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Morrisons Supermarket: a Retail in the United Kingdom - Essay Example

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This essay "Morrisons Supermarket: a Retail in the United Kingdom" recognizes the need for employee motivation. Previous research out that this motivation will significantly increase the productivity of the employees, thereby bringing more profit to the company…
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Morrisons Supermarket: a Retail in the United Kingdom
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Extract of sample "Morrisons Supermarket: a Retail in the United Kingdom"

IMPROVEMENT OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN MORRISONS SUPERMARKET AFTER MERGER College EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Five years ago, Morrisons Supermarket, a retail giant in the United Kingdom, was successfully able to acquire its rival, Safeway. The successful merger between the two allowed for the integration of both companies wherein employees from both retail giants were combined to work under one banner: Morrisons Supermarket. Although all employees of Safeway were absorbed, they tend to experience doubts with regard to the stability of their jobs, wherein they think that they may lose in the event that Morrisons decide to operate without them. It is because of these doubts then that the motivation of these employees to work has been negatively influenced. This research recognizes the need for employee motivation most especially in the era characterized by intense competition. Previous researches conducted with regard to this topic point out that this motivation will significantly increase the productivity of the employees, thereby bringing more profit to the company. In the same manner, it will also allow the employees to work hand in hand with each other in the attainment of the company’s goals. This study then concentrates on how employee motivation is enhanced in Morrisons supermarket. In order to yield valid and reliable conclusions, the researcher closely intertwines the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Under the qualitative aspect, a review of literature shall be undergone in order to examine previous studies conducted with regard to the topic at hand, thereby allowing the researcher to grasp the topic at hand. On the other hand, the quantitative aspect of the study deals with the conduction of surveys to gather the opinion of two hundred respondents (150 are employees of Morrisons while 50 are from its administrative department) with regard to initiatives pertaining to the enhancement of employee motivation. The study is expected to commence in six months. After this period, it is expected that the researcher was able to produce valid conclusions to this particular study. CONTENTS PAGE Executive Summary 2 Contents Page 4 Terms of Reference 5 Literature Review and Conceptual Framework 6 Research Methodology and Instruments 8 Interpretive Framework and Pilot Reuslts from the Test-Data 11 Implementation Considerations 13 Reporting Considerations 13 References 15 Appendices 16 TERMS OF REFERENCE Morrisons supermarket is considered to be the fourth largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom (, 2009). In Match 8, 2004, Morrisons finally merged with rival retailer, Safeway, after months of bidding, counter-bidding and other major investigations conducted by the government (Stevens, 2005; Wigham, 2004). With this, the Safeway brand has forever disappeared and hundreds of its employees have been effectively integrated into Morrisons supermarket (Wigham, 2004; Johnson 2004; Goudge, 2006). Naturally, employees coming from the acquiesced corporation face certain barriers with regard to the effective conduction of their duties as a part of Morrisons supermarket, thus affecting the delivery of efficient service to its customers. It is then because of this that the researcher deems it necessary to look into the different steps that Morrisons must undertake in order to increase the motivation of its human resources following the merger. In fact, it is believed that it is through the betterment of employee and stakeholder communications that the supermarket giant will become successful in harmonising the culture of Morrisons, thus affecting the motivation of the employees. Hence, this research is devoted to the discussion of the different steps needed to be observed in order to enhance the motivation of employees of Morrisons supermarket. The author of this study believes that it is through the conduction of this study that suggestions with regard to how employees of Morrisons, following the merger can be motivated in order to work towards the goals of the organizations. In order to do so, the study shall be qualitative and quantitative in nature. For the qualitative aspect, a review of literature shall be performed in order to look into the findings of previous scholars and researchers who investigated the topic at hand. On the other hand, however, the quantitative aspect shall involve the use of two kinds of survey questionnaire: one for the members of the supermarkets’ administration; and the other, for its employees, whether originally from Morrisons or from the acquiesced Safeway. These two shall then help the researcher in determining the different steps undertaken by the company in the hopes to improve motivation and how this really affected the employees. LITERATURE REVIEW AND CONCEPTUAL MODEL Motivation: A Definition Contemporary researchers were seen to