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MKT 300 student as a products - Essay Example

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The qualifications, professional knowledge and skills I can bring to your organization include.
In review of your company’s objectives and…
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MKT 300 student as a products
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of the Candi Address Telephone no: Email ID EDUCATION HISTORY of Phoenix – South Carolina Bachelors in Business Management and Marketing - 2009Course includes Business Management, Managerial Economics, Statistics, Accounting, Organizational Behavior. International marketing, Communications, Marketing Research, and StatisticsEmployment Summary:Worldspace Inc., - 6/09-12/09- South CarolinaResponsible for working as a Marketing Assistant (part- time)Started a telemarketing campaign that sold special service program to a certain market segment.

Developed strategic market planSuggested various new marketing management systems and strategiesObserved sales research, marketing analysis, presentations and reportsDeveloped and executed a marketing plan.Studied market profile and drew a new market segmentation strategy.Thomas Cook., - 3/06 – 8/06 – South CarolinaResponsible for working as marketing intern (part- time)Studied the profile of customers and frequent travelers to develop a customer profiling systemCampaigned in various events and organizations regarding marketing promos offeredHandled sales calls and tele- sales of the centre.

Computer Skills:MS- office (Complete), Access and HTML.Other Skills:Excellent public speaking skillsCreative with good writing skillsMemberships and AchievementsMember of National – Honors SocietyMember of Student Governance advertising societyReceived International Leadership Award.Interests and Hobbies:Reading, Writing, and Traveling.Cover LetterName of the candidateAddressTelephone no:Email IDJuly 23, 2009Mr. Hamilton,Human Resources Manager,Vodafone Inc.South CarolinaDear Mr. Hamilton,This is a request to review my candidature for the role of a Marketing Executive- Value Added Services available in your organization.

The qualifications, professional knowledge and skills I can bring to your organization include.Bachelors in Business Management and Marketing - University of PhoenixExperience as a Marketing assistant and Intern for a year in two different and renowned service organizations.Creativity and Innovation in every strategyWith focus and target orientation combined with the commitment for deadlines and schedules.In review of your company’s objectives and the Job description for the above mentioned role I believe that my profile is in perfect line with your needs.

If your firm is looking for a result oriented and dependable professional, I would be interested in speaking to you to discuss the value that my strengths and experience can bring to you company. I can be reached in confidence at the above telephone numbers or email address and I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks,Yours truly,Sign name hereMY MARKETING PLAN- SWOT AnalysisInternal assessmentMy Strengths are that I am quite creative, innovative and a hard worker. Strong commitment, focus, team player orientation, leadership skills and the ability to learn quickly are also some of my strong points.

My Weaknesses include the fact that I find it very difficult to take ‘no’ for an answer, as regards to marketing, thus tending to strive to achieve the impossible sometimesExternal assessmentOpportunities for Me include the willingness to travel extensively, and an excellent Knowledge of computers. One threat affecting me is my lack of professional experienceFocus and Goal SettingMy Personal Goals are to have a career in marketing which is what will enjoy the most as a profession. I also will strive to become financially independent.

- Marketing StrategyProduct StrategySome Actions to Improve My “Marketability” include Formal Education/Courses and finishing an advertising course along with a formal course in designing and marketing communication. Job Experiences/Projects Completed includes my experience as a marketing intern and assistant with two leading service providers. I will also involve some Extra-Curricular/Volunteer Activities like getting involved with community, church and student activities. Obstacles to overcome include lack of experience in an actual corporate hierarchy.

Price StrategyThe Compensation I intend to seek for is between $30,000 and 50,000Promotion StrategyI intend to have my Resume critiqued, and to engage in Personal Interviews, and Letters/Telephone Calls. I will also Work on making my resume more impressive. I will go further to Learn about interview essentials, speech and body language.Place StrategyI will endeavor to use Networking for Contacts and References, and apply on the internet and visit job fairs- My Goals upon GraduationMy Personal Goals are to have a career in marketing which is what will enjoy the most as a profession, and also to be financially independent.

My Desired PositionTo work with the marketing team study customer profiling provide inputs to the design team that develops new products and schemes for the different market segment. Good analytical skills and research skills required. Present analysis on the researched market segment by collecting market samples. Must be innovative and creative and look to generate new areas for business.Educational Qualification Graduated with a major in Marketing, Bachelors in Business and Management. A four or five year degree in Management with Marketing as major from a renowned university.

Good academic record an added advantage. Good analytical skills.Other qualificationsExperience in handling reports analysis and exposure to real time market scenarios is an added advantage. Willing to work extensively in order to finish reports in adherence to deadlinesWorks Inc. 2009. Salary Wizard.23 July 2009

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“MKT 300 Student As a Products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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