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The Issue that is close to My Heart I believe that one simply cannot be independent, unless one is capable of independent thinking. So, one of the accomplishments that I want my education to endow me with is the ability to think independently. Yet, the problem with independent thinking is that it makes a person see and observe the things that the society chooses to conveniently overlook. Through my personal observation and analysis, one of the things that I have realized is that irrespective of all the development and modernization, the contemporary society is still a male dominated one.
The sidelining and marginalization of women in the societies the world over is an issue that is very close to my heart. Though I do not profess to be a hardcore feminist, still, through personal experience I have come to know that the women are made to behave and act in a particular way through continual training and regimentation, right from the time of their birth. Right when a baby girl is born, she is made to learn that she is required to wear particular kind of clothes, she is to behave and act in a particular way, and she is to learn to do specific types of household chores.
Even the innocent games played by female children are full of such societal imprints and expectations. So no wonder, when a baby girl grows out to be an adult woman, she is already convinced in her mind that she has to abide by the norms of a male dominated society. Such expectations imprinted in the minds of women wreck havoc with their innate aptitude and their potential for personal growth and development. In the professional sphere, the consequences of male dominance tend to be very obvious.
Time and again one comes to hear about the ‘glass ceiling’. Even the women who dare to transcend these constraints have to compromise to a large extent. To excel in their careers, they are not allowed to harness the abilities like networking, empathy, bonding, consensus making that the innately possess because of being a women. Rather they are expected to imitate the male competitive role models, a thing that resultantly jeopardizes their personal and professional lives. The result is a deep seated sense of dissatisfaction and frustration.
So, I believe that one of the essential goals of my education is to be able to get over such societal barriers and the consequent macho trends and expectations. I believe that the essential goal of education is to enable a person to build professional and personal relationship with others on the terms of equality and respect. Anything contrary to this is not education, but rather merely a degree with a hollow cosmetic appeal. So I dedicate my education to the goal of working hard towards building a society that is based on equality and justice.
I plan to use my education to build a world that is sans injustice and exploitation and in which one is allowed to excel because of one’s talent and not because one is a man or a woman.
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