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How Do Video Games Affect Teenagers Nowadays - Essay Example

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The paper "How Do Video Games Affect Teenagers Nowadays" describes that the results that are garnered from the interviews and from the literature shall be combined, and analysed in aggregate. These shall be the researcher’s basis for discussion, conclusion, and recommendation. …
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How Do Video Games Affect Teenagers Nowadays
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The Influence of Video Games on Teenagers’ Cognition, Affect, and Behaviour: An Empirical Study 1 Background Fernandez (2008) cites the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games. One which has particularly struck the researcher is his assertion that prior to the Virginia Tech Campus mass murders in 2007, Chong Seung-Heui was actually obsessed with playing video games. This, however, has not been attested to by the findings of the Virginia Tech Panel. There is empirical evidence suggesting that physiological changes do transpire within the body, which predispose the video game player to violent behaviour. For instance, the study of Staude-Muller et al. (2008) did a test concerning means changes in heart rate and respiration rate in the experimental conditions while playing high violence and low violence video games, and also the means of the average standardized electrodermal reaction into the two types of stimuli for the high- and low-violence groups. The results indicate that the higher level of violence players manifested greater aggression than the low level violence video game players. On the other hand, video games have also been found to have positive effects. For example, the study of Reinecke (2009), it was indicated that video and computer games are engaging media and are capable of alleviating players’ stress. A model has been deduced from empirical data to support this assertion, depicting the associations among recovery experience, work-related fatigue, daily hassles, emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and playing games for recovery from stress and strain, with social support acting as moderator. Given these initial literature, the researcher was compelled to investigate what has thus far been found about the influence of video games on teenagers’ cognition, affect, and behaviours. The study shall be beneficial for a thorough understanding of both advantages and repercussions of playing video games, especially amongst teenagers. 1.2 Aim The aim of the paper is to determine the positive and negative influence of video games on teenagers aged 13-18 years old. 1.3 Objectives The following are the specific objectives of the study: 1) To discuss the positive influence of video games on teenagers’ cognition, affect, and behaviour; and 2) To explain the negative influence of video games on teenagers’ cognition, affect, and behaviour. Both objectives shall be achieved through a critical review of related literature and interviews with teenagers who avidly play video games. Thus, both primary and secondary data collection shall be undertaken for the purposes of this study. 2.1 Review of Related Literature The review of related literature has been conducted by gathering materials from online journals, newspapers, and websites. On the positive influences of video games, Reinecke (2009) pointed out that “Accordingly, as video and computer games are a very absorbing media environment, they are likely to foster feelings of relaxation and to support recovery from stress and strain.” Moreover, he had drafted out a model on the relationship among recovery experience, work-related fatigue, daily hassles, emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and playing games for recovery from stress and strain, with social support acting as moderator to continue with his online survey in year 2007. He did actually conduct this survey online in the format of questionnaire with a total of 1614 participants. The sample size is large enough to be as a representative sample; however, a lager sample would lend greater credence to the validity of outcomes. The survey was administered in German, it also means that the test was only done in Germany from which other countries might have a different result to this survey. Fernandez (2008), on the other hand, highlights the repercussions of video games, saying that “Cho Seung-Hui, who murdered 32 people on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007, was initially reported to have played video games obsessively (a claim since debunked by the Virginia Tech panel that investigated the incident), and many commentators have instinctively linked game violence with campus killings.” Moreover, he studied the correlation between playing violent video games and getting into fist fights which was worth pursuing as a research topic. Moreover, to demonstrate the physiological effects of video games which predispose players to be violent, Staude-Muller et al. (2008) did a test concerning means changes in heart rate and respiration rate in the experimental conditions while playing high violence and low violence video games, and also the means of the average standardized electrodermal reaction into the two types of stimuli for the high- and low-violence groups. The outcomes indicate that the higher level of violence players acted more aggressive than the low level of violence players. 