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Conducting a Marketing Research - Case Study Example

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The paper "Conducting a Marketing Research" states that the sales in the Garden of Eden Mall in Lethbridge, Alberta have been declining for a year. There has been a huge decline in sales volume per square foot of many shops from the previous year and many retailers have suffered heavy losses…
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Conducting a Marketing Research
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I would like to research problem 1- What are the characteristics of customers who shop at the mall. The information required for this problem is the SEC and the LSM classes that the customers belong to, their lifestyles, psychographics, behaviors, age group they belong to, their preferences in buying products, their purchase decision style, the time that they take while making a decision, and how frequently do they shop in this mall.

The research objective is a set of goals you set for your marketing research. This is a very important part of your research as it tells what does the researcher hope to achieve and why is s/he carrying out the research. (Koch) For our research problem, the specific objective is to find out what kind of customers shop at the store and what their preferences are, shopping style, shopping style, behavior and demographics. The outcome of this research will be used to design a marketing strategy according to the needs of the customers and providing them with what best fits them.

In this research, they should go for Primary as well Secondary research. Primary research will be of prime importance they actually need information on customers characteristics. This information can be found out with the help of a detailed questionnaire, interviews, and mall intercepts. The use of Secondary sources is also important because researchers will need to look at the past researches done by the mall, and see a general buying behavior among the shoppers of the city or region. Once you have outlined the sources of your required information, you look into the details of how this information will be extracted.

In this scenario, we need to find the characteristics of customers who come to the mall. The research conducted will be qualitative as well as quantitative. The quantitative research will involve questions that need the use of words to express. There will be very few questions that can be answered in a quantitative manner. By qualitative analysis, the researcher can find out the answers for every unique customer, his/her beliefs, insights, opinion, preference, experience etc in words. These things cannot be measured in numbers, they are unique for every human being.

By the use of the quantitative method, the researcher can easily find results of some facts and figures about the customers.

The questionnaire for this survey will have more than 6 questions, but I have listed down 6 important questions as per the requirement.

While outsourcing your research to a research firm, a company gives that firm the prime responsibility to complete the research. Things that the Mall's manager need to know in advance before hiring them:

  1. Their reputation for researches in the industry.
  2. The technologies that they have for conducting researches.
  • The skills and experience of the field workers and researchers that will conduct the surveys.
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“CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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