understanding of the lesson outcomes and show how they link to the subject material, which is then subsequently used to inform both the design and planning of the learning activities (Artifact 1). This relates directly to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Action I chose a subject and method of teaching that I hoped would be motivating and informative, encourage collaborative learning and would impart previously unknown knowledge about my subject. Biggs and Tang, 2007, states that motivation which can arise from an intrinsic interest in the topic is a fundamental for the learning experience. As I have been working within the Early Years Sector for 11 years, I feel I have gained an extensive subject knowledge, kept current through ongoing research. This allows me to use my subject knowledge to inform my teaching. I chose a subject and teaching method that would be fun, memorable and encourage collaborative and participatory working and in accordance with Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Results There are many advantages of learning in groups, which according to Wallace, 2011 claims it to be an excellent way to encourage students to take responsibility for and actively engage in their own learning. This approach to learning is one that I base my teaching around and one that encompasses a learner-centered focus. Fry, Ketterridge, & Marshall, 2015 believe that the influence of constructivism on teaching ensures that learning is an active process that brings about individual transformation and promotes a deeper level of understanding for the students. In summary, I chose to use Schön’s, 2002, reflection on action technique to help me evaluate this session. To ensure I fully meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers dimension, I need to ensure my teaching is aimed at a higher academic level in the future and intend to learn from both the session and feedback given on the day. Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it 2.2 Content selection and organization Organize content into an effective learning and teaching sequence. 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians Support colleagues with providing opportunities for students to develop understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages. Lead processes to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching programs using research and workplace knowledge about how students learn. Situation Under this part I will discuss on how one of my group members undertakes his teaching and the methods that he uses in ensuring that he delivers the results as expected. Various methods and techniques that have been outlined in UKPSF are commonly used in ensuring that students undertaking Higher Education learning get exactly what they are being thought (Artifact 2). The friend regards highly this techniques that he feels in the event that he cannot use them he will not deliver to the students perfectly as expected. Task I sought to understand what other aspects that he has brought on board in ensuring that all his works are done according to the expected standards. Action From the benchmark I was able to establish that motivational and creative teaching is one of the areas that make students to get what they are undertaking in a bid to make sure that students get what they are being taught. This approach to learning is the best in teaching around and one that encompasses a learner-centered focus. The influence of constructivism on teaching ensures that learning is an active process that brings about individual transformation and promotes a deeper level of understanding for the students (Fry, Ketterridge, Marshall, 2015). The process of support and learning in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers has been attributed to its recognition and benchmarking that takes place in its learning and teaching opportunities that takes place in Higher Education acquisition process (Higher Education Academy (HEA), 2012). The process of acquiring recognition that can be achieved via the accreditation by the HEA can be undertaken directly or through a process that is somehow in-house institutional scheme. The scheme provides through which national professional commitment are recognized and monitored on how learning and teaching in the Higher Education sector has demonstrated on the alignment that is in line with APST (Artifact 3). There is a submission of a portfolio that is provided at each of the four levels of descriptors that is to ensure that all details are entered and described in the process. In the details there are various areas that entail the activities that contain knowledge that is core and those values that are core while being supported by the evidence which at the end may result being given an award which is a status of Associate, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow that are within the academy. In a broader sense, these levels can reflect one’s experience and seniority. However, those values that are related to those that are described, are all necessary and required in the process of ensuring that they enhance the learning experiences that is associated to students which in return will see the improvement of the level of quality that is experienced in the learning and teaching support process. Results The focus and collation that acts as the evidence for the continued professional development and also the enhancement of professional practice for teaching and the support of learning in the Higher Education by practice is a challenging and rewarding process. Evidence-based reflective practice is one of the valuable tools that is encouraged in development and self-evaluation when making submission of the portfolio. While trying to achieve the UKPSF, there are a range of the underlying facts that were explored for the conclusion to be reached. Unrecorded, new and traditional approaches were considered and thoroughly researched. The factors led to a motivating factor that used in ensuring that students are doing well in what they undertook. All these observations enabled me understand the whole process of the requirements by the APST and how to boost the techniques. Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs Plan and implement well-structured learning and teaching programs or lesson sequences that engage students and promote learning. 