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Management case study - Essay Example

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Delayed recognition or reward takes away the thrill of having accomplished a major task and dilute the value of a reward or recognition. On the other hand,…
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Management case study
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Motivation Motivation One of the most important aspects of acknowledging a good performance is to recognize and appreciate it without delay. Delayed recognition or reward takes away the thrill of having accomplished a major task and dilute the value of a reward or recognition. On the other hand, timely recognition strengthens the feeling that good work is being noticed and appreciated and such positive feeling helps to maintain or even perform better, going forward.For managements, to recognize and reward superior performance is not always easy, especially since team work plays a vital role in organizations.

Generally speaking, some team members accept a higher level of responsibility and turn out superior performance compared to their colleagues. This happens as a result of their inner drive, leadership qualities and training. A team leader has the envious task of recognizing such individuals and encouraging them on the one hand, and persuading the others to lift their performance to match with the formers.In the given case, my team has turned in a good performance for which the higher management has decided on a uniform reward for all members of my team and assigned me the task of announcing it.

To communicate the decision, I would call for a meeting of my full team and start the proceedings by congratulating the entire team for their team work that made us to achieve the goal of new product offering successfully. I would then make a special mention of the fact that some of them were with the team practically from the inception and / or had put in extra efforts to lift the project off the ground to give it an actionable shape, overcoming challenges and that they deserve a special mention and cheers.

I would announce their names. By this process, I would make a public recognition Motivation 2of the superior performers, which in itself is an incentive. I would follow this with a statement that in the ultimate analysis, success would not have been so complete had it not been for the enthusiasm and cooperation of all members of the team. I would encourage the team to follow the lead given by the superior performers, to emerge as future leaders for whom rewards and recognitions await in times to come.

I would conclude the meeting by confirming that the Executive Management was pleased with the team performance and decided to award extra two days off for each member of the team for the next year.

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