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Was Winston Churchill the Greatest Leader in the 20th Century - Essay Example

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The paper "Was Winston Churchill the Greatest Leader in the 20th Century" states that Winston Churchill was a leader beyond compare because he was endowed with so many qualities which he put to good use proving to the world that he was indeed one of the best leaders of the 20th century…
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Was Winston Churchill the Greatest Leader in the 20th Century
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Winston Churchill One the Greatest Leader’s of the 20th century Introduction The 20th Century was a witness to some of the greatest leaders of the world. The leaders of this golden era enriched the world with their great skills of leadership and administration. One of the greatest leaders who belonged to this era was Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, (1874 – 1965) who was one of the most eminent British politician’s of his time, who had dedicated his entire life time towards his country. His uniqueness makes him standout as one of the most efficient administrators and statesmen even today. This research paper seeks to make an investigation about the fact that Winston Churchill was indeed one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. The paper would examine Churchill’s broad vision and lofty ideologies pertaining to his administration, his political clout as a leader and the manner in which he faced and handled the different problems that stood in his path. It would also form an analysis of how effective his leadership was and the impact it created on the country’s progress. In this context, the paper would also attempt to discuss the varied attributes of Sir Winston Churchill, highlighting his exemplary personality and the strategic and inspiring decisions he had to make as the leader of his country and validate and conclude whether this fact of being one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century was true or false. Short Biography of Churchill Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born in the United Kingdom on 30th Nov. 1874 to Lord Randolph Churchill from the UK and Lady Randolph who was an American. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, lived with his family at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, and after a long stint with journalism ‘started his career as an army officer in the British Army’ (Source 5, 2002, p.162) and thereafter engaged himself in politics because he was fired with a keen desire to serve his country with great passion and vigor. Life in the early years was not a bed of roses for him, because he was a difficult kid to manage at school where he often got punished for misbehavior. But nevertheless, he showed a very keen interest in subjects such as poetry, history and writing English essays than learning Latin, Greek or Math and never relished the company of his friends. After his High School he completed his graduation at the age 18 at Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in Buckinghamshire. After two years that is at age 20, when his life turned more exciting, he started to achieve many things (Source 2, 1952, p.38). His achievements can be classified into four periods namely; journalist years, statesmen years, glory years and final years. As a Great Statesman Winston Churchill proved himself to be one of the finest statesmen in the world in many ways. Churchill had lived during a very difficult period when there was no electricity, airplanes, cars, television or radio, but gradually under his leadership, he brought about dramatic changes that revolutionized the lives of his subjects that had changed forever beyond recognition. He achieved many things during his lifetime. Some of the greatest inventions such as electricity and the invention of airplanes and motor vehicles took place during his time. Winston Churchill was a man with different qualities, to say he had a great mental energy, vivid imagination and overall an ambitious person too (Source 2, 1952, p.32) He patronized research and encouraged all those who dedicated their lives to bringing about major changes to raise the standard of living of his subjects. He was the only person in the world to be known by different names such as ‘Soldier,’ ‘Artist,’ ‘Historian,’ ‘Journalist’ and ‘Politician.’ One of Churchill’s best attributes as a leader was his determination and a keen capacity to inspire people where ever he went, even regardless of absolutely dangerous situations. A good example of this would be his status as a great orator of the House of Commons, despite dealing with a bad lisp that he had. He pronounced his ‘s’ as ‘sh’ till the end, because doctors could not find the cause for it. Churchill never flinched to demonstrate his authority, and his leadership qualities such as enthusiasm, determination and optimism to all those who came in contact with him. A good example for all the above attributes of Churchill could be seen when he was posted in India because during that time India was under the British rule in 1897. He enjoyed great privileges of being waited upon hand and foot by servants because of his status of being a British officer. Even though he had so much of leisure time, he did not waste it but instead spent it on reading, writing and playing polo proving that he was not a lazy person but on the other hand energetic. Churchill’s valor, bravery and determination can be seen in this incident where requested General Sir Bindon Blood to allow him to accompany him on his expedition to face the Afghan tribesmen at the frontier between India and Afghanistan. At the North- West frontier he was taken on as a soldier where he bravely led a cavalry of 1300 men from an Indian Infantry regiment. His courage and good leadership qualities helped them to win the war even though great losses were suffered on both sides. Churchill was bestowed with medals for bravery and reveled in the publicity meted out to him. But, never- the-less, he became more thoughtful as he reflected on the deaths he had witnessed during the war and was supposed to have said, that he wished that he could, ‘come to the conclusion that all this barbarity- all these losses….had resulted in a permanent settlement.’ (Churchill, Daily Telegraph) In 1900, after many successes in different wars, Churchill was considered a National hero and agreed to stand as a Member of Parliament (MP) He was elected to the parliament and began his career as leader of the Conservative Party. He proved himself once again as a leader with great vision, when he brought in the ‘Free Trade and Protectionism Act’ whereby all goods that were imported from other countries had to pay a heavy tax. This he did to prevent the British people from shutting down their businesses or losing their jobs. His foresight and vision helped him realize that his action would help Britain immensely in the long run though at that time he became unpopular because of it. In 1910, When he became the Home Minister, he focused his energy on other social reforms by working in tandem with the Prime Minister David Lloyd George who was equally passionate in improving and raising the standard of life of his people. They brought in a budget which popularly came to be known as the “People’s Budget” where the incomes of other people in good posts were taxed in order to pay out pensions. Taxes were also levied on motor vehicles, land and petrol, which initiated a huge outcry from the wealthier classes which once again brought him a lot of unpopularity. This did not deter his enthusiasm but on the other hand gave him more courage because he had great confidence in himself and what he was doing for his people. Churchill’s leadership qualities were once again seen in World War II. His abilities as an efficient statesman, and his hardworking and tenacious attitude made him to be considered as Britain’s greatest leader during World War II (1939 – 1945) He stood as a great pillar of strength and encouragement to Britain’s armies and allies which stood them in good stead in the most difficult of times. One of the official biographer’s of Churchill, Sir Martin Gilbert had written that “It was Churchill’s own opposition to all forms of defeatism that marked out the first six months of his war premiership and established the nature and pattern of his war leadership” (Source 2, 1952, p.56). Another proof for his power of inspiration was his ability to inspire the British people and strengthen their abilities through enthusiastic encouragement and praise to the backward people. Churchill’s inspiration spread not only to the British leaders but to the British citizens’ as well, by projecting an optimistic and strong attitude (Source 1, 2005, p.169) He also conducted inspections, boosted the confidence of the army, and fully supported all the commanders in charge. All through World War II, he proved his purpose and commitment to his subjects as “he never doubted that Western Alliance would never defeat Hitler and subsequently Japan” (Source 1, 2005, p.112) He further honed his leadership skills by studying German naval war tactics and learned how to successfully implement them. One of Churchill’s critical leadership qualities was his great desire to maximize the efficiency of Britain’s war time government and bureaucracy. Sir Martin Gilbert states that ‘The association of his wartime head was an innermost characteristic of Churchill’s war leadership (Source 2, 1952, p.12). His passion for change and innovation helped him to promote the paradigm of the war tank. He used it to break the deadline of the ‘no-man’s land’ of the World War (Source 4, 1996, p. 260). Churchill’s bravery and responsibility as an efficient commander and leader was clearly documented in World War I too, where he worked on the front lines in France as a chief with the 2nd regiment of the Grenadier safeguard (Source 3, 1997, p. 860). Ultimately Churchill became the chief officer of the 6th imperial Scots Fusiliers, a regiment of the 9th separation proving his leadership and commanding prowess. Churchill’s excellent personality was the last constituent of his remarkable formula of success. He was a multi-faceted character who was capable of attracting people towards him with his unquenchable aptitude for wit and willpower in matters both serious and lighthearted which was an endearing quality of a good leader. He had a very engaging and smiling personality and always had a consoling word for those who were suffering. In conclusion after my analysis on Churchill, I would definitely say a double yes to the statement that he is indeed one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century because he was endowed with such a striking personality and a never- say- die attitude which had spurred him on to greater heights as one of the most efficient leaders of his time. Churchill had an uncanny ability to motivate, excellent foresight, a driving enthusiasm, and an inherent humbleness which molded him into the irresistible leader that he was with a charisma never seen before. It was all these qualities and more that contributed to his ever engaging personality that made him reach the status of being one of the most charismatic leaders ever to be born in the 20th century. The fondness with which people remember him even today, leaves no doubt in my mind that he was the best leaders any country could own and that is why his greatness as an invigorating leader and statesman is remembered even today. Winston Churchill was a leader beyond compare because he was endowed with so many qualities which he put to good use proving to the world that he was indeed one of the best leaders of the 20th century. References 1. Best, Geoffrey, (2005), Churchill and War, London and New York, Hambledon and London 2. Broad, Lewis (1952), Winston Churchill, 1874-1951, Philosophical Library 3. Gilbert, Martin (1977), Winston S Churchill: The Prophet of Truth 1922-1939, Houghton Mifflin 4. Gilbert, M., Sandra and Susan Gubar (1996), No mans land: the place of the woman writer in the twentieth century, Yale University Press 5. Wrigley, Chris (2002), Winston Churchill: a biographical companion, ABC-CLIO Read More
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