3.1 Method 3.1.1 Research Approach The researcher proposes a qualitative approach to studying the influence of video games on the cognition, affect and behaviour of teenagers, specifically through the conduct of semi-structured interviews. Apart from this, secondary data sources shall be critically analyzed to lend support to the primary data garnered from the present research. The researcher has considered the benefits that may be yielded from the use of such an approach. For one, qualitative approach allows the participant a significant degree of elaboration and self-expression (Sutton 1993), which is not always possible with quantitative methods. The disadvantages of the use of qualitative methods, from the point of view of the researcher, do not outweigh its benefits. Qualitative methods are typically time consuming and interpretation of results are carried out with a high degree of personal interpretation by the researcher (Babbie 2006). The researcher has likewise considered the use of survey methodology, subsumed under the quantitative approach. These methods are high on numeracy and statistical information. Its advantages supplement the weaknesses of the qualitative approach, since it tends to be more structured, with clearly laid out parameters of data gathering and analysis (Maxim 1999). However, whereas the qualitative approach permits the participant to explain and to expound on his responses to an issue, the quantitative approach precludes this. If at all, this is possible if open-ended items are included in the survey instrument. Typically, however, survey questionnaires come in the form of Likert-type instruments where responses are presented as numerical, close ended options (Sekaran 2000). The researcher has considered both the benefits and drawbacks of the two approaches, and decided to adopt a qualitative approach to the study. The main advantage of this approach is a real, in-depth investigation of the personal experience of video game players, who are the subjects of interest. This is the main intent of the researcher rather than ascertaining statistical relationships between frequency of playing video games and their cognition, affect, and behaviour. 3.1.2 Research Design and Methods The research design is described as exploratory, descriptive, and cross-sectional. It is exploratory since there are a dearth of studies which address the same topic using a phenomenological, qualitative approach. Moreover, it is also descriptive since there is no attempt to introduce an intervention to elicit corresponding changes in the dependent variables (Creswell 2004) of cognition, affect, and behaviour of the video game players. Finally, the study is said to be cross-sectional because it aims to describe the variables of interest at one point in time (Gall, Borg & Gall 2003), instead of a longitudinal study where the variables are observed over a long time frame. The primary method that shall be used is a semi-structured interview. An interview requires the establishment of authentic rapport between the interviewer and the participant, for increased veracity of responses (Lincoln & Guba 1985). The researcher shall also undertake documentary analysis of literature, using peer reviewed journal articles. There are other methodological options that the researcher may consider. For one, a survey questionnaire has also been considered by the researcher; however, this methodology while expedient, does not allow the participant to elaborate further about his experience (Crotty 1998). One other alternative is the ethnographic approach, where the researcher observes and interviews participants in the setting where they move about or operate. While it may be advantageous in terms of observing behaviour (Madison & Soyini 2005), observations may be limited in getting data about influences of video games on cognition and affect. Focus group discussions are another option. However, the researcher considered the effects of placing the participants in one group. Rather than giving honest responses, socially desirable answers are more likely in the presence of peers (Marshall & Rossman 1998). 3.1.3 Subjects and Sampling Plan The population in the current research is composed of all teenager video game players, who are within the 12-18 years old age range. Because there are limited resources allocated for the research, there is a need to enlist only a sample of this population to reach viable conclusions. As such, the researcher shall use snow ball sampling to reach the desired number of interviewees. Thus, probability sampling techniques shall not be utilised. By definition, convenience sampling entails the selection of an initial pool of participants who are willing to participate in the research; in turn, the group endorses referrals who may also be interested in enlisting themselves in the research effort (Newman & Benz 1998). However, the researcher should ensure that all of the participants fall within the age range criteria and play video games at least once a week. These inclusion criteria make them eligible for participation. The researcher intends to interview 30 teenagers to gather qualitative data for the study. The literature to be included in the critical review of literature, on the other hand, shall be chosen through purposive sampling. The latter prescribes certain requirements before a unit of study is included in a sample (Crotty 1998). A piece of literature shall be included in the study if it meets the following inclusion criteria: 1) must be a peer-reviewed article; and 2) must be published no earlier than 2000. 3.1.4 Procedure The procedures of data collection are subdivided into two: namely, primary and secondary data collection. The latter was first accomplished by the researcher, where materials for the literature review were gathered through books, online journals, websites, and other online references. There are still no constraints observed in forming the literature review; the inclusion criteria of using only peer reviewed journals are applicable only to those journals that will be presented in the results section of the research, along with the interview responses. The following search terms shall be used in searching for literature from various databases: “effects of video games”, “cognitive effects of video games”, “affective effects of video games”, “behavioural effects of video games”, and “effects of video games on teenagers”. The researcher shall then design the semi-structured interview that will be used for primary data gathering. The researcher shall ensure that questions in the instrument are matched with the variables of interest, namely, cognition, affect and behaviour of video game players – which are the dependent variables; and playing video games as the independent variable. To ensure that the tool is valid, a subject matter expert shall be asked to review its content validity. The latter indicates whether the instrument is capable of arriving at the data that will lead to substantive conclusions (Creswell 2004). The review of the instrument shall ensure that the variables are adequately covered by the questions in the semi-structured interview. The advantages of using a semi-structured interview include its capability to gather in-depth