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Rights Social Justice and Diversity - Essay Example

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The paper "Rights Social Justice and Diversity" discusses that the theories explained by Sen, Rawls and Miler have explained the conditions necessary to achieve social justice, but not all their provisions are realized in the social setting in modern society. …
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Rights Social Justice and Diversity
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Introduction There should be a maintained system in the society that promotes balance and equal accessibility to resources. This measure centred towards providing the necessary measures that allow individual expression promotes a stable coexistence within the society. The factors that are highlighted as the influences towards promoting equality in the society are the policies and resources available for manipulation by its members. Leaders and wealthy entrepreneurs within the society have held the determinants that suggest the success needed to progress towards the provided provisions (Craig 2008, p7). Social justice is achieved in a system that communist policies are eradicated, and power delegated to the majority who comprises the workforce and opportunists. The opportunity provided should be fair and adopt a system that promoted unity with minimal oppression by societal leaders. Social justice is achieved in a system that upholds human rights and promotes equality with personal dignity uplifted. In a diverse demographic, social justice is highlighted by the comfort of individuals and their capability to be influenced by the available resources (Clark 2005, p1341). However, there are barriers within the society that present challenges to the presentations granted to achieve social justice in the modern society. The developments of the modern government and technology have achieved numerous progresses in developing ideas to grant the opportunities to advance the ideologies warranting fare judgement. These have been in the government’s ability to create numerous opportunities for its members to find a livelihood source. Others have been in activist’s efforts to offer fare judgement in advocating for opportunities to deserve merit in fare provisions. Through developing fair judgement that reflects the opportunities granted to the societal members in equal measure, a sustainability form is achieved that creates the balance needed. The society is held by these principles and a failure to make them meet the desired standards would lead to insecurity and dissatisfaction between the members (Miller 2008, p61). The state that presents the societal members an opportunity to experience less balance in the distribution of resources and the injustice form presented is termed social injustice. Social injustice is the condition that leads to the prevalence of unjust societal presentations and oppression of the less fortunate. These individuals are either with minimal opportunity to complete their desires or those that have minimal resources needed to develop. The oppressed members of the society are those that experience fewer opportunities to develop and stigmatized to access the societal resources with difficulty. The conditions that are presented to individuals to limit their desire to access equal opportunities within the society are the social justice barriers. These can be features in form of physically achievable entities or those experienced psychologically. Most of the social injustice forms are experienced due to marginalization and capitalism. Most people who are marginalized present a difference in race gender or economic affiliations that identify a group set from the other. These have been presented as the major constraints that have limited the progress in individuals. Barriers are created by a set group within the society that view their progress as more superior to the marginalized groups. Some barriers have been presented in the authority found within the society witnessing the injustice form as their strategies to promote economic progress favour the majority. Amartya Sen’s contribution towards social injustice has been identified to be subjected throughout his careers. The main interest of his focus has been in the injustice forms applied between women and men (Nussbaum 2003, p33). His gender based injustice definition has achieved recognition as the outstanding forms within societal setting that find development from the virtues created by individuals within the society. On the economic achievement and societal ranks, he defines the growth as a form to be achieved based on the capability of the attempts applied by individuals towards achieving success, what they are capable of achieving. Achievements within the society are defined after analyzing the features presented by the holder. The barrier to achieving economic progress within the society lies in opportunity presented and the resources available (Oakes, Quartz, Ryan, Lipton 2000, p95). A capitalist society would not favour progress desired by the majority that constitute a low-income earning group. On a gender front, there is the realization that women are presented fewer opportunities than men are. The factors limiting success towards the achievement of the goals in a capitalist system affect women more than men. Sen suggests that growth is an example of a poor factor in the determination of success and conditions subjected towards individuals as it fails to indicate the struggles, only suggesting success and the different classes created by the society. The questions to articulate the success level that can be obtained within the society have been applied to offer means, to weigh the means people apply to discriminate against women. There are more barriers presented to women as compared to the subjections towards men and this has promoted the failure to achieve the dominance expected (Grusky & Sen 2006, p49). The other barrier presented highlighting the mentioned attribute is linked to the dominance of the mentioned gender. Men realize their ability to express their dominance over their counterparts have lead to the creation of more opportunity for men than men Government positions, office slots and leading societal roles have witnessed occupation by men more than women. The development of poor developmental means by women has been promoted by their reluctance to engage in challenges as some easily accept their