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CodeGears JBuilder to Develop Websites - Essay Example

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The paper "CodeGear’s JBuilder to Develop Websites" presents CodeGear’s JBuilder who won the award for the best Java Integrated Development Environment in 2007. JBuilder makes web-based apps more reliable, combines the advantages of the Eclipse framework with JBuilder's innovative RAD functionality…
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CodeGears JBuilder to Develop Websites
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The JBuilder 2007 Turbo Edition offers a free turnkey developer-focused Java IDE which can easily be upgraded with JBuilder's RAD productivity, code performance, and team development features. (CodeGear™ Announces New Developer-focused Release of Award-winning JBuilder® 2007 Integrated Development Environment) JBuilder 2007 works more easily with Windows XP and Windows 2003 and also it includes a Team Server which can be helpful in the development and management of source code, project planning, and also upgrading options are immense with JBuilder 2007. The current version of JBuilder is compatible with the older version and hence the developers can easily switch over to the latest version of JBuilder without many troubles.

In short, when developers look for team-oriented projects, and also when they need more reliable graphical user interfaces, they can safely depend on the latest version of JBuilder.

Competition between FrontPage and JBuilder
JBuilder and Microsoft’s FrontPage are two HTML editors, but they are following entirely different philosophies in their approaches. Front Page follows the philosophy of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) whereas the JBuilder goes further with their philosophy which can even surprise the java developers with its immense capabilities. FrontPage is capable of guiding website designers who are in their beginning stages of web development, but its capabilities in managing a team of developers across the world are limited. But JBuilder can easily accomplish this mission. As most of the projects entering the business world at present require team involvement from different countries, especially because of the globalization policies, JBuilder is the choice for many developers at present.

Web size problems seem to be the most critical when using FrontPage. If the website is too heavy it often causes errors while loading the page. If the internet connection is slow, the problem will be more complex. JBuilder has eliminated all such problems and even websites with heavy graphic files can be opened easily if it is developed using JBuilder because of JBuilder’s increased capabilities in handling images.

“If FrontPage Server extensions are installed on your Web server (see Working with Server Extensions and WebBots), you should not use FTP to transfer your Web site files as this may corrupt the extensions, disabling interactive features that rely upon them” (Understanding the limitations) All the above problems are not there in JBuilder.
In short, I strongly believe that professional developers will use JBuilder instead of Front Page in the near future itself and the Front Page might continue for some more period as a web developing tool for beginners or amateur developers. Read More
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