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs Work with colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs to create productive learning environments that engage all students. Support colleagues to develop effective teaching strategies that address the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Task Under this I will ensure that Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are aligned in respect to individual learners and diverse learning communities” and “Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners. The process of support and learning in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers has been attributes to its recognition and benchmarking that takes place in its learning and teaching opportunities that takes place in Higher Education acquisition process (HEA, 2012). The process of acquiring recognition that can be achieved via the accreditation by the HEA can be undertaken directly or through a process that is somehow in-house institutional scheme (Artifact 3). Situation The scheme provides through which national professional commitment are recognized and monitored on how learning and teaching in the Higher Education sector has demonstrated on the alignment that is in line with APST. There is a submission of a portfolio that is provided at each of the four levels of descriptors that is to ensure that all details are entered and described in the process. In the details there are various areas that entail the activities that contain knowledge that is core and those values that are core while being supported by the evidence which at the end may result being given an award which is a status of Associate, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow that are within the academy. In a broader sense, these levels can reflect one’s experience and seniority (Artifact 1). However, those values that are related to those that are described, are all necessary and required in the process of ensuring that they enhance the learning experiences that is associated to students which in return will see the improvement of the level of quality that is experienced in the learning and teaching support process. Action The evaluation and analysis of the portfolio is based on the evidence that is reflective. According to the students’ learning process and also demonstration of how the continuity of professional development that is done via dynamic approach of how learning and teaching is relative to the process that has been undertaken recently. Many of those acting as examples have their origin related to nursing though the whole portfolio and its presentation of the professional standards had been available prior to the functions that depend on the description. Some of the examples of the scholars are the following; Ghaye & Lillyman, 2006 and McColgan & Blackwood, 2009. When making applications of being the member of the Institute for Teaching and Learning that takes place in Higher Education. The institution of learning is the Institution of Learning and Teaching Higher Education (Artifact 5). The institution was the one that took over. This is the institution that from is responsible of how the membership and other activities can be undertaken. Self-development and self-evaluation is one of the things that is being recorded as the valuable tool and approach for recognition of the activities (Seldin & Miller, 2009). Ghaye’s, 2011 treatise on the whole issue of contributions that is reflected on the human flourishing is one of the interests that have been considered. Result The focus and collation that acts as the evidence for the continued professional development and also the enhancement of professional practice for teaching and the support of learning in the Higher Education by practice is a challenging and rewarding process. Evidence-based reflective practice is one of the valuable tools that is encouraged in development and self-evaluation when making submission of the portfolio. While trying to achieve the APST, there are a range of the underlying facts that were explored for the conclusion to be reached. Unrecorded, new and traditional approaches were considered and thoroughly researched. The factors led to a motivating factor that used in ensuring that students are doing well in what they undertook. Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments 4.1 Support student participation Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities. 4.3 Manage challenging behavior Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behavior. Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. Task The focus of this area will be on reflecting of the core knowledge got Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. It will reflect on how to ensure that different areas of learning have been satisfied to ensure competitive standard learning. In undertaking this gauged my skills through being observed by somebody who is experienced to give feedback on different areas of improvement (Artifact 1). Situation In the undertaking my personal assessment, the presentation focused on the subject matter. This was undertaken while making sure that the learning and teaching methods were appropriate and touched on subject area and the academic level. The general ways on how students learn within their subject area and other disciplines were also thoroughly reviewed. Those technologies that are used to ensure that there is appropriate learning were also determined (Artifact 4). When undertaking teaching, there was need to undertake evaluation of the effectiveness required. Also, determine the underlying implications that come with the quality assistance and quality enhancement that is required in professional and academic practices when focusing on teaching (HEA, 2012). Action This will enable me to understand the improvements that are required in making my professional advancement. I gave students exercises in the midst of the presentation to see whether they are getting what they are being taught. Also, at the end of the presentation I will also give exercise to understand whether the students understood what they were taught throughout the presentation. They will be tested whether they understood and be able to apply the skills in their real life situation (Fry et al, 2015). Reflation allows an individual to give a very deep though about a given topic and understanding the deep