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Infertility and Public Health Module - Essay Example

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The paper "Infertility and Public Health Module" discusses that caregivers and health professionals can play a vital role to give awareness to the public about the problem of infertility. They need proper assistance and guidance. One can force them to think positively about the treatment…
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Infertility and Public Health Module
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MPH503 - Infertility and Public Health Module 5 – SLP Option Two Tasks 0 Purpose of the workshop: The most prominent purpose of the workshop is toeducate or give awareness to the primary care givers and health officers about the issue of infertility. Help them to understand more about related issues, possible treatments for infertility and its results. People have some misconceptions about infertility and its treatments. Grace M. Centola et al state; “If a man suffers from infertility he may also be portrayed as less masculine and the diagnosis of infertility thus depreciates his masculine self image.” (Centola & Ginsburg, 2004, p.278). A caregiver has the duty to give necessary information about infertility and its possible treatments. 1.1 Measurable Aims and objectives of the workshop: The workshop put forwards following measurable aims and objectives. They are; -To understand more about the problem of infertility and its impacts on people. - To educate care givers and health officials hoe to handle people having infertility problems. - To develop the skill of problem solving and experienced learning. -To gain knowledge about social, religious and family issues related with infertility treatment. 1.2 Instructional Strategies and settings: The classroom contains 20 care giving professionals with different socio –economic backgrounds. Participants have different IQ level and motor sensory skills Because of this the presentation of the class should satisfy all the participants. External environment provides immense help for the participants and the use of audio visual facilities make the more appreciative. Discussion method is suited for this context and this give the opportunity to share personal views. Lecturing and video conferencing are essential strategies in this context. Paper presentation is another instructional strategy in this context because the subject requires examples and statistical data. Case study reports are essential tool in this study and participants should presents case study reports about the persons who suffered with infertility problem. The following instructional tools are useful; LCD projector, Internet, charts and pictures: 1.3 Instructional techniques and activities: The workshop begins with a brief and effective introduction and this help the listeners to enter the topic easily. Then the performer analyses the topic infertility and its causes and gender differences. After the introduction performer presents various research reports and documents about the topic. Then he invites participants for open discussion. The use of LCD projector and internet are very useful in this second face of the workshop. Presentation of the case study reports helps the participants more about social, religious, family issues related with infertility. The third face of the work shop includes discussion about various topics such as Causes of infertility, psychological and physiological impacts, possible treatments, public concepts about infertility treatments and gender difference in infertility. 1.4 Introduction: Researches often mentioned the fact that many people have suffered with infertility and its social impacts. Most of the physicians and health professionals argued that infertility is one of the common and complicated problems mainly affected by women. Women had often faced the difficulty difficult to getting pregnant and carrying a baby. It is not only a gender problem but a temporary physiological disability. Studies prove that in one –third of the women are faced this problem infertility. The online article Infertility comments; “ About 12 percent of women (7.3 million) in the United States aged 15-44 had difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term in 2002, according to the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” (Infertility, 2010, para.3). The given statistical explores the current position of infertility in the United States and it force one to think seriously about this disability and its treatments. Major and different cause of infertility among men is due to the problems making sperm these are the tube blockage or any obstacles in the tubes which take the sperm and the other important problems are related with the sperms like low sperm counts. All of these problems are making the powerless sperms and abnormal shape of sperm as a result they affected infertility. Generally men are not ready to revel their infertility problem and they believed it as a problem of self esteem. Beth Alder says; “Men talk about their infertility problems less frequently than women and if the opportunity arises find themselves less able to talk to people outside the marriage.” (Alder, 1999). Different other cause of this problem is many and varied. Man born with this defect and other times this problems started with in a while illness and injuries. The online article entitled Infertility (cont.) what causes infertility in men? Explains that; “Sometimes a man is born with the problems that affect his sperm. Other times problems start later in life due to illness or injury. For example, cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men.” (What causes infertility in men, 2010, para.2). The physicians and health professionals are identified different and complicated causes of the infertility among the women society. In women the problem of infertility is mainly related with the ovulation and some of the factors like growing of uterus lining to the out side of the uterus. Other cause of this problem is tube blockage of female organ and on the increase chromosomal deformity is caused by the way of destructive eggs. The online article entitled what causes infertility in women? helps one to understand more about physiological problems that caused infertility among the women. It states; “Ovulation problems result when one part of the system that controls reproductive function malfunctions. This system includes the hypothalamus (an area of the brain), pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and genital organs. For example, the ovaries