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The Problem-Solution Speech - Essay Example

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What I mean is that beauty is merely a quotient. What lies beneath it is essentially something that we need to understand precisely. The problem here is that beauty holds a great amount of significance…
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The Problem-Solution Speech on Beauty is Not What it Looks Like! Outline Introduction Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder The problem Wrong perceptions about beauty My belief about beauty The solution Beauty is inside ConclusionThe Problem-Solution Speech on Beauty is Not What it Looks Like!My dear ladies and gentlemen, Today I am here to give a speech on why beauty is not what it looks like. What I mean is that beauty is merely a quotient. What lies beneath it is essentially something that we need to understand precisely.

The problem here is that beauty holds a great amount of significance within the lives of the people, i.e. when we are judging individuals, asking them to accompany us, be with them for a while, or to get married to. What we forget is that this beauty will not last long enough to keep us satisfied. There is when this problems starts to make headlines, and that too for all the wrong reasons. It is true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but then again beauty is also dependent heavily on the person who is being looked at – as to how he or she presents his or her own self towards the appreciating individual (Author Unknown, 2011).

Beauty surely is skin deep as the world has come to this notion after much thought and consideration. The problem here is how beauty has gained so much significance that it is seen as the most aspired characteristic of the personality that one talks about (Czarniawska, 2011). The problem thus seems to bother the best of us, and even you and me, which is nothing but a quagmire for all and sundry. Similarly, facial looks and sexiness of the body does not actually count towards what we know as beauty.

My dear ladies and gentlemen I need to tell you that beauty is more within than being outside. It is comprised of thinking ideologies than facial cuts and dimples. This is indeed true because beauty within any person is difficult to judge since it is hidden deep down inside. I believe that beauty could be judged by this person’s actions, behaviors and talks (Holbrook, 2005). He or she could be written off as an ugly person if he or she does not know how to talk to people, how to interact with them and how to be considerate towards their issues.

The solution is that beauty is just present because the beholder believes it so. There would be no beauty if he knows that the face of the body cuts are for a certain period of time, and would vanish away quickly. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to suggest that beauty must not be looked inside people with an exterior eye alone. It needs to be based on past events, present understanding of matters and how things would shape up within the future. Beauty comprises of all these tangents to be called as beauty in essence (Anastasia, 2010).

I would like to end my speech by making a point here. Beauty of face and body could vanish with the changing times but it is the inner charisma known as innate value system of which beauty is just a single part that never leaves an individual alone. Beauty is indeed more than skin deep. I would like to thank each one of you present in this august gathering.Thank you[-Your Name-]Works CitedAnastasia, Desire. Living marked: tattooed women and perceptions of beauty and femininity. Advances in Gender Research, 14, 2010Author Unknown.

Body Dysmorphia. Health Education, 111(2), 2011Czarniawska, Barbara. Richard Rorty, women, and the new pragmatism. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 32, 2011Holbrook, Morris. The Eye of the Beholder: Beauty as a Concept in Everyday Discourse and the Collective Photographic Essay. Review of Marketing Research, 1, 2005

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