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Catheter Insertion Needles Reduces the Risk of Needle Sticks - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Catheter Insertion Needles Reduces the Risk of Needle Sticks" states that health care should also consult with professional bodies, organizations, and manufacturers, on the nature of the devices and the suitable procedures that are recommended for settings…
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Catheter Insertion Needles Reduces the Risk of Needle Sticks
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The Introduction Of Safety Devices On IV Catheter Insertion Needles Reduces The Risk Of Needle Sticks. The government hasthe mandate to regulate the availability of retractable needles for the IV catheter, with the aim of reducing the accidental incidences of needle stick injuries. Although the blood borne pathogens may be spread through other means like the mucocutaneous exposure among others, the IV catheter is reported as a success because; venipunture had been hard to control (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). The concept of catheter placement has been associated with the accidental needle retraction and needle withdrawal. The issue of venipunture has also informed the need to explore other options. The needle stick injuries are relatively lower. The healthcare workers face a great risk, due to occupational exposure to blood and body fluids. The exposure may lead to transmission of disease causing pathogens, which result to infection and other hazardous consequences for the health workers. The safety catheter requires activation by user, and it is simple to activate and this ensures that injuries are minimized. Therefore, it clear that needle stick injuries are preventable through the use of safe needles, and the application of worker education and practice controls that are driven towards the reduction of injuries. Introduction On average, a health care practitioner is exposed to the dangers of deadly blood borne pathogens, through the contamination of needle sticks, or splash exposures (American Nurses Association, 2002). This is a great risk that faces every frontline health worker. Although this problem is regarded as part of the job of the health care workers, the Needle stick Safety and Prevention Act of 2001 is a legislation that was signed by the federal government, for the purpose of safeguarding the welfare of healthcare workers. The paper seeks to examine the issue of IV Catheter Insertion Needles, and particularly, whether the introduction of IV catheter insertion needles reduces the risk of needle sticks (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). The retractable needle IV catheter is designed in a manner that reduces the needle-stick injuries, and this is in line with the federal regulations, on the risk of heath care workers. Needle stick injuries are accidental skin penetrations and stab wounds, which are caused by hollow-bore needles, which include hypodermic needles, blood-collection needles, IV catheter stylets and other needles (Lawson, n.d.). Literature Review Nurses and health care workers are exposed to needle sticks, at least every month while either inserting or removing the peripheral IV catheters. This form of risk is reported to be associated to the exposure of blood, skin, eyes, nose or even mouth. The risk of blood exposure is that the health worker contacts mucous membrane with the blood, the tissue or additional body fluids that are infectious. The risk of health exposure includes the infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and virus C, as well as the methicilin-resistant staphylococcus uareus. The effective prevention of needle stick injuries, helps avoid the exposure of the health workers to blood and other related body fluids. This requires a comprehensive combination of several strategies and measures (Lawson, n.d.). It is critical that other resources be used on enhancing the safety devices and in particular, the healthcare of the healthcare workers. Although the introduction of safety devices on IV catheter insertion needles reduces the risk, it is important that equal focus be placed on the healthcare workers. The healthcare workers should receive training and education on the universal precaution, which is fundamental for the safe usage of needle sticks. This should be done to include the safe application of the hollow-bore needles as well as their disposal. Therefore, it is important that safe practices be adapted for the purpose of gathering and reporting information on the needle stick injuries (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). Theoretical Foundation The research seeks to explore the theoretical foundations by examining the use of computer based solutions in the lowering of the incidences associated with the needle stick injuries. The use of computer education in reinforcing the skills of health workers is critical in ensuring that adequate control measures are exercised in reducing the needle stick injuries. It is said that the use of well developed IV Catheter devices is instrumental in achieving proximate solutions (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). The various models of IV Catheter insertion needles are developed to attain maximum solutions, which is characterized with low injuries in the course of providing health services. Although a lot of resources have to be directed towards this form of technology, it is clear that this will lead to better services through utilization of the available computer resources. The research is based on the foundations of the need to develop the IV catheter insertion that manages the performance of health workers through minimization of injuries. The research has also identified the program that is instrumental in achieving the technological innovation that is desirable (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). The education to the healthcare workers and training of the healthcare workers on the proper use is important for the purpose of protection of the healthcare workers from the needle stick injuries. It is observed that with the increased workplace training, catheter infections are believed to have reduced with a great margin. This is attributed to the use of its devices in IV flush syringes and more so the inspection of the syringes before their use. This ensures that the clinical officers are safe while handling infected patients. This process is also confidential and thus safeguards the interest of both the offices as well as the patients (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). Through such measures, the transmission of pathogens resulting from percutaneous injuries may be eliminated. Problem Statement The question of IV catheter insertion needle stick incidences, seem to raise more questions than answers. With a lot of resources being used for the provision of universal