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Deformations in Sedentary Collegiate Females - Essay Example

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The essay "Deformations in Sedentary Collegiate Females" focuses on the critical analysis of the quantitative and qualitative research on deformations in sedentary collegiate females. A good number of high school students have been found to suffer from several deformities or anomalies…
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Deformations in Sedentary Collegiate Females
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Prevalence of low bone mineral density in sedentary collegiate females than collegiate females’ athletes School Affiliation: Background I will conduct my research project between the University of Kingston and the Faculty of St. George, both situated in London. 30 collegiate athletes from Kingston University and 30 collegiate females from St. George Faculty will be the cohort for this research project. Participants will be randomly selected and once the selection is completed and the two groups have been formed, another random selection of the same will perform the selection of 15 participants from each two groups to form the control group.   The research is expected to be carried out through the use of both qualitative and quantitative aspects of study. It is in this way that the dual nature of the data demanded will be taken care of. However, it should be pointed that on the basis of the literature review, it is established that low bone content is associated with sedentary lifestyle. Introduction A good number of high school students have been found to suffer from a number of deformities or anomalies. The low bone mineral associated with a number of the school population has been attributed to the nature of lifestyle that these people lead. It is found that sedentary students are more prone to this condition as opposed to athletic students albeit on the basis of this study. Through the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches of data collection, a research is conducted to confirm the veracity of the statement or deny it. On the basis of the literature review, it is found that indeed sedentary students have less bone mineral concentration when compared to the athletic students. It is also found that low bone formation or content does have an adverse effect on the formation of the body skeleton. In turn, poor skeletal formation is known to lead to overall body malfunctioning.   1. Literature review Hoch et al. (2009) claims that a substantial number of high school athletes (78%) and a surprisingly high number of sedentary students (65%) have one of or more components of the female athlete triad. The female athlete triad is a co-morbidity condition which refers to an Eating Disorder (low calorie intake), Amenorrhoea (menstrual abnormality) and Osteoporosis (low bone density) (Shamley, 2005). The scope of this research proposal is to investigate among collegiate females if the decline of bone density is strong correlate to a sedentary life style. It is thus presumed that the more sedate an individual is the more their chances of developing the condition. Hoch et al. (2009) found that sedentary students had a bone density lower than student athletes. The assumption is that lack of physical activities is a determinant for the development of the female athlete triad. Other factors such as intrinsic (psychological: self-efficacy, self control, social desirability, beliefs, state of anxiety/depression) and extrinsic (environmental: nutritional, social-economical influence, media, cultural, religion) may have a strong influence on the development of the triad. This research has also been prompt due to the alarmingly high rate of active teen girls which have also been reported to suffer from the female athlete’s triad (Dalle Grave, Calugi, and Marchesini, 2008). This raises another dilemma as this condition has clearly found a path into the younger generation. Although in the past the trend of these conditions was associated with female athletes, it is now alarmingly prevalent among the general young female population (Reinking, Alexander, 2005; Hoch et al., 2009). Literature demonstrated that physical exercise is essential for maintaining normal function of skeletal muscle (Grounds 1991; Chambers et al., 1996; Wilmore et al., 2004). Without the stimulation of physical activity muscles begin a process of atrophy and consequently a decrease in functional capacity (Grounds, 1991; Chambers et al., 1996). Regular physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, colon cancer and mental health such as anxiety and depression (ACSM, 2006). A systematised review by Strong et al. (2005) of 850 journal articles on the effects of physical activity (PA) on the health, behaviour and the development of adolescents claimed that more than 30-45 minutes of moderate to vigorous PA 3-5 days per week was necessary to attain positive effects on health and behaviour in ordinary daily life (WHO, 1986).  This project aims will also investigate the level of knowledge and awareness that collegiate female athletes and sedentary collegiate have in regards to the female athlete triad using a survey. We hope to provide the necessary information to allow the development of an educational program for athletes and exercisers with the intent to more effectively prevent and detect this condition in the future.   2. Scientific justification with explicitly stated rationale & project aims The study aims to find out whether sedentary collegiate people are predisposed to low bone mineral formation and if so determine whether it affects the normal body functioning. This research is justified because it seeks to find a solution to a current problem that has emerged to affect the lives of young ones. It is also expected that this research will provide invaluable information to students and scholars in the field. In this respect, the stated research aims shall be: To determine the current level of bone mineral in collegiate students To determine the expected levels of bone mineral after engagement in athletics To determine the likelihood of suffering poor skeletal formation as a result of low bone mineral To determine the level of difference in athletic females and sedentary females To determine the effect of poor skeletal formation on overall health 3. Sample characteristics The sample shall comprise of 100 students drawn from three college schools. The 100 respondents will be divided into two groups, the group that holds an athletic background and the other which does not engage in athleticism. Each group will be mutually exclusive from the other, implying that no member from one group shall be a member of the other. 