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Morality, Ethics & Human Behavior and Determining Moral Behavior Table of content Define morals, ethics, values, duties and ethical systems 3 2. Describe the four elements that specify the types of behaviors that are judged under ethical criteria. 43. List the steps used in analyzing an ethical dilemma. 44. List the characteristics that are said to be common to all ethical systems 55. Describe the differences between the teleological and deontological systems 5Reference 6Bibliography 61. Define morals, ethics, values, duties and ethical systemsMoral refers to one character or conduct; it is more relied to duty or obligation; pertaining to those actions or intentions which can be predicted as right or wrong, or the rules through which such actions or intentions can be directed.
Morality is related to human practices or their conduct with each other as a social being. Ethics is a science of human duty; it is a system of principles and rules related to duty and it deferential that these duties true o false as per morality is concern. It tries to find out that how moral issues should be determined and how it can be achieved. These rules are applicable for a single class of human action like political ethics, social ethics and medical ethics. Values are the set ethical ideals which are being created before developing an ethical program (ERC, 2009).
A person’s value system helps to built moral beliefs, thus they are integral part of ethical system. Duties indicate moral commitments to something or someone. Duties do not take into account self-interest, thus duty involves immediate scarify of self interest. Ethical systems are moral theories or philosophies through which one approaches toward making moral decision. These approaches are universal and can be divided into certain categories like Utilitarianism and Deontology. 2. Describe the four elements that specify the types of behaviors that are judged under ethical criteria.
The four main elements for judging specific type of behavior as ethical are: 1. There must be some act which has to be judged,2. The act should involve human behavior,3. The act must be exercised with free will, and4. The act or the behavior should have significant impact on others. 3. List the steps used in analyzing an ethical dilemma.The steps involved in analyzing an ethical dilemma are as follow1. At first all the facts should be reviewed carefully,2. Potential and relevant values related to each part should be identified,3.
All possible moral issues should be identified which are related to the parties involved,4. Decision should be made regarding to the most immediate moral or ethical issue which individual is facing, and5. Finally the ethical or moral dilemma should be solved. 4. List the characteristics that are said to be common to all ethical systemsThere are certain characteristics which are common to all ethical system such as All these ethical systems follow rigid rules and they are highly regulated; these systems are reliable and dependable for asserting moral behavior, they reflect moral thoughts and they are logically impartial (universal), they does not have any value until and unless they are employed thus they not self-servicing. 5. Describe the differences between the teleological and deontological systemsBoth teleological and deontological systems are the two most common theories which provide conflicting answer regarding morality.
Teleological system takes into account result of the act. Thus consequence of an action is taken into consideration while making decision, in spite of the intention behind the act. Deontological system takes nature of the act into consideration while judging an act, thus they are duty based. If intention behind a decision is morally correct, then what ever be the outcome, it will be considered as a moral decision (White, n.d.).ReferenceERC (2009), “Definitions of Values”, Ethics Resource Center.
Retrieved July 16, 2009, from White, R. F. (no date), “Moral Theories”, Ethics: A Libertarian Perspective. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from, J. M.,(2009), Justice, Crime and ethics, ed 6th, California, Anderson Publishing.
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