have given varied definitions with regard to the concept of employee motivation. One of them was Kreitner (1995) who defines motivation as the psychological process that gives both purpose and direction to behaviour. Hence, it is in line with this particular definition that the researcher seeks to determine the processes that influence the employees at Morrisons and how this can be improved in order to positively affect the performance of the entire organization. The Importance of Motivation Lindner (1998), in his paper entitled “Understanding Employee Motivation” seeks to discover why employee motivation is important for organizations. At the same time, he also looked into the role it plays for corporations. According to this author, motivated employees are essential to the survival of a certain company. Due to the rapid changes in the workplaces, motivated employees had become of vital importance for once again, they ensure the success and survival of their organization despite being in the midst of intense competition (Lindner, 1998). The aforementioned is brought about by the fact that employees that are highly motivated tend to be more productive than those who are not (Lindner, 1998). In this case then, managers must be able to come up with ways by which they could improve the motivation of their employees (Lindner, 1998). This may include the development of programs that could somehow change the culture of the organization wherein these employees work in. Aside from the discussion made by Lindner (1998), Bruce and Pepitone (1998) also gave an extensive discussion of the need to motivate employees. According to them, motivated employees work harder than the usual, thereby making them love their work. Aside from this, Bruce and Pepitone (1998) also believe that enhanced employee motivation can actually reduce the turnover of the members of the workplace. Finally, these authors also recognize the ability of increased employee motivation to bring about a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation in the workplace which in turn, results in higher productivity needed by an organization in order to survive intense competition with its rivals (Bruce & Pepitone, 1998). Despite being the fourth largest supermarket chain in the country, Morrisons still continue to face intense competition. It is because of this that the researcher recognizes the statements of Lindner (1998) and Bruce and Pepitone (1998). As a result, this study is devoted to the examination of how the administration of Morrisons can improve the motivation of their employees in order to bring about positive results for the company. The Need for Employee Motivation after Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers such as what happened between Morrisons Supermarket and Safeway can bring about significant changes to the manner by which employees perform their duties. According to Cartwright and Schoenberg (2006), employees who are retained despite acquisition but lost a colleague usually lack the motivation to work again. Aside from this, the author believes that the formation of new hierarchical structures after mergers and acquisitions may also cause resentment between employees due to their tendency to feel that they are being sidelined (Cartwright and Schoenberg, 2006; Lauby, 2005). This study then looks into how employee motivation can be enhanced amongst the members of the Morrisons workplace that has now completely integrated those that came from the acquiesced company, Safeway. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS Research Design As previously stated, this proposal combines methods from both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to research in order to gather data needed to provide valid and reliable conclusions to this study. Qualitative Approach According to Trochim (2006), qualitative research is usually concerned with the development of explanations that are necessary in order to understand social phenomena. Hence, this study will make use of such in order to properly understand how motivation of employees of Morrisons supermarket can be enhanced. Aside from this, the use of methods falling under the scope of qualitative research also enables the researcher to examine previous researches and other written literature published with regard to the topic at hand. In connection to the abovementioned, the use of a literature review is important to this particular study. Taylor (2008) defines this method as the compilation of a number of written articles or published research done by accredited scholars and professionals. Hence, this enables the researcher to gather important data with regard to the research issue featured in this study. Quantitative Approach The quantitative aspect of this study allows the researcher to provide the general factors that may be used in order to determine the importance of improving employee motivation in Morrisons supermarket. As stated, the quantitative approach shall feature the survey questionnaire method. Basically, two sets of questions shall be developed: one for the members of Morrisons’ administrative body and the other, for the employees of the supermarket giant. Both features Likert-style questions which allows the respondents to determine how motivation is enhanced in their company as well as its effects on the members of the workplace. Instruments Previously discussed was the use of the survey questionnaire method in order to gain the opinions of members of Morrisons Supermarket, whether as a part of the administration or as an employee. Hence, the