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PGCE Programme in the UK - Essay Example

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The paper "PGCE Programme in the UK" highlights that with the author's level of knowledge, he believes that he has the capability and knowledge to step up and set up the primary PGCE course. He hopes to expand both his knowledge and interpersonal skills as a plus…
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PGCE Programme in the UK
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My good communication skills will enable me to have the confidence to fulfil my vision of starting a PGCE teachers training programme in the UK. I have very good interpersonal skills, good communication and ICT skills and am also an experienced volunteer. I possess the ability to work well in both independent and teamwork environments.

My work at Travelex has enabled me to gain the confidence to deal with people face to face, working with the team and managing workloads, among others are the qualities that will enable me to succeed in establishing a PGCE teachers training course in the UK. I am a very social person and enjoy interacting with people and especially students and children. I am an excellent team leader and always try to lead my team diligently. I find it fulfilling and rewarding working with children and being able to guide them in their growth.  

I know that the primary teacher teaches across the curriculum and it necessary to be proficient in all areas. I believe that it is not only knowing the subject that is important as a teacher but also knowing a child’s other needs individually. I have learnt that a teachers approach a class can have great effects on the ability of the students to learn effectively. I intend on changing the way I teach often in order to maintain interest and focus in the students.  Encouraging and praising students who are performing poorly is one of my strategies, this will in turn encourage them and eventually they will be able to achieve their desired goals. I intend on encouraging the use of verbal skills. This is very important for both children and adults and helps in clearer understanding and interpretation of information. I will also concentrate on visiting other schools in order to interact with other teachers. This will help me get more exposure, which will increase my knowledge and enable me to teach new things to my students. My exposure has enabled me to acquire good ICT skills, this will enable handle any technical work that would arise in the institution.

My outspoken grammar and ability to read well and write in English will help me in my teaching course. English is the major learning language in the UK thus this is an added advantage for me. My universities of choice are Edge Hill University, University of Chester and Liverpool Hope University. Visiting these universities will give me the right tools and equip me to be able to face my career with much confidence and inspiration.

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