information that is based on the experience of the interviewee. Moreover, it allows the interview to clarify his responses through follow-up, probing questions (Marshall & Rossman 1998). However, the use of an interview also entails that rapport be established between the interviewer and the participant, to ensure the veracity of answers (Israel & Hay 2006). In addition, the analysis of qualitative data garnered from interviews is strong conceptual and critical thinking skills to ascertain common themes from the responses (Madison & Soyini 2005). The researcher had to allot adequate time to carry out thematic analysis. One other limitation that is cited for interviews is that the interpretation may be subjective and dependent on the point of the view of the researcher. To overcome this limitation, the researcher may consider validating his interpretation of the responses by going back to the subjects for further clarification of the meaning of their responses or consulting a subject matter expert who can concur with how the data were interpreted. During the interview proper, the researcher shall build rapport with the juvenile delinquent. Both verbal and non-verbal messages from the interviewer should make the interviewee comfortable and should help the latter be open to sharing his ideas and feelings to the interviewer. The interviewee shall be informed that his identity shall be kept confidential and that his responses shall solely be used for research purposes only. In addition, he shall also inform the interviewee that he has the choice not to answer a question or to withdraw from the interviewee session at any time. If he so allows, the researcher shall take notes or record the interview session through a tape recorder. However, these will not be done without asking for permission from the interviewee. The researcher shall then begin asking the questions and respectfully wait for the teenager to finish responding. Interrupting in between answers will not be done. If applicable, the researcher will offer a translation of the question into the interviewee’s native language. When an issue is ambiguous or needs further explanation, the researcher will ask the interviewee to explain further through a probing question. The researcher shall not give any incentive to the interviewee for participation. Upon conclusion of the interviewee, the researcher shall thank the interviewee for participating in the study. The interviews shall be transcribed. The responses shall be listed as discrete categories, and the frequency of each response shall be tabulated. Common or predominant themes shall be ascertained and shall be the focal points of analysis. This is pertained to as thematic analysis (Marshall & Rossman 1998). Their implications shall be interpreted in light of the findings of previous empirical studies. 3.1.5 Instrument The instrument that shall be used in the study is a semi-structured interview that shall be drafted by the researcher. Each variable of interest, namely, playing video games; and cognitive, affective, and behavioural effect of playing of video games shall have corresponding questions in the interview. The researcher shall seek the help of his mentor and of a subject matter expert to ensure that all the constructs have been adequately inquired about in the interview. 3.1.6 Method of Data Analysis Thematic analysis shall be used to determine the common themes in the interview responses. Thematic analysis requires accounting for the frequency of responses in qualitative data, to ascertain common themes (Marshall & Rossman 1998). Moreover, a critical review of the literature shall also be undertaken, taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of empirical studies related to the topic. The results that are garnered from the interviews and from the literature shall be combined, and analysed in aggregate. These shall be the researcher’s basis for discussion, conclusion, and recommendation. 4.1 Timeline The following are ballpark durations of each activity required for project completion:   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Gathering of literature                 Drafting and validation of interview guide                 Inviting participants and sending of consent forms                 Conduct of interviews                 Thematic Analysis                 Write-up of Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations                 References Babbie, E 2006, The practice of social research (11th edn). Wadsworth Publishing. Creswell, J 2004, Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. USA: Prentice Hall  Crotty, M 1998, The foundations of social research. Sage Publications: London. Fernandez, A 2008, ‘Playing the blame game: Games pros and cons’. [Online] Accessed on 2 March 2010 at  Gall, M D, Borg, W R, & Gall, J. P 2003, Educational research: An introduction. (7th Edition). White Plains, New York: Longman. Hodson, R 1999, Analyzing documentary accounts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Israel, M & Hay, I 2006, Research ethics for social scientists. California, Sage Publications. Lincoln, YS & Guba, EG 1985, Naturalist inquiry. California: Sage. Madison, D & Soyini, M 2005, Critical ethnography: Method, ethics, and performance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Marshall, C & Rossman, GB 1998, Designing qualitative research. California: Sage.  Maxim, P 1999, Quantitative research methods in the social sciences, Oxford: University Press. Newman, I and Benz, C 1998, Exploring the interactive continuum. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Patton, M 2002, Qualitative research and evaluation methods. USA: Sage. Reinecke, L 2009, ‘Games and recovery: The use of video and computer games to recuperate from stress and strain’ Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 126-142. Sekaran, U 2000, Research methods for business (3rd edition). New York: Hermitage Staude-Muller, F, Bilesener, T, & Luthman, S 2008, ‘Hostile and hardened? An experimental study on (de-)sensitization to violence and suffering through playing video games.” Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 41-50. Sutton, B 1993, The rationale for qualitative research: a review of principles and theoretical foundations. Library Quarterly, vol. 63, pp. 411-430. Read More
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