main instrument that this study shall use in the gathering of information and/or data is the two questionnaires that make use of Likert-style questions. These instruments shall be administered to the subjects personally and be returned to the researcher three days after its distribution. Sampling A total of 200 respondents shall be asked to participate in this study. Of the 200 respondents, 50 will come from the administrative departments of Morrisons Supermarket while 150 are the regular employees whether originally from the acquiesced Safeway or the former. These respondents are selected using convenience sampling and following a set of criteria for inclusion. Respondents from the administrative departments of Morrisons are selected based on the following criteria: (1) must be involved with employees; (2) must be knowledgeable of the hierarchical changes in the organization following the merger; (3) must be knowledgeable of the different initiatives undergone by the company with regard to employee motivation, if any; (4) has expressed consent and willingness to participate in the study. On the other hand, employee-respondents are chosen based on the following: (1) must be an employee of Morrisons or Safeway before the merger; (2) must possess knowledge with regard to motivational initiatives advanced by the administrative and human resources department, if any; and (3) has expressed willingness and consent to participate in the study. It is from these samples that the researcher aims to determine the actions of the administrative departments with regard to how they are working in order to motivate their employees. In the same manner, it is also through these responses of the employees that the researcher will be able to determine what more is needed in order to enhance their motivation. INTERPRETIVE FRAMEWORK AND PILOT RESULTS FROM TEST-DATA The main objective of this research is to look into how Morrisons supermarket can improve the motivation of its employees. It is then in line with this main objective that this research seeks to answer its main problem, has Morrisons supermarket, following the merger with Safeway been able to motivate its employees? The researcher assumes that while there are efforts on the part of Morrisons to effectively integrate employees from Safeway, members of their workplace, even those who were originally from the supermarket giant tend to face doubts with regard to the stability of their jobs, thereby reducing their motivation to work. In order to confirm this then, the researcher makes use of the questionnaire method discussed previously. These questionnaires developed thus helps the researcher in determining how much the members of the administrative department has done in order to properly increase the motivation of their employees whether they are originally from Morrisons or from the acquiesced company Safeway. On the other hand, the other questionnaire could also determine what else is needed to be done in order to ensure the motivation of the staff members. To ensure the validity and reliability of the survey questionnaires developed by the researcher, a pilot study has been performed. Since this is a pilot study, it was conducted among 50 respondents, 20 of which are members of the administrative departments and the other 30 were employees. Basically, the members of the administrative departments were able to picture what they are doing in order to motivate their employees. According to them, their departments, especially those dealing with human resources are exhausting every effort and resource in order to motivate the employees despite facing barriers such as doubts regarding the stability of their jobs. Aside from this, the respondents further state that members of the human resource departments are doing their best to improve communication between the employees and the administrators as well as improving the culture of their company. Employees report the same thing through their answers in the survey questionnaire. They recognize the efforts of the administration to increase their motivation by providing incentives. Aside from this, employees who originally came from Safeway, also revealed that Morrisons was able to develop communication between the employees and the administrators in order to ensure that their doubts with regard to job instability is quelled down despite the merger. Nonetheless, the respondents continue to report that there is still a need to enhance the initiatives developed by the company that are aimed towards the enhancement of employee motivation. They believe that this could also essential in ensuring that each and every employee is working towards the achievement of the company’s goals. From the abovementioned results, one can see that the researcher was able to meet the objectives of the research. Aside from this, the main question has also been answered. Because of this then, the researcher believes in the reliability and validity of the questions included within the survey questionnaires. As a result, it can be concluded that this can be used for the research proper. IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS The author of this study is suitable to conduct this research due to the following criteria: The research project shall be accomplished within the time span of six months wherein the six chapters shall also be written; these are the following: (1) Introduction, (2) Literature Review; (3) Methodology; (4) Results; (5) Discussions; and (6) Conclusion. The costs of the project shall be limited to the reproduction