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Discuss three obstacles to your education ID Lecturer Attaining education could be tricky at times, more so when there are financial problems that surround a student. These mar the basis of his educational growth which essentially affects his mental growth as well. There is a need to get rid of these obstacles in order to properly amend the manner in which education is being instilled into a student’s personality. The obstacles that I face are first and foremost based on the financial aspects.
The financial, emotional and academic obstacles form the bane of my problems and these limit my educational growth in varied ways.The financial obstacle poses as a serious problem in the wake of my educational basis. I am usually worried due to these issues and I make every effort to make sure these problems get solved sooner rather than later. I have decided for my own self that I will work so that my fees could be made affordable but that has put me in a quandary since balancing studies and work at the same time is a Herculean task.
However my efforts are pretty much in line with my aims and objectives and I believe one need to have a very clear conscience in order to reach his goals. Same is my case where I have been devoted towards my studies and my work in a whole-hearted manner. Apart from these, I face problems in the emotional aspect when I am unable to come up to the expectations that an educational facility has from its students. The aspect of my family within my studies is significant since I am unable to give them much time and the discussion of ‘quality time’ for the family is absent from the whole scenario, which is unfortunate in entirety.
There is also an obstacle in the form of balancing my studies with my work which becomes a difficult thing at the end of the day. My academic obstacle becomes a serious concern with the ever-changing curriculum requirements. This obstacle does not seem to come to an end however I have made serious efforts to address the very same on a consistent basis. I am doing my best to overcome them but then again it is always difficult to manage one’s expenses, work and study – all at the same time.
Someone or the other will miss out on the whole agreement that a person is usually tied up within. In my case, this largely focuses on my educational patterns. The financial, emotional and academic obstacles are indeed venomous in nature as far as my educational regimes are concerned. I need to do a lot of catching up in order to become an educated person at the end. I need to give my best towards studies so that the emotional angle in the wake of coming up to the expectations of the university does not pose as a serious problem in the future.
I need to manage my time better in the coming days and for this, I have already chalked out a plan so that there are no shortcomings and frustrations at the end of the day. Word Count: 518
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