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Decision Making: A Crucial Part of Life al Affiliation Decision making is a crucial stage in human interaction. No purposeful and successful dealings can be made without it. Hence, every human act is based on a particular and definite decision and that every aspect of society considers this process before making a conclusion. A decision is mainly defined as the act or process of deciding or the report of a conclusion (“Decision,” n.d.). When it is combined with the term making, it proposes a meaning which purports that it is a process wherein an idea is being analyzed before acting it out.
Comprehensively stated, decision making is “an essential process of human nature” wherein alternative courses of action are considered and scrutinized so that a rational choice can be made (Noone, 2002; “Decision Making,” n.d.). It entails the selection of the most suitable solution from amongst the available projected solutions after the “identification of the problem” as well as the “developing and analyzing of the alternative solutions” (“Foundations of Decision,” 2003).
Making decisions are viable whether in the individual or organizational level. In the individual level, only the individual view is considered while in an organization, the views of the members are taken before concluding a matter. In relation, there are various models of decision making illustrating how decisions are made. It can either be rational, intuitive, recognition primed and the ultimate decision making model (“Types of Decision,” 2008). Nevertheless, the rational and the normative model are the most commonly used (“Decision Making,” 2003).
The rational type “involves cognitive process where each step follows in a logical order from the one before” (Anonymous, n.d.). It comprises the following steps: defining the situation or decision to be made, identifying the significant criteria and the outcome of the process, considering all possible solutions, calculating the consequences of such solutions and choosing the best option. This “model attempts to negate the role of emotions” in making a decision (Anonymous, n.d.). On the other hand, the normative model entertains the idea of identifying the best decision with the assumption that the decision maker is fully equipped with the information needed.
This model is actually the human beings normal way of deciding. To illustrate a decision making process using the rational model, let us consider how laws are formulated by lawmakers. Lawmakers are aware of the fact that there are various dilemmas in the society and that their function is to provide a solution to these problems by passing laws. In the formulation of a law, they first identify the most pressing problem in the community which needs to be immediately addressed because if not, it will undermine the welfare of the general public.
In this juncture, the gathering of information takes place to effectively analyze the situation. Afterwards, options are developed and evaluated whether to simply amend existing policies or to introduce a whole new law to solve the social menace. At a later point, the best option is chosen. The lawmaker either passes a resolution or a new law in accordance with their law-making process. Undeniably, there are many factors to consider in making a decision. This is based on the fact that how a decision is made is the determining point of whether or not the chosen act will produce a good or bad consequence.
Hence, it is correct to say that decision making is part and parcel of human life which is vital to our continuing existence. Without such process, human beings will live in turmoil and critical situations.ReferencesAnonymous. (n.d.). Rational decision making models. Retrieved from models.htmlDecision. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved from Making. (n.d.). In BNET Business Dictionary.
Retrieved from Making. (2003). In BNET Business Dictionary. Retrieved from;col1Foundations of Decision Making. (2003). In BNET Business Dictionary. Retrieved from;col1Noone, J. (2002). Concept analysis of decision making. Nursing Forum, 37 (3), 21-32. Types of Decision Making. (2008). In BNET Business Dictionary.
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