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Acts of the Apostles - Essay Example

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This paper 'Acts of the Apostles' tells us that the word ‘Pentecost’ is a Greek word that means the ‘fiftieth’ part of a thing or in order.  It is a Jewish festival that is traditionally held fifty days after the Passover Festival and is regarded as one of the three great feasts among the Jews. …
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Acts of the Apostles
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PENTECOST Acts Chapter 2: Acts of the Apostles 2 And when the day of Pentecost was come, they were all together in one place” The word ‘Pentecost’ is a Greek word which literally means the ‘fiftieth’ part of a thing or in order. It is a Jewish festival which is traditionally held fifty days after the Passover Festival and is regarded as one of the three great feasts among the Jews. This feast or the Passover Festival is believed to be initiated from the second day of the Passover or 16th day of the month. The phrase “the day of Pentecost was come” points to the fact that the great day had finally arrived and signifies the events that were to unfold post its arrival. The term, “they” indicates the apostles who were present at the place where Lord Jesus was crucified, with an intention to spread the preaching of the gospel to various corners of the earth. The term “all” is indicative of the number of people present there at that time which was 120 including the apostles (Acts 1:15). However, a common consensus could not be arrived as regards the “one place” which has been mentioned here. It could however be concluded that the place was a room upstairs (Acts 1:13). 2: 2 “And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like rushing of a violent wind, and the house where they were was full of it”. The phrase “suddenly” indicates the unpredictability of the event although they were expecting the descent of the Holy Spirit. The term “from heaven” is used to emphasis the fact that the sound descended from the sky. Rushing like a violent wind signifies the magnitude of the sound and the house was full of it describes aptly the force and power of the sound that it filled the entire house where they had gathered. The term it is indicative of the sound and not the wind. 2:3 “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them” The term appeared unto them suggests that they saw or had visions of. The word cloven means divided or distributed whereas the term tongues is used shape of fire that looked like a tongue. In Hebrew the word tongue is described as something which is long, narrow and pointed in shape, and hence resembling fire. It sat upon each of them denotes that it rested on the heads of those gathered there and is indicative of the descent of the Holy Spirit. 2:4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” The phrase and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost is used to indicate that they were graced by the sacred presence of the Holy Spirit and hence were entirely under his command / power / influence / spell. The term filled with is used to signify the absolute power cast by his