of survey questionnaires as well as for the purchase of small tokens of appreciation for the participants. The anonymity of the respondents shall be maintained at all times. This will be clarified amongst them in order to ensure that they will not be prevented from answering questions honestly. Aside from this, no participant will be allowed to participate in the study without their declaration of willingness and consent. Moreover, no respondent shall also be forced to return the questionnaire given by the researcher once the duration of three days has expired. Finally, the researcher reminds the respondents that even though they will be receiving small tokens of gratitude for their participation, no compensation or whatsoever shall be given to them. The researcher shall contact only the administration of Morrisons supermarket as well as the different brand managers in order to seek their help in determining the participants for the study. Once these permissions had been obtained, the researcher then continues on with the distribution of the survey questionnaire. REPORTING CONSIDERATIONS As previously mentioned, this research project shall be accomplished within the time span of six months. The first two months are devoted to the polishing of its research questions, objectives of the study and other essential information needed for its commencement. Aside from this, the preparation and reproduction of the survey questionnaires are performed during this period. Furthermore, the review of related literature shall also be performed during these months. The researcher then contacts the administration of Morrisons Supermarket on the advent of the third month. During this time, permissions shall be sought. In the same manner, the researcher also finds the contact information of branch managers in order to properly determine how the sample of 200 can be met. On the fourth month, the researcher then distributes a total of 300 questionnaires. The additional 100 has been provided in the event that not all data collection instruments would be returned. The researcher expects the return of accomplished questionnaires within three days. As a result, the remaining days of the fourth month will be devoted to the summarization of answers. The fifth and sixth months, finally, are devoted to the analysis of data as well as the writing of the fifth and sixth chapters (discussions and conclusion). REFERENCES Bruce, A. and Pepitone, J.S. (1998). Motivating Employees. NY: McGraw-Hill Professional. Cartwright, S. And Schoenberg, R. (2006). Thirty Years of Mergers and Acquisitions Research:: Recent Advances and Future Opportunities. British Journal of Management 17 (S1): S1–S5. Goudge, P. (2006). Employee Research: How to Increase Employee Involvement through Consultation. UK: Kogan Page Publishers.   Johnson, M. (2004). The New Rules of Engagement: Life-work Balance and Employee Commitment. US: CIPD Publishing. Kreitner, R. (1995). Management (6th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Lauby, S.J. (2005). Motivating Employees. US: American Society for Training and Development. Lindner, J.R. (1998). Understanding Employee Motivation. Research in Brief: 36 (3). (2009). Morrisons Supermarket. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from Stevens, J. (2005). Managing Risk: the Human Resources Contribution. UK: Elsevier Taylor, D. (2008). The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It. Writing in the Health Sciences: a comprehensive guide. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from Trochim, W.M. (2006). Qualitative Approaches. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from Wigham, R. (2004). Supermarket Giant Checks Out. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from out.html APPENDICES Appendix ia Questionnaire for the members of Morrisons Supermarket administrative departments 1. Years of Employment in Morrisons Supermarket: _____________ 2. Were you originally from Morrisons or from Safeway? ____________ I. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 (very apparent) being the highest and 1 (not experienced at all) the lowest, rate the following statements based on the events in Morrisons Supermarket following the merger 1. There were changes in organizational structure Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 2. Employees (most especially from the acquiesced Safeway) lost their motivation to work Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 3. Employees faced doubts regarding job stability Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 4. There was a conflict of cultures between the two Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All II. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 (very apparent) being the highest and 1 (not experienced at all) the lowest, rate the following statements based on the initiatives undertaken in order to increase the motivation of employees in Morrisons Supermarket 1. Communication between employees are enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 2. Communication between employees and the administration are enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 3. Giving out of financial incentives Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 4. A retention strategy is employed Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 5. Leadership is enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All Appendix ib Questionnaire for employees of Morrisons Supermarket administrative departments 1. Years of Employment in Morrisons Supermarket: _____________ 2. Were you originally from Morrisons or from Safeway? ____________ I. