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Good Management in the Public Sector - Essay Example

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Management in the public sector involves management of human, financial and other resources. The activities involved in public management include planning and implementation of programs and…
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Good Management in the Public Sector
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To achieve this, all barriers to good management in the public sector should be identified and done away with. After the barriers have been eliminated, the officials serving in the public sector should find ways through which they can improve the quality of both management and work life so that the public can enjoy the services available (13). One of the barriers that come in the way of good management in the public sector is too much red tape. Excessive bureaucratic tendencies have been known to bring whole organizations down to their feet.

When compared to the private sector, there is a big difference in the way matters are handled in the public sector, where there are too many people who must approve of something before it goes through (Denhardt and Denhardt 35). This kind of rigid conformity to excessive regulation not only impacts negatively on management roles, it also hinders timely and relevant delivery or services to the general public. Bureaucratic tendencies are also a recipe for uncontrolled misuse of power by managers in different levels of the public sector (37).

In this situation, it becomes hard for the officials on the ground to offer quality services to the people that the government is supposed to serve with diligence. Another common barrier to good management practices in the public sector is corruption. Corruption in government offices comes in many forms and can include irregular financial dealings and power corruption. Due to the lack of clear policies which can act as professional guidelines for managers and employees in government agencies, there is a lot of room for misappropriation or resources, including funds (Cohen, Eimicke and Heikkila 23).

Managing such a work environment becomes tricky especially when it is considered that people are normally unwilling to fight against such practices. When finances are mismanaged, or when an individual uses his influence in

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