details about the same topic. Through the reflection I will be able to understand what APST entails and make the necessary adjustment needed my career. From the reflection I will be able to adjust into new teaching and learning methods that are best for my career. The reflection will assist in acquiring personal teachings that reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The presentation was used in judging my knowledge in the topic and the ability of being able to teach and motivate the students of different levels. The ability to include the changing methodology for students was also an important thing was tested. Ability to enable students apply, theorize, relate and explain what they have been taught was one of the areas that was tested (Biggs & Tang, 2007). Also, at the time the ability of students to be able to well concentrate to what they are being taught. Quality is also an important issue when dealing with teaching of students hence having an integrated approach of all the required factors will lead to a better way of doing things (Artifact 4). Result The chosen subject and method of teaching was undertaken with the hope that it would be motivating and informative, encourage collaborative learning and would impart previously unknown knowledge about my subject. Motivation which can arise from an intrinsic interest in the topic is fundamental for the learning experience (Biggs &Tang, 2007). I am gaining an extensive subject knowledge, kept current through ongoing research. This allows me to use my subject knowledge to inform my teaching. I chose a subject and teaching method that would be fun, memorable and encourage collaborative and participatory working and in accordance with APST (Wallace, 2013). Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on learning 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning. 5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning. Task The area will focus on the techniques that are best in ensuring that teaching and learning procedure within learners is undertake in the right manner. The consideration of the importance of the APST in learning. The article will focus on my own skills teaching. In undertaking this I will gauge my skills through being observed by somebody who is experienced to give feedback on different areas of improvement. Look at the different methods of teaching and the influence that they may on learners (Artifact 5). In doing all these, I will be able to gauge the level of my experience in relation to the APST techniques. I will also try to know the influence that APST has on my learning and teaching career. Situation In the undertaking my personal assessment, I will make a presentation that will focus of the subject matter. There will entail the skills that I have learnt from my lectures which will determine my level of technique. This will enable me to understand the improvements that are required in making my professional advancement. I gave students exercises in the midst of the presentation to see whether they are getting what they are being taught. Also, at the end of the presentation I will also give exercise to understand whether the students understood what they were taught throughout the presentation. They will be tested whether they understood and be able to apply the skills in their real life situation. Reflation allows an individual to give a very deep though about a given topic and understanding the deep details about the same topic. Through the reflection I will be able to understand what APST entails and make the necessary adjustment needed my career. From the reflection I will be able to adjust into new teaching and learning methods that are best for my career (Artifact 3). The reflection will assist in acquiring personal teachings that reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Tummons, 2007). Action The presentation will be the one that will be used in judging my knowledge in the topic and the ability of being able to teach and motivate the students of different levels. It will be a gauge of the extent of involvement that the student will have prior to his teaching practice. The presentation are the ones to indicate what to be taught and motivation factors that are contained. When the presentation is vague and too general, then it means that the student requires extensive engagement that will ensure that they understand what they will be undertaking in the whole process. Evidence should relate to an understanding of the lesson outcomes and show how they link to the subject material, which is then subsequently used to inform both the design and planning of the learning activities (HEA, 2012). The chosen subject and method of teaching was undertaken with the hope that it would be motivating and informative, encourage collaborative learning and would impart previously unknown knowledge about my subject. Motivation which can arise from an intrinsic interest in the topic is fundamental for the learning experience. For the early years of my working, I am gaining an extensive subject knowledge, kept current through ongoing research. This allows me to use my subject knowledge to inform my teaching. I chose a subject and teaching method that would be fun, memorable and encourage collaborative and participatory working and in accordance with APST (Wallace, 2013). Result The process of support and learning in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers has been attributes to its recognition and benchmarking that takes place in its learning and teaching opportunities that takes place in Higher Education acquisition process (Fry et al, 2015). The process of acquiring recognition that can be achieved via the accreditation by the HEA can be undertaken directly or through a process that is somehow in-house institutional scheme. The scheme provides through which national professional commitment are recognized and monitored on how learning and teaching in the Higher Education sector has demonstrated on the alignment that is in line with APST. In preparation of the lecture it will improve my preparation techniques to ensure students understand better what they are being taught. Standard 6 Engage in professional learning 6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs. 