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Compare and Contrast the use of fire in Ancient Israel with that of Ancient Greece and/or Rome - Research Paper Example

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Science News revealed that the origins of fire can be traced around 1.7 million years ago with cites of burned stone artifacts being discovered in eastern Africa (Science News, 2000, par. 1). It is interesting to note that…
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Compare and Contrast the use of fire in Ancient Israel with that of Ancient Greece and/or Rome
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Comparative Dis on the Use of Fire: Ancient Israel with Ancient Greece/Rome One of the most important discoveries of man is fire. Science News revealed that the origins of fire can be traced around 1.7 million years ago with cites of burned stone artifacts being discovered in eastern Africa (Science News, 2000, par. 1). It is interesting to note that the Accurate & Reliable Dictionary (ARD) (2010) proffered 38 different definitions of fire, with the first being “the evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies; combustion; state of ignition.

” Due to its diverse and profoundly productive, as well as destructive, capabilities, fire has been a product of vast researches originating from ancient civilizations. In this regard, the objective of this essay is to compare and contrast the use of fire in Ancient Israel with that of Ancient Greece/Rome.Use of Fire in Ancient IsraelAccording to Schmid (2004, pars. 1 & 2), “more than three-quarters of a million years ago, early humans gathered around a campfire near an ancient lake in what is now Israel, making tools and perhaps cooking food, in the earliest evidence yet found of the use of fire in Europe or Asia.

Researchers have found evidence that these early people hunted and processed meat and used fire at a site called Gesher Benot Ya’aqov in the northern Dead Sea valley.” In addition, Ancient Israel was found to use fire for “coping with dangers, food, acquire warmth” (Schmid, 2004, par. 9).Use of Fire in Ancient Greece In Ancient Greece, fire was used for warfare (Markoulakis, 2007). Accordingly, Markoulakis (2007, 3) averred that “the Greek Fire — first used officially in 678 A.D against the Arab’s fleet — the siphon, the Syracuse’s ‘burning mirrors’, and the Euphorbia-gas, were kept secret regardless of the use in battlefields”.

Fire was considered one of the elements which is considered a “primary agent of change” (Opsopaus, 1999, par. 2). Greek mythology named Hephaestus as the God of fire and metalwork. As such, “he is the god of technology including, specifically blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy, and fire” (Mythology, 2008). As a catalyst of change, fire in Ancient Greece was focused on the Greek Fire and using it as a form of communication (Lahanas, n.d.).Analysis The comparative differences in Ancient Israel and Ancient Greece’s use of fire lie in the emphasis each people placed on it.

Israelites acknowledged the need to use fire as protection from danger and cold, as well as for processing meat. On the other hand, Greeks and Romans focused on the technological capabilities of fire, using it to mold metals and in warfare. It is worth noting that fire has been acknowledged as one of the most destructive enemies at it destroyed several buildings in Ancient Rome. Therefore, Ancient Israel focused on the productive uses of fire, while Ancient Greece/Romans harnessed its destructive capabilities.

Conclusion Fire has been credited since time immemorial on both its productive and destructive properties. As manifested in ancient civilizations of Israel and Greece, fire was given antithetical perspectives due to experiences and priorities of these people at the given time. Despite the differences, fire remains to be an instrumental element which paved the way for innumerable technological applications. Without ancient people’s commitment for improvement and change, the discovery of fire’s vast capabilities could never be accounted for.

Works CitedAccurate & Reliable Dictionary (ARD). Fire. 2010. Web. 08 July 2010. Lahanas, Michael. Ancient Greek Communication Methods. N.d. Web. 08 July 2010. Markoulakis, Nikolaos. The Greek Fire and Ancient Chemical Warfare. 25 June 2007. Web.08 July 2010. Mythology. Principal Gods. 2008. Web. 08 July 2010. Science News. Ancient origins of fire use - Brief Article. 29 April 2000. Web. 08 July 2010.

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