may not produce enough progesterone, the female hormone that causes the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for a potential fetus.” (What causes infertility in women, 2005, para.2). Physicians and doctors find different treatment methods of infertility. These are medication, restorative surgery and other one is artificial insemination. These treatment methods are very useful and very effective along with many couples. Another important factor of female infertility is aging. So age is the important factor of healthy egg production especially before age 35. Some women has without ovulation, these eggs are not healthy and not available to fertilize. As a result the chance of pregnancy is decreased. The online article Female Age, Fertility and Infertility entitled that “The real issue is egg quantity and quality - which translates into embryo quality after fertilization. As women wait longer to have children, more couples have fertility problems due to a decline in egg quality, and due to other issues that are more common in older women.” (Female Age, Fertility and Infertility, 2010, para.2). 2.0 Topics to be addressed in the workshop The Social Impact of infertility: The family is a major social institution in which the order and balance of the society is maintained. The imbalance in the family structure will also lead to the imbalance of the society. The infertility is a growing world wide health problem. In the United States alone “there are more than six million couples, or approximately 10% of the reproductive age population, with infertility issues.” (Berger, n.d., para.2). Unlike other health problem it will affect the social aspect of the victims. It can even make problem in the dignity of the human being. The major impact of it is on family life. When the partners identify that they cannot give birth to a child they will become a recriminated situation. This may result in the unsatisfactory family life. The infertility can be considered as one of the major life crisis. The permanent inability of a couple or a partner can make the family alienated from the society. The lack of descendants is a major cause for the family distress. Even from the hunting and Gathering society the procreation is considered as an essential part in the social life. The problem of infertility is keep on increasing in the last few decades when compare it with the whole history. The norms and values are very important for the sustained of the society. The family plays a major role in the socialization of a child. The infertility can make a great impact on all aspect of the individual especially the social aspect of the individual. The social realm in which the infertility affects is explained below. Stigma: In many culture inability to conceive is considered as curse or problem relating to the previous birth. The infertility is considered as a stigma in many cultures. This will lead to the alienation of the couple or the family from the society. "If you are infertile in some cultures, you are less than a dog," says Willem Ombelet of the Genk Institute for Fertility Technology in Belgium” (Springen, 2008, para.3). There are many stigmas relating to the infertility. In the Hindu religion it is believed that a parent without a child cannot go to heaven. It is because there is nobody to perform the death ritual. It is believed in China and Vietnam that the souls of the dead people cannot enjoy rest. In some cultures it is not allowed to bury the dead body of childless parent in to the common graveyards. In many religions the unhealthy rituals are also practicing to conceive a child. Marginalization within the family: In most of the cases of infertility women are marginalized and victimized. In almost all the cultures women are considered as the emotional caretakers. She is also misconceived as the cause of every misfortune in the family. “It is common for the woman to assume responsibility for the emotional impact of the infertility and for her to experience strong feelings of pain, anger, fear, shame, or depression.” (Berger, n.d., para.3). On these platform women are primarily identified as the problem for not conceiving. In male dominated cultures the women will also falsely victimized for not conceiving. This will lead to psychological distress to the women. “The man and/or woman may become more anxious to conceive, ironically increasing sexual dysfunction.” (Berger, n.d., para.5). This picture has to change. Both the men and the women have equal possibility of causing inability to conceive a child. Marginalization within the society: The infertile couple is also marginalized from the society. It can make huge impact to all aspect of the social arena of an individual. The infertile couple is marginalized commonly from joyful celebrations such as marriage, Party Etc., The social stigmas also make them marginalized from the society. The embarrassment, the depressed feeling and the shame will block them to continue the essential social interaction. The social living is essential for a healthy mental life. The infertility may lead to the withdrawal from the society. Drug Abuse: The chance for drug abuse is high in the infertile couple. It is because they adopt the drug abuse as a alternate source for eradicating the pain and despair from the infertility. The unmet need for the sexual pleasure will also lead to the drug abuse Family relationship: The sex is a major factor in maintaining the family relation ship with the husband and the wife of a family. The marriage and the family as an institution satisfy the sexual needs of the man and the woman. But in the case of infertile couple or a partner the sexual needs will be rejected because of the couple will be focused only on the baby goal. “Libido can be decreased when sexual function is primarily relegated to a purely reproductive process.” (Elstein, 1975, pp.296-299). As a result of it they will give-up unconsciously the other aspect of their family relationship such as Kissing, intercourse, hugging, affection Etc... The negative emotional feelings due to the infertility can be diluted by making them to satisfy there sexual needs. This will also increase the possibility of getting conceived. “Many studies from within the United States have suggested that infertility is often associated with sexual problems in men.” (Smith, et al, 2009, para.8). Ethical impact: The Treatment of infertility is also account for many ethical discourses. The medically assisted procreation is a developing technology used for the infertile couple. Conceiving a child is a matter relating to a new life. Many ethical issues exist relating to the infertility treatment. “Artificial conception raises the possibilities of myriad problems - legal or otherwise, which may need resolution by legislation or national guidelines.” (Dr Malpani, 2010, para.2). There are many ethical questions relating to the above mentioned issues. The beginning of the life is a major ethical question relating to the medically assisted procreation. The exploitation of the infertile couple should be prevented highly. The Catholic Church’s theology has many restriction in the medically assisted procreation “However, surrogacy; artificial insemination by husband or donor; and IVF are not allowed, because procreation without sexual union is considered unnatural, and the church has been quite vocal about its criticism.” (Dr Malpani, 2010, para.4). Several studies and researches are going on in the field of infertility treatment. Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) model treatments help the patients to avoid religious and family problems. The web article entitled Infertility in Women, Treatment comments that; “In addition to medication and surgical infertility treatments to treat specific health conditions in men and women, a new class of treatments that is called assisted reproductive technologies, or ART, has been developed.” (Fertility: Infertility in women. 2009, para.1). Economic Impact: The social aspect of the family has a direct link between the economic aspects of the family. The infertility will lead to decline of the economic condition of the family. It is because most of the treatment like IVF has costly and affordable only to the high class people of the society. “Indirect economic costs associated with infertility diagnosis and treatment, such as time lost from work, child care expenses or debt incurred to pay for treatment, are more difficult to quantify, but may add to the financial burden assumed by individuals undergoing infertility treatment.” (Katz, Nachtigall & Showstack, 2002, para.5). The economic impact will directly influence the social aspect of the individual. The financial need for the health expense will be high. In order to maintain a balance in the economic function of the family it will rule out other important social needs of the family. These financial barriers often forced the people to withdraw treatment program. Descendants: The tradition of descendants of the family is maintained with the children of the family. But in the case of the infertile couple the descendants cannot be sustained. It will be a great social problem to both the men and the women. “Some men also worry about their inability to continue their familys genetic line, adds Petok.” (Clay, 2006, p.44). The self Esteem: The Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs considers the self esteem as the 4th stage in the achievement of self actualization “Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.” (Maslow’s, 2010, para.9). He also identifies the sex as the major biological needs of an individual. The biological needs are to be satisfied as the early stage of the hierarchy of needs. In the case of fertile parents the self esteem will be damaged because of the lack children. The inability to conceive a child affects the self esteem of the women. In man it is a big threat to the manliness. “Infertility potentially cuts into a mans feelings of masculinity," says Petok,” (Clay, 2006, para.4). Care givers and health professionals can play a vital role to give awareness to the public about the problem of infertility. They need proper assistance and guidance. One can force them to think positively about the treatment. Ronny Diamond et al remarks; “Compared to someone facing a death, when the mourner accepts the irrefutable loss of the loved one, these couples may be mourning the loss of future children while at the same time participating in treatments that encourage them to feel hopeful about having a baby.” (Diamond, Meyers & Kezur, 1999). Here it is clear that the duty of a health care giver is not only a doctor but as a lover of humanity. Unlike other diseases one cannot follow the principle prevention is better than cure in the case of infertility. The possible thing is to give proper treatment and social support and encouragement to the people who are suffering from infertility. Reference List Alder, B. (1999). Psychology of health: applications of psychology for health professionals. Routledge. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Berger, V. F. (n.d.). Emotional issue of infertility. Pregnancy and Children. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Centola, G. M., & Ginsburg, K. N. (2004). Evaluation and treatment of the infertile male. Cambridge University Press, p.278. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Clay, R. A. (2006). Batting self-blame of infertility. American Psychological Association, 37(8), p.44. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Diamond, R., Meyers, M., & Kezur, D. (1999). Couple therapy for infertility. Guilford Press. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Dr Malpani, A. (2010). Chapter 46: The ethical issues – right or wrong. Fertility Community.Com. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Elstein, M. (1975). Effect of infertility on psychosexual function. BMJ, pp.296-299. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Female Age, Fertility and Infertility. (2010). Advanced Fertility Centre of Chicago. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Fertility: Infertility in women. (2009). UCSF Medical Centre. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Infertility (cont.) what causes infertility in men? (2010). Medicine Net.Com. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Infertility. (2010). Medeicinenet.Com. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Katz, P., Nachtigall, R., & Showstack, J. (2002). The economic impact of the assisted reproductive technologies. Nature Publishing Group. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Maslow’s, A. (2010). Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivational model. Businessballs.Com. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Smith, K. F. et al. (2009). Sexual, marital and social impact of men’s perceived infertility diagnosis. NIH Public Access. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Springen, K. (2008). What it means to be a women. Newsweek.Com. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from What causes infertility in women? (2005). Health-Cares.Net. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Read More
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