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for teachers. Task Under this situation I will ensure that I will engage in different professional practices to ensure success in my carrier. This is intended to ensure that what the learners get is a complete and all the professional assistance is involved in the learning process. Situation From the above reflective process I have come to discover several ideas that I can do in order to improve my teaching and learning methods (2.2). Therefore I have taken into consideration in a bid to ensure that I achieve the required expectations as outlined in APST (Artifact 4). To ensure that this is achieved it is important to identify these facts and state how to work on them. Action The table below indicates these factors and the action plans to be undertaken. Current Situation Goal Action Required Measure of success Time to be taken Relation to APST Not able to include changing techniques in my presentation Ensuring new was of teaching is achieved Incorporation and learning new methods Reading new information about teaching, and attending seminars that will equip me of the same It will be done twice a month for a period of two week hence making it a month Core Knowledge Students not motivated well enough Ensuring that students are motivated in what they are doing Allow them participate and encouraging them on what they are doing It will be determined by the extent students are willing to participate in what they are taught It will be conducted all through the period of study Professional Values Not effective in all the required area Ensuring that I comprehensively cover all the areas required Allow myself improve in the areas that I feel I am not affected It will be determined by being assessed by others It will be done three months to see to what extent am equipped Core Knowledge Results In application of any technique it will require evaluation which will lead to determining the best course of action. In the process of undertaking the evaluation, it will require live judgment and reasoning in the process. Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents / careers and community 7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities Maintain high ethical standards and support colleagues to interpret codes of ethics and exercise sound judgement in all school and community contexts 7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organizational requirements Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organizational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage. Task It will be appropriate to engage all the stakeholders who are involved in the student education to ensure that all the requirements that will see the students are getting the right standards of education are consulted. Situation The scheme provides through which national professional commitment are recognized and monitored on how learning and teaching in the Higher Education sector has demonstrated on the alignment that is in line with APST (Artifact 2). There is a submission of a portfolio that is provided at each of the four levels of descriptors that is to ensure that all details are entered and described in the process. In the details there are various areas that entail the activities that contain knowledge that is core and those values that are core while being supported by the evidence which at the end may result being given an award which is a status of Associate, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow that are within the academy. In a broader sense, these levels can reflect one’s experience and seniority. However, those values that are related to those that are described, are all necessary and required in the process of ensuring that they enhance the learning experiences that is associated to students which in return will see the improvement of the level of quality that is experienced in the learning and teaching support process. Action I will engage them in different educational matter regarding students and teachers. They will assist to a greater extent in ensuring that education learning environment is kept better. Students are the center of everything that shall be undertaken by the stakeholders who will be consulted. Results There was constructive actions that were taken in the process in a bid to ensure that everything is taking place in the right order. Educational issues improved in a great deal. Reference Biggs, J. Tang, C. (2007) Teaching for Quality Learning at University. 3rd ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Fry, H. Ketteridge, S. and Marshall, S. (2015) A handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. 4th ed. Oxon: Routledge. Harper, H. (2013). Outstanding Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Berkshire: Open University Press. Moon, J.A. Learning Journals, edited by Jennifer A. Moon, Taylor and Francis, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, [Accessed: 29 January 2917]. Moon, J,A. (2004) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development; Theory and Practice. Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer. Petty, G. (2004). Teaching Today. 3rd Ed. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Roffey-Barentsen, J. Malthouse, R. (2009) Reflective practice in the lifelong learning sector, Exeter: Learning Matters Scales, P. (2013). Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 2nd Ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Schon, D A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. New York: Basic Books Tummons, J. (2007) Becoming a Professional Tutor in the Lifelong Learning Sector Sage Publications Ltd Wallace, S. (2013). Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 4th Ed. London: Sage Publications Inc. Higher Education Academy (HEA) (2012). The U.K Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education [Online]. Available at: Hale, B., Greene, D., & Dries, J. (2012). Opening the Pages, Opening the Doors. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 20(3), 74-78. Kearney, E., McIntosh, L., Perry, B., Dockett, S., & Clayton, K. (2014). Building positive relationships with Indigenous children, families and communities: learning at the cultural interface. Critical Studies in Education, 55(3), 338-352. doi: 10.1080/17508487.2014.914963 Queensland College of Teachers (2006). Professional standards for Queensland teachers. Toowong, Queensland: Queensland College of Teachers. Read More
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