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Management (Organizational Behavior) - Essay Example

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Success in the long run can be ensured only through effective management. Successful managers foster sustainable growth through their skills,…
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Management (Organizational Behavior)
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In this essay, the most important qualities of a manager to make a positive impression on others and group skills that are needed to manage a team and the leadership roles that have to be played by the manager are discussed. Interpersonal skills such as coaching, counseling, offering supportive communication, exercising influence, motivating others and managing conflicts are very essential for managers to create a favorable impression to the other members of the organization. Of all these interpersonal skills the ability to offer supportive communication is very essential.

According to Golen (1990), supportive communication is the communication that seeks to preserve a positive relationship between the communicator and the group while still addressing the problem at hand. It allows the manager to provide negative feedback or to resolve a difficult issue with another person and as a result can strengthen the relationship. Another factor that increases effectiveness of a manger is his enthusiasm. His passion on the job and his belief in the vision makes himself more desirable in the organization.

There can also be some psychological barriers in the mind of the manager such as, premature evaluation which is caused by premature judgments made without proper analysis, lack of attention when a message is sent across, undue reliance on the written word and ignoring the value of face to face interactions and distrust of the communicator. The personal barriers to creating a favorable impression include, attitude towards superiors, fear of challenge, red tapism, lack of trust on the subordinates, lack of awareness of role expectations, lack of sensitivity to the environment and ignoring environmental cues.

When manager can listen to the team members more carefully, able to manage personal and job stress more effectively, capable of influencing

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Management (Organizational Behavior) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words.
“Management (Organizational Behavior) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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