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1. The American Society for Quality Control defines quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (Heizer & Render, 1996, p.78). Total quality management deals with implementing processes to improve the quality of the operation through the entire organization including stakeholders such as suppliers and customers. Three international quality standards are Japan’s Industrial Standard Z8101-1981, Europe’s ISO 9000 Standard, and the American Q90-Q94 standards.
The implementation total quality standards can help corporation achieved sustainability. The reason that total quality can positive influence the sustainability initiatives of a company is because the implementation of total quality leads to continuous improvement through an organization. For example if a company is spending too much on electricity bills the total quality system of company will identify the deficiency so that the manager can implement alternative solutions to remedy the situation.
Lowering energy usage is a sustainability practice can help the environment because it reduces the dependency of petroleum derivatives and helps decrease the CO2 emissions the business activity of a company generates. A common practice of total quality system is the use of benchmarking. Benchmarking involves selecting a demonstrated standard of performance that represents the very best performance for processes or activities very similar to yours (Heizer, et al. 1996, p.84). The use of benchmarking can help improve sustainability by imitating environmentally friendly practices other companies are implementing.
If a manager learns that another company with compatible operation implemented a process that allows the use of recycle water in the manufacturing line benchmarking that practice can help achieve greater sustainability. Heizer, J., Render, B. (1996). Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decision (4th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2.A sustainability plan positive impacts internal stakeholders in a variety of ways. A sustainability plan can help improve the working condition of the employees of the company.
For example if the company has manufacturing processes that are releasing toxic gases a sustainability plan can identify that deficiency in order to apply alternative solution to fix the problem. Once implemented the employees quality of life at work and long term health is going to improve. Another potential improvement that a sustainability plan can provide to the employees is improving the temperature and moisture levels of a facility in order create greater comfort for the employees. The time it takes to implement these types of measures varies depending on the situation.
Sustainability plans can impact a company in the short, medium, and long term. Another stakeholder group that can benefit from the actions of a sustainability plan is the customers of an enterprise. The use of recycle materials in the packaging of products can help reduce the waste generated by a household because it gives the customer the alternative of continuing the recycling cycle. The neighboring community of an industrial facility can benefit from the implementation of a sustainability plan because the plan can help reduce the pollution a company generates.
Three examples of reduction of pollution are noise, air, lower waste creation which helps the soil.
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