4. Design and methodology Research design and data collection plan Based on the nature of this study, the most appropriate research instrument shall be both qualitative and case study approaches. The latter according to, Jadad and O’Grady (2008), carries the merit of providing richer insights. Of importance to note is the fact that quantitative approach to this study has deliberately been avoided since it is often rigid and thus would hamper the researcher from getting an exhaustive insight into this study area. With this in mind, the research data collection process shall be divided into two parts with the first being the use of structured interview. In particular, the said interview shall be based on approximately 100 different level collegiate students from the two groups. The second component of this process shall involve questionnaire administration to a sample size of about 70 comprising of both sedentary and athletic collegiate students. In reference to this, three colleges will be selected in the study. The purpose of this study shall be to explore the claim that sedentary lifestyle leads to low bone mineral. Specific hypotheses to be tested / research questions to be answered On the basis of the literature review certain positions emerge as potential truths. However, they are regarded as hypotheses which should be probed. It is hypothesised that sedentary lifestyle leads to low bone mineral formation. It is also held that low bone mineral concentration leads to poor skeletal working. On the same basis, it is posited that poor skeletal functioning hampers normal body functioning (UNDP, 1999). On the above note, it is the paper’s mission to respond to the following questions; do sedentary collegiate students, females, have low bone mineral concentration? Secondly, does low bone mineral concentration lead to poor skeletal working? Finally, the paper will examine whether poor skeletal functioning can have an adverse effect on the normal body functioning. Description of the data  The data in this research will majorly be quantitative though some qualitative aspects will also be raised. However, the realisation that has been made implies that the data is twofold. The qualitative data will centre on retrieving information from the respondents regarding their past life engagements and experiences. On the other hand, the examination of the levels of bone mineral content to be done by the medical practitioners will generate only quantitative data. 5. Detailed testing protocol To collect the type of information this research endeavours to seek, a consent form is to be signed to allow for the data collection. This is because the data touches on personal issues. In the form, it is promised that information will be kept secret unless given approval by the respondent to give it out. The variables to be measured include: the bone mineral level, the functional level of skeletons and the normal functioning level of the body. This will aid to determine whether indeed there is a difference in bone mineral and if yes, the consequences on the body and skeletal functioning. A test of percentage ranking will be used. Between 0 and 40 percent level of mineral will present a serious deformity, a rank between 41 and 70 will represent an average level of bone mineral and over 70 will represent a high content of the mineral. The other tests will follow from this. Study Area This study shall be based within the City of London as the main focus of data collection. The decision to use London as the primary sample area is informed by the fact that the city is a busy centre where schooling facilities and the offer of other services can provide diverse and valuable data for this study (Evang, 1967). Feasibility is the other reason why the researcher opted to choose this zone to be the main focal point of the study. This shall enable the researcher to overcome challenges associated with limited resources and time constraint all of which would have otherwise negatively impacted on the reliability and validity of research findings. Sampling Procedure According to Last (1983), the identification of the correct or suitable sampling procedure is positively correlated to the accuracy of the research findings. From the onset, it should be noted that this research is qualitative in nature and therefore the use of an appropriate sampling procedure shall be emphasised. Hence, this research study shall use systematic random sampling procedure to determine the sample for this study. This method has the merit of being easy to use while at the same time ensuring for accuracy in determining the sample size. 6. Proposed statistical analyses/data analyses In any form of scientific research, there is need to collect data before an analysis is carried out. The methods of collecting the data must be in tandem with the requirements of the scientific methods. That is the reason why in this research the use of both primary and secondary sources of data is taken. The use of secondary sources is quite important in providing the basis upon which a research is build upon. On the converse, primary sources offer new information to back up the research. This study shall involve the use of both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Administration of questionnaires shall be used as the primary method of collecting data in relation to the research question. This shall be supplemented by the use of probing to allow for the collection of accurate and valid data. Additional information shall also be obtained from secondary sources such as books and related previous studies into this area. The use of secondary source of information has the merit of providing in-depth information on the topic under study which in turn helps the researcher to come up with responsive recommendations. The collected data shall be analysed and represented through the use of score tables, pie-Charts and graphs. 