second-class position. Thus, the measure applied to investigate the provisions that help individuals prosper and the example fails to support the gender balance issue. This is because more women may possess limited capability in competing against the male who are mostly more dominant. The barrier underlying the factor is considered to create marginalization dependent on the gender of the considered individual. The other barrier noticed in achieving social justice, especially in developing one’s career may be witnessed in the different social systems created by the system holding their development. The forces that influence their progress have been identified as emanating from the socio-political factors that are developed to determine the educational and employment provisions. The favour is accorded to the groups who are capable of affording first-class educational services and offer an influence to key societal members that determine the positions to be issued to the individuals. A socially just environment would accord a similar educational and employment opportunity to the qualified without considering their economic capabilities. There is the need to offer intervention to merge the socially and economically strained individual with the first-class societal individuals to achieve equality. In employment opportunities, the commonly applied term in career has been linked to the individuals in the middle and upper class income. Those earning minimal wages due to their low education qualifications or minimal employment opportunities are regarded as poor workers. Arthur (2005) has acknowledged the attempts by governments and activists to create opportunities to the oppressed in providing employment opportunities that address their constraints. However, he suggests that with the increase in population, the need to improvise new strategies to limit social injustice in the modern century need to be evaluated. Arthur (2005) identifies the barriers to providing equal opportunities in career development to lie in environmental factors and economic policies created to favour a mentioned group in the society. Egalitarianism witnessed must be directed to address the critical voice rather than wealth and capability. The argument provided in Sen’s theory has been defined in the arrangements made to offer the critical voice presented in the social arrangement. The means to define justice has been delegated to the personalities that influence the prevalence of the justice forms that they desire (Clark 2005, p1341). The leading social and political groups within the society present the measures needed to complete the acquisition of social equality (Alexander 2008, p68). In a fair society, opportunities and allocation of resources are presented equally, and their establishment issued following policies created on majority consideration. However, some barriers presented in societies have been influenced by cultural affiliations. The marginalization realized has promoted a prevalence of better social provisions in some groups than others have (Barker 2009, p116). These are presented in career opportunities, educational, or economic progress due to a superiority for realized with the established trend. The groups identified to hold less power in the society have been those witnessing a stereotype generated due to their cultural diversity (Gomberg 2007, p110). Race has also played a leading role in creating a barrier that has been eliminated at a slow pace since industrialization. Though the claim lies that racial discrimination measures have been eradicated, there have been examples of cases reporting the development of social injustice cases following the discrimination form. In communities where race is a barrier, the Caucasian employees are accorded more favour than African Americans and vice versa. The communities develop a system that accords favour to the constituting party to reflect the greatness depicted with their race as the base. The marginalised group is referred to as the non-dominant agency that loses control of the resource available due to their poor strength. The cultural barriers presented to affect social justice are included in language, religion, gender and race. The injustice realized is promoted by their inability to gain the voice to express their desires to the leading groups. Rawls developed a theory that included the concept to create fairness and justice. He supports these ideologies suggesting that despite the difference in the tactics applied, individuals crave for measures to deliver social justice. Equality and reduction of oppression cases has been the leading attributes applied to promote stable coexistence in articulation of justice. Rawls theory has been linked to domestic fairness, that are the factors applied to determine the composition of the society, and not local fairness or global justice, both which are composed of a larger market share. According to Rawls, global justice is identified as diverse and a factor that he may not justify though there is a relation of social justice to global law. The two principles that adhere to his policy are that everyone possesses similar claim to the basic provisions and liberties (Rawls 2000, p25). The constraints realized in cultural affiliations are derived from within the ideological setting within individuals. The deprived individual are indicated to emanate from an unwanted group defined by their demographic attributes. An example would lie in the Islamic religion in a developed society like the UK. This group is identified as a leading cause of international instability hence associated with violence often linked with terrorism. A traveller who may be interested to travel to the US would realize a different treatment in attaining their visa as compared to other religions. The other example is evident in linking African Americans to cases of robbery, drug dealing within communities filled with reported criminal cases. With these ideologies, the ability to achieve social justice is demeaned with a stereotype developed emerging from linking the mentioned groups to a condition that limits their achievement of success. In some cases, social injustice is aided through the provisions of legislations that are passed to favour an identified group within societal setting. The legislative structures provided have presented obstacles realized in attaining a balance to limit oppression of the less fortunate. The national policy implemented to define the measures to aid its members