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The early and modern views of human variation - Essay Example

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Various analysts have attempted to bring out their views on the occurrences of various races. However, most of the researchers attest to the fact that it has not been an easy job handling the issue of human…
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The early and modern views of human variation
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The early and modern views of human variation There have been numerous debates on the variations of humans. Various analysts have attempted to bring out their views on the occurrences of various races. However, most of the researchers attest to the fact that it has not been an easy job handling the issue of human variations, as well as, classification of these individuals based on their biological make up. Nonetheless, anthropologists have worked endlessly to ensure that the question of human variations is unraveled.

This essay shall highlight the modern and prehistoric explanations of human variation, in an attempt to understand human variations. The primordial view on human variations explains that races emanate from past anthropological connections. Cavalli-Sforza (pp.54) argues that in the past, color was the only form of distinction that humans understood. For instance, the Egyptians are a notable group of people who distinguished humans on the basis of their color. According to them, all the people who came from the east were yellow, whites from the north and blacks from the south.

Other analysts from the past argue that, races emanated from climatic changes that affected the skin color of many individuals. With the changes in climate, human beings began evolving into different races, in regards to the characteristics in their respective milieu. On the other hand, modern analysts argue that human characteristics can be discussed through a study of biological characteristics of the individuals. The innate characteristics of individuals cannot be alienated from the biological make up of these individuals.

There is a great likelihood that race is linked with color, that is biologically oriented. On a social view, race has been indicated to be biologically real (Stringer, pp.566). It is through race therefore, that societies have been categorized into various groups. In as much, that primeval analysts argue that race is not real, modern analysts believe that racism is inborn just like intelligence. As time progressed, the views of anthropological researchers changed a great mile. With time, taxonomies were discovered which explained the human varieties through biological determinism.

Stringer (pp.570) argues that the clinical model is the best approach towards understanding of race. This model describes the genetically inherited attributes in individuals. This model discusses the factual nature of variations in biological characteristics, inclusive of color variations. Essentially, modern analysts argue that human variations are resultant from anatomical traits that are inborn. Each race has its own specific anatomical traits-color, intelligence- that is different from other races.

This approach disqualifies the earlier description of race, emanating from migration and settlements into different areas. Supposing that all races migrate to different areas with different climates, does it mean that they shall evolve to other people? In this context therefore, it is justified to argue that races are not resultant from environmental conditions, but inherent attributes of individuals. Conclusively, the modern understanding of races and human variations hold much evidence. Though human beings have evolved over time, their environment cannot determine their race, but the inherent characteristics that each individual possesses.

Works citedStringer, Chris. Modern human origins: Progress and prospects. London: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 2002.Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi. Genes, Peoples, and Languages. New York: North Point Press. 2000.

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