precautions, needle stick incidences Aare still occurring. It may be submitted that health institutions are not spending more resources on the safety of the devices and more so resources that should be protecting the health care workers. This research seeks to answer the question as to whether the introduction of the safety devices on IV catheter insertion needles reduces the risk of needle stick (American Nurses Association, 2002). This paper seeks to draw evidence based guidelines, in regard to the use of safety devices and how injections should be made safer. It seeks to answer the question as to what are the best practices for preventing the needle stick injuries. The other question is why does the needle stick injury seem not to reduce despite the level of investment on the IV catheter? There is need to identify the actual cause of the needle stick injuries and how they are related (Premier, n.d). The following issues need to be addressed in order to control the needle stick injuries; what are the available sharps at a healthcare?; What is the health care procedure required by the needles; what types of patients require such devices?; is there an alternative to the device?; what kind of health procedure is required?; are there alternative forms of conducting the care?; is the health care work familiar with the device?; are there legitimate uses of the conventional device?; can the use of the device be monitored?; are there disposal mechanisms and how safe are they? It is critical that safety mechanisms be put in place, to ensure that the needle stick injuries are adequately controlled (Jegger & Bentley, 1998). Research Methodology This research has been conducted as a basic research, and a field survey conducted through questionnaires that were self administered. A basic survey was conducted to collect data from local health institutions, regarding the issue of needle stick injuries and the role of safety devices. The research sought to establish why needle stick injuries had not reduced, despite the high level of investment in IV catheters insertion needles, and whether this meant that this needle was not reducing the needle stick injuries. The views and experiences of health workers, administrators, interested organizations and other groups, were sought for the purpose of addressing these questions. Descriptive statistics was used in the analysis of the data that was gathered. Focus was placed on the local health institutions and the health workers, for the purpose of realizing the objectives of this research. Focus groups, interviews and questionnaires were used for the purpose of gathering the information from the respondents. The sampling techniques that were used to get institutions that have the appropriate study population were based on the representation of the target groups within the scope of this study (Premier, n.d). This is a self assessed research, which has been conducted for the purpose of establishing whether needle stick injuries can be fully eliminated through devices. The research population for the purpose of this research includes the health care workers, health care administrators, program managers and the concerned members from various health care organizational communities. It is not worthy that these parties were contacted for the purpose of finding the position regarding the question of needle stick injuries and its relationship with the introduction of the safety devices on IV catheter insertion needles, in the reduction of the risk of needle stick (Hutin et al., 2003). Analysis and Evaluation The needle stick injuries are preventable and the healthcare facility should work towards reducing and preventing the exposure of healthcare workers from needle stick injuries. Health facility should work towards the identification of the risk procedure and devices. This should be followed by the implementation of the effective control measures. The most effective control mechanisms are within the hierarchy of controls. Hospitals may also reduce the needle stick injuries, through the elimination of sharps and using safe needle devices in order to prevent these injuries (Doughtherty & Lister, 2006). It is clear that there is need to prevent occupational exposures regarding the needle stick injuries, through injury prevention programs. This means that the existing medical institutions should establish injury tracking systems, prevention approaches and the advocacy for safer usage of devices (Premier, n.d). The removal of sharps and needles as well as the elimination of the unnecessary injections, may help eliminate injuries. In certain cases, it is important to substitute the syringes and needles with the jet injectors. The elimination of the unnecessary sharps with needleless IV systems may also facilitate the elimination of the needle stick injuries. There is need to adopt policies that limit the exposure of the risk associated with the needles. This may mean the allocation of resources to long term policies, which aim and focus on the welfare of the healthcare workers. These may include a safety scheme for healthcare workers, the needle stick prevention committee, the exposure regulation mechanism, withdrawal of unsafe devices, and the consistent training of healthcare workers on the safe usage of devices (Doughtherty & Lister, 2006). A health facility may also have a set work place control, for the purpose of controlling injuries related to this problem. This may include the terms and conditions of usage, disposal and handling, as well as the training program for the healthcare workers. The health facility may also provide the workers with personal protective equipments, which caution the healthcare worker against such risks and hazards. This includes gloves, eye goggles, masks as well as gowns (Premier, n.d). There is need to protect the healthcare workers form the needle stick injuries. The employers are required to provide the health workers with a safe working environment that is conducive. The working environment in this case means that the health workers should have devices that are safe for use and backed with safety programs. The combination of various preventive strategies should be considered. Needle stick injuries should be prevented by the employers, through the implementation of programs, that are designed to reduce the needle stick injuries, and the health workers should not be left out (Lawson, n.d.). It is established that many needle stick injuries result from unexpected circumstances, which include the sudden movement by the patient or the collation with a needle device or a coworker. It is thus important that the health workers be trained on how to be alert to injuries potential, when they are exposed to needle or other sharp devices in the course of their duty. The safety practice at work place influences the behaviors of workers at a health facility, and this should be influenced to ensure that their safety is not