7. Foreseeable limitations and the plan to address / mitigate them Limitations are inherent in several aspects of learning. The major ones centre on time and both financial and material resources. As a result it is worthy that the anticipated and rising limitations be considered. Limitations should serve as a warning so that measures are put in place in advance to counter their effects on the research exercise. It is ideally to envisage the potential limitations before a study is carried out though it becomes more authoritative to report the limitations as they were experienced in the research process. One of the limitations which were anticipated during this research study was attributed to the fact that some respondents would fail to provide reliable and truthful information. This limitation carries the potential effect of greatly reducing the validity and reliability of the field study findings. In order to overcome this challenge, the researcher chose to request the respondents to be as truthful as possible. It is also a fact that the research was based on the principle of voluntary provision of information by the respondents. This could affect the results by reducing the likelihood of collecting biased information. The second limitation that the researcher anticipated to be encountered with was the issue of insufficient resources in terms of man-power and finances. With the recent global financial melt down, financiers were not going to be in a mode to dish out funds unless proven necessary. It is on this realisation that measures were taken to craft a budget which was presented to the funding companies. Every penny was accounted for and the research value was clearly put forward for each and everybody to see. Time constraint is the other limitation to which this study is exposed since this research shall require at least one year to be completed. To carry out a study of this magnitude, the need for adequate time cannot be overemphasised. It was thus necessary to find as much time as possible. It however proved impossible and the research had to be carried out with a faster pace so as to meet the time constraints. 8. Foreseeable implications to practice and further research It emerges on the basis of this research that sedentary collegiate students have a low bone mineral content as compared to female’s athletes. This is an issue that compromises the normal functioning of the body. As a result it should be given the attention due to it. It is proposed that the medical and exercise oriented institutions arise to serve as lead centres in addressing the problem. This is given further support due to the emerging trend whereby young girls have been found to suffer from the same problem. In the field of academics, this research is expected to be tentative, in this respect it should serve to inform future studies into the same problem. 9. Detailed time plan for the project This research study shall be based on the following work plan. In the execution of a research, time is of essence. All activities envisaged should be clearly thought out and be planned for in advance so that unexpected difficulties are minimised. Just as it happens in running out programmes, initially the timescale is majorly hypothetical and remains a tentative guide which may be revised accordingly. However, the revision is not expected to take a sharp deviation from the provisional one. This research activity is a lengthy one, and due to the idea that what the research seeks to find is factual information, the activity cannot be rushed. A period of one year is viewed to be an ideal one awaiting further unanticipated changes. Activity Time Frame (in Months) Reconnaissance and Sampling 1st Month-2nd Month Preparation of Questionnaires and booking of appointment 2nd Month Questionnaire Administration and Data collection 3rd Month to 4th Month Data Analysis and review of findings 5th Month to 7th Month Preparation of Report 8th Month Discussion of Study Findings with Stakeholders and development of Recommendations 9th Month to 12th Month Conclusion On the basis of this paper it is found that sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for low bone mineral content. Low bone mineral was also found to hold an adverse effect on the body skeletal formation. The poor skeletal formation does not also augur well for the normal functioning of the body. The realisation that even the younger generation is affected calls for more focus into the problem. On the evidence of this paper, the problem at hand is real and quite serious. As a scholar, I call upon the whole community to shift attention to this concern and address it before it visits more harm to the young generation. However, this research proposal may be limited in a number of ways as raised in the paper. However, that does not in any way negate the findings as solicited from the existing literature. References ACSM’s. (2006). ‘Resource Manual For Guidelines For Exercise Testing and Prescription’. (5th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia., Jadad, AR and OGrady L. (2008). How should health be defined? BMJ. Chambers, J.G., McDermott, J.C. (1996). ‘Molecular basis of skeletal muscle regeneration’. Canadian J of Appl Phy. 21:208-212. [Accessed Pubmed 29/02/10] Dalle Grave, R., Calugi, S., Marchesini, G. (2008). ‘Compulsive exercise to control shape or weight in eating disorders: prevalence, associated features, and treatment outcome’. Department of Eating Disorder and Obesity, Comprehensive Psychiatry.Villa Garda Hospital, 37016 Garda (Vr), Italy. V49(4): pp.346-352 [Accessed on 21/02/10] Evang, K. (1967); In health of mankind; Ciba foundation; 100th symposium, Churchill, London. Grounds MD. (1991). ‘Towards understanding skeletal muscle regeneration’. Pathology Research and Practice. 187:1–22. [Accessed 01/12/10] Hoch, A.Z., Pajewski, N.M., Moraski, L., Carrera, G.F, Wilson, C.R., Hoffmann, R.G., Schimke, J.E., Gutterma, D.D. (2009). ‘Prevalence of the female athlete triad in high school athletes and sedentary students’. Clin J Sport Med 19 (5): 421–8. [Accessed on 21/02/10] Last, J.M (1983) A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Oxford University Press. Oxford. UNDP. (1999). Human Development Report. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Shamley, D. (2005) ‘Pathophysiology - An Essential Text for the Allied Heath Professions’. Elsevier. Europe. Strong, W.B.,  Malina, R.M.,  Blimkie, C.J.R., Daniels, S.R., Dishman, R.K., Gutin, B.,  Hergenroeder, A.C., Must, A., Nixon, P.A., Pivarnik, J.M., Rowland, T., Trost, S., Trudeau, F.  (2005). ‘Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth’. Journal of Pediatrics. 146 (6):732-737. [Accessed Pub-Med on 20/10/09] Wilmore, JH.; Costill, DL. (2004). ‘Physiology of Sport and Exercise’. (3rd Ed). Human Kinetics. Europe. WHO. (1986). Concepts of health Behavior Research, Reg. health Paper No.13.   Appendix Sample questionnaire 1. In which year were you born? 2. Which school do you currently attend? 3. Have you ever suffered from low bone content? 4. Do you have a friend that suffers from the problem? 5. Do you engage in any game? 6. How do you spend your leisure time? 7. Have you ever attended a bone content check up? 8. On a monthly basis, how many times do you engage in games? 9. Will you be worried if your bone mineral was below the required one? Thanks. Your participation is highly appreciated. Read More
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