in completing presented challenges are highlighted as barriers or promoters to social justice after an analysis of their effects is considered. The presentations are reliant on their means to complete the allocation of resources to individuals who are less fortunate as compared to political and economical dominant groups. The less fortunate should be accorded an equal measure in creating opportunities that inhibit development of resources. The other contribution of legislative policies to inhibit the creation of social justice would be in the laws that violate human rights. David Miller presents a theory placed on the theories relating to pluralistic and circumstantial provisions towards justice held by societal members. These presentations are reliant on the circumstances that people are entitled to achieve (Miller 1999, p21). His theory defines that social justice is dependent on the situation that warrants the desired attention. His foremost concern was to articulate the situations that lead to the identity of provisions as unjust or fair. This theory found a definition through the opinions he acquired after intensive research on justice. His concept of an entity to be referred as a social justice measure should be supported with the majority who define the state of being liberated. These may be determined by the ideologies of individuals and the means used to acquire the conditions under consideration (Calderón & Corrigan, 2007, p31). The barrier presented in according individuals a similar platform to access the resources needed for development have been in stereotyping measures and presentation by corrupt officials in the decision-making bodies. Corruption has been a chief creation of social injustice, especially in developing societies where power is delegated to a central government. This obstacle is presented in implementing strategies that undermine the creation of opportunities for the majority (Sen 2009, p36). Corruption has been identified as a measure that counters the prevalence of the rule of law with democracy undermined. The society with the majority of corrupt officials holds a means to the creation of social injustice. The minimal efforts applied to create equality may have short term effects with the result included to be depicted in unequal resource distribution. Corruption breeds criminal minds with terrorism and distorted market opportunities the result of its inclusion. The corruption forms presented to limit social justice prevalence have been in bribery, political leader abusing their power and poor use of public resources. These measures have led to the implementation of laws that speak against corruption to uphold the prevalence of justice among humankind. UNCAC presents criminal sanctions to its members who implement the barrier to limit the progress of its members (Weller 2009, p86). Corruption, in most cases, is presented in cases that are defined in isolated social practices by the dominant party. Conclusion Social justice has been the tool applied within the modern society to provide an equal measure by its members to achieve progress. However, the barriers realized to complete the fete have been realized in various provisions witnessed in variable groups within the society. The theories explained by Sen, Rawls and Miler have explained the conditions necessary to achieve social justice, but not all their provisions are realized in the social setting in the modern society. The examples of the barriers presented to limit social justice have been in unequal distribution of resources and access to the provisions to harbour success (Hobbes 1985, p 271). The creations of different social groups through identifying the economic capabilities in income level favour the higher social class. Cultural affiliations presented in religion, race and traditions. Gender has also developed a constraint in achieving democracy and equality, as men are favoured more than the former. Legislative provisions by nations have also developed the realized barriers in presenting challenges to realize social justice. In most nations, the development of equality has been impaired by the corruption presented by its leading officials who satisfy their development neglecting the oppressed. Finally, social justice is an attribute better achieved in a society without barriers, once the mentioned barriers are eliminated, the prevalence of a fair society is witnessed. List of References Arthur, N. 2005, Buiding from diversity t social justice competencies in international standards for career development practitioners, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5 :137-148 Barker, A. M. 2009, Advanced practice nursing: essential knowledge for the profession, Sudbury, Mass, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Gomberg, P. 2007, How to make opportunity equal: race and contributive justice, Malden, Mass, Blackwell. Calderón, J. Z., & Corrigan, R. A. 2007, Race, poverty, and social justice: multidisciplinary perspectives through service learning, Sterling, Va, Stylus. Clark, D. 2005, Sen’s Capability Approach and the Many Spaces of Human Well-being, The Journal of Development Studies, (8): 1339 – 1368, ISSN 0022-0388. Craig, G. 2008, Social justice and public policy: seeking fairness in diverse societies, Bristol, Policy Press. Grusky, D. B., & Sen, A. K. 2006, Poverty and inequality, Stanford, Calif, Stanford Univ. Press. Hobbes, T. 1985, Leviathan, ed. C.B. Macpherson, London: Penguin Books. Miller, D. 1999, Principles of Social Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Miller, S. 2008, Narratives of social justice teaching: how English teachers negotiate theory and practice between preservice and inservice spaces, New York, Peter Lang. Nussbaum, M. 2003, capabilities as fundamental entitlements: sen and social justice, Feminist Economics, 9(2 – 3): 33 – 59. Oakes, J., Quartz, K.H., Ryan, S., Lipton, M. (2000). Becoming good American schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 81 (8), 568-576. Rawls, J. 2000, A theory of justice. Cambridge, Mass, Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press. Sen, A. 2009, The idea of justice, Cambridge, Mass, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Weller, P. 2009, Human Rights and Social Justice:The Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities And The Quiet Revolution In International Law, Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice, 4: 74-91. Read More
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