compromised (American Nurses Association, 2002). The employers on their part should implement the usage of improved engineering controls to reduce needle stick injuries (Premier, n.d). This helps eliminate the chances of using needle devices in circumstances that effective alternatives to such devices are available. This can be illustrated by a case of unnecessary needle use of an exposed needle, to access parts of IV delivery system. The delivery systems and other protected, are readily available in the market and they should be used to reduce such risky hazards. This should be used by the administrators of a health institution, to observe the necessary needles from the unnecessary needles. There is also need to implement the use of needle devices that have safe features. This should be accompanied by an evaluation of effectiveness and acceptability of the device. This is because many devices are readily available, and they have the safety features that facilitate the isolation of an exposed device. The expert opinion should be sought where the administrators of a health institution are not sure about such evaluation. The injury of a needle stick may be reduced through the utilization of enhanced engineering controls. This may be achieved through the adoption of a comprehensive plan, which engages all the stakeholders. It is also important that the entire needle stick injuries at a work place, be documented and analyzed with a view of identifying the hazards and the trends of the injuries. The date from such incidences helps in identifying how the injuries occur and this may inform the appropriate move in reversing the trends (Doughtherty & Lister, 2006). The prioritization and preventive strategies need to be set, by examining the local national data on the risk associated with needle stick injuries. This should be followed with appropriate attentions to diseases that are transmitted through needle stick injuries. This is critical for the purpose of educating the health workers on the safety usage and dispose of the devices. The health care workers in institutions should also be sensitized adequately on the use of needle devices in order for them to capitalize on their safety while handling such devices. The institution should also move towards the introduction of safer devices, which should be followed by adequate training of the employees on proper utilization (Premier, n.d). Recommendations The healthcare works should be part of the solution to the issue of needle stick injuries. It is clear that they are the victims of needle stick injuries; this means that healthcare workers should undertake safety practices. The healthcare works should avoid using needles where alternatives exist. The health workers should seek to use the alternative that is available instead of the needle. The healthcare worker has a responsibility to inform the health facility, of the choice of the device and the safety features of the device (McCall & Tankersley, 2009). The health worker also has a responsibility of ensuring that the safety features are availed by the health facility. It is important that a health worker handles and disposes any needle in the appropriate place. This helps to eliminate the injuries. It is encouraged that all the health workers be educated on the importance of reporting needle stick injuries. This will facilitate the appropriate care and follow up. It is recommended that healthcare workers undergo appropriate training. The use of IV catheters has a casing that encases the needle upon usage, and this reduces the needle stick injuries. It is important to increase the number and variety of the needle devices that are available to the health workers. It is critical that health workers be educated on the usage of these devices, due to the difficulties associated with the devices. The fact that these devices are designed well, improves the safety of the healthcare workers. The authorities should also ensure that the safety of workers is effective and reliable, and a healthcare worker should work with devices that they consider to be safe. They should ensure that a device does not adversely affect the care of the patient. The employer should implement the use of needle devices with safety features, though the appropriate guidelines. The health care should also consult with the professional bodies, organizations and manufacturers, on the nature of the devices and the suitable procedures that are recommended for settings. It is recommended that institutions modify their work practices, which are associated with needle stick injuries, by making them safer. Such hazards may be eliminated through the modification of the practices that relate to injuries. The health institution should also be requested to promote health awareness with the working environment. While performing the safety measures that are appropriate for the welfare of a patient, health workers should be allowed to exercise the same degree of care to their own safety. They are mostly perceived as interfering with the care of the patient whenever they exercise care over their safety. This should be discouraged through sensitization of the general public. The sensitization should facilitate the change in the social barriers, and attitudes that are believed to affect the safe working practices by the health care workers. Institutions should also be encouraged to create programs and procedures, which would encourage the reporting of the entire needle stick related injuries. This will ensure that the health care worker get the appropriate medical services. It also helps to create records that are instrumental in assessing the working environment. References American Nurses Association. (2002). Needlestick Prevention Guide. Washington, DC: Davis Publication. Retrieved from estickPrevention.pdf Bishop, T. et al. (2009). Clinical Skills for Enrolled/Division 2 Nurses. Sydney, Australia: Cengage Learning Publication. Retrieved from Doughtherty, L., and Lister, S. (2006). The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. London: John Wiley & Sons Publications. Retrieved from r/9781405158466/9781405158466prelims.pdf Hutin, Y. et al. (2003). Best Infection Control Practices for Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular needle injections. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. Retrieved from Jegger, J., & Bentley, M. (1998). Injuries from Vascular Access Devices: High Risk and Preventable. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 3 (4), 43-47. Retrieved from ningeducationalresources/vascular-access-devs.pdf Lawson, A. (n.d.). Biological Safety training. Retrieved from McCall, R., and Tankersley, C. (2009). Phlebotomy Essentials. New York, NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publications. Retrieved from Premier. (n.d). Sharps injury prevention needlesticks, scalpels, and glass. Retrieved from Read More
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