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 (very apparent) being the highest and 1 (not experienced at all) the lowest, rate the following statements based on the events in Morrisons Supermarket following the merger 1. There were changes in organizational structure Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 2. Employees (most especially from the acquiesced Safeway) lost their motivation to work Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 3. Employees faced doubts regarding job stability Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 4. There was a conflict of cultures between the two Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All II. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 (very apparent) being the highest and 1 (not experienced at all) the lowest, rate the following statements based on the initiatives undertaken in order to increase the motivation of employees in Morrisons Supermarket 1. Communication between employees are enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 2. Communication between employees and the administration are enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 3. Giving out of financial incentives Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 4. A retention strategy is employed Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 5. Leadership is enhanced Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 6. Motivation of employees was enhanced through initiatives employed by the administration Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All 7. There is still a need to develop initiatives that would improve the motivation of employees Actual Experience 5 Very Apparent 4 Apparent 3 Neutral 2 Weakly Experienced 1 Not Experienced at All Appendix ii Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae Appendix iii Gantt Chart Days Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 Research Preliminaries 14 Gathering of Data 14 Polishing of Research Questions and Objectives 7 Qualitative data gathering 35 Seeking permission from Morrisons supermarket management 5 Distribution of Questionnaires 5 Retrieval of Questionnaires 3 Summarization of Findings 42 Analysis of Data 28 Concluding Research 28 Appendix iv Proposed Contents for final paper CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Objectives of the Study Statement of the Problem Research Questions Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations Organization of the Study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Research Design Instruments Sampling Data Analysis CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS Results from Questionnaire of Members of Administrative Departments Results from Questionnaire of Employees CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSIONS CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS Appendix v Detailed budget plan Appendix via Piloting results of test data (members of administrative departments) Changes in the organizational structure Frequency Percent Valid 5.00 15 48.0 4.00 5 52.0 Total 20 100.0 Loss of motivation to work Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 5 25.0 3.00 2 10.0 4.00 3 15.0 5.00 10 50.0 Total 20 100.0 Employees’ doubt with regard to job stability Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 3 15.0 3.00 4 20.0 5.00 13 65.0 Total 20 100.0 Conflict of cultures Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 5 25.0 3.00 12 60.0 4.00 3 15.0 Total 20 100.0 Enhancement of Communication between employees Frequency Percent Valid 4.00 1 5.0 5.00 19 95.0 Total 20 100.0 Enhancement of Communication between employees and administration Frequency Percent Valid 4.00 1 5.0 5.00 19 95.0 Total 20 100.0 Giving of Financial Incentives Frequency Percent Valid 1.00 12 60.0 2.00 4 20.0 3.00 4 20.0 Total 20 100.0 Retention Strategy Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 8 40.0 4.00 4 20.0 5.00 8 40.0 Total 20 100.0 Enhancement of Leadership Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 4 20.0 3.00 4 20.0 5.00 12 60.0 Total 20 100.0 Appendix vib. Piloting results of test data (employees) Changes in the organizational structure Frequency Percent Valid 4.00 17 57.0 5.00 13 43.0 Total 30 100.0 Loss of motivation to work Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 5 17.0 4.00 13 43.0 5.00 12 40.0 Total 30 100.0 Employees’ doubt with regard to job stability Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 11 37.0 4.00 4 13.0 5.00 15 50.0 Total 30 100.0 Conflict of cultures Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 13 43.0 3.00 12 40.0 4.00 5 17.0 Total 30 100.0 Enhancement of Communication between employees Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 14 47.0 3.00 16 53.0 Total 30 100.0 Enhancement of Communication between employees and administration Frequency Percent Valid 1.00 15 50.0 2.00 15 50.0 Total 30 100.0 Giving of Financial Incentives Frequency Percent Valid 1.00 6 20.0 2.00 24 80.0 Total 30 100.0 Retention Strategy Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 8 27.0 4.00 4 13.0 5.00 18 60.0 Total 30 100.0 Enhancement of Leadership Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 4 13.0 4.00 14 47.0 5.00 12 40.0 Total 30 100.0 Improvement of Motivation Frequency Percent Valid 2.00 13 43.0 3.00 14 47.0 4.00 3 10.0 Total 30 100.0 Need to enhance Motivation Initiatives Frequency Percent Valid 3.00 1 4.0 4.00 1 4.0 5.00 23 92.0 Total 30 100.0 Read More
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