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The Asia-Pacific Maritime Disputes, Boundaries and Strategy - Annotated Bibliography Example

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This annotated bibliography "The Asia-Pacific Maritime Disputes, Boundaries and Strategy" gives us a deep understanding of the international relations involving East China and other minor and major powers competing among themselves to gain influence. …
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The Asia-Pacific Maritime Disputes, Boundaries and Strategy
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Annotated Bibliography Order No. 283097 No. of pages: 5 1st 6530 Ralf Emmers, “Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia,” Published by: Routledge, 20th July 2009, pgs. 208. This book by Ralf Emmers, titled “Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia,” gives us a deep understanding of the international relations involving East China and other minor and major powers competing among themselves to gain influence. Emmers’ focuses on the geopolitics of East Asia laying specific emphasis on the territorial maritime disputes. The book gives us a birds- eye view of the comparative study done and that argues about how their respective positions of power is greatly influenced by various geopolitical factors that include natural resources, territories, boundaries and power. Emmers’ tries to identify different catalysts to help in conflict management in order to improve relations between the countries. Dr. Stanley Byron Weeks, “Building a Maritime Coalition in the Asia Pacific for Comprehensive Security,” Asia Energy Security Conference, October 2007, pg.2,%20Stanley.pdf This journal article portrays the condition of maritime coalitions in the region of Asia Pacific and the potential they have in safeguarding vessels out at sea that are crucial to the security of energy in those areas. This journal highlights the different types of the latest correlations to ensure Maritime security. In addition It also addresses the “1000 ship Navy/Global Maritime Partnership” which is the current initiative taken by the U.S. Navy. The article also underlines the focus or stand taken by the U.S. on the best way to deal with international maritime partnerships with the hope of increasing maritime security in the region of the Asia Pacific. Nguyen Hong Thao, “Conservation and Management of Maritime Living Resources In the Asia Pacific. Who is responsible?” University of Hanoi, Vietnam, pg.1 The highlights of this article deal with the marine living resources such as fish and other marine animals. In addition, it emphasizes the importance conservation and management of these resources in order to enhance migration and population by finding better methods of decreasing pollution brought on by industrial wastes and human squalor. It also speaks of the inadequate law enforcement which has an adverse effect on the conservational and management practices of these Marie resources. Dr. Derek Da Cunha, “Maritime Security in the Asia – Pacific,” Report of a Conference organized by the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore, 20th - 21st May, 2004. This report was a conference that took place in Singapore in 2004. The Conference highlighted many facts such as piracy and terrorism that involved passenger liners and tankers placed in the highest zone of the maritime environment. It stated that Maritime security was vital to the stability and progress of the Asia Pacific countries. Most of the speakers stressed on the fact that more stringent mechanisms have to be developed and adapted in order to be read prepared for any eventual threat. Ralf Emmers, “The De- escalation of the Spratly Dispute in the Sino- Southeast Asian Relations,” S. Rajarathnam School of International Studies, Singapore, 6th June, 2007. Vol. 129, pg.2. The paper is an argument of the Spratly dispute that depicts the different signs of de-escalation that has taken place the past few years. It highlights the circumstances that led to the dispute such as management and resolution of conflict. This paper explains in detail process of de-escalation which includes the China threat image, the joining of Vietnam in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the year 1995, the limited sources in the region and the involvement of the U.S. in the dispute. National Defence Report, “Asia Pacific Security Development,” R.O.C – II, Chapter 1, pg.1 The report highlights the developments related to the Asia Pacific security measures in the 21st century. It portrays the superpower status that the U.S. enjoys in all the matters pertaining to security affairs undertaken in the Asia-Pacific regions. It brings out the competitive spirit of the various countries in trying to consolidate their positions when it comes to maritime interests. The report also speaks of the slow progress made in dealing with security measures in the Asia Pacific regions. Noel. M. Morada. Ph.D. “Regional Maritime security initiatives in the Asia Pacific: Problems and Prospects for Maritime Security Corporation,” 1st Berlin Conference on Asian Security, Berlin, 14th and 15th September, 2006, pg.2 This discussion paper states that Asia - Pacific’s Maritime Security operations is still in its initial stages and has to develop in a much better manner in order to provide the much need security that is expected of it. It highlights the position of the different stakeholders in the business and the problems involved with regard to maritime security co-operations. Ralf Emmers, “Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea: Strategic and Diplomatic Status Quo,” Institute of Defence and Strategic studies, Singapore, September, 2005. Vol. The paper argues on the issues related to the Spratly Island claims in the Maritime disputes that took place in the South China Sea. It highlights the various negotiations between China and the other ASEAN countries involved in the dispute. This paper reviews the nature of the all these disputes while describing the security measures and other strategies that are applied to all the disputes taking place in the Asia – Pacific. Aileen Baviera, “South China Sea: Managing Territorial and Resource Dispute,” Publication, Searching for Peace in the Asia Pacific, published on 22nd April, 2005. The article refers to the different claims of territory and jurisdiction taking place in South China Sea. It makes reference to the islands, reefs and surrounding waters that strategically lie along the path and giving way for the many controversial disputes in the region. It talks of the four island groups and the trade that is carried on in these waters and the disputes that occur due to power and influence. VA News, “Territorial Dispute between Japan, S. Korea Flares Up” Tokyo, May 31st 2004. This piece of news from the “Voice of America” relates about the ancient territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea. The dispute was sparked off when a small group of amateur radio operators were placed on the rocky islets which made the Japanese people very angry. It also states that various talks have been going on to come to some agreement because they feel that it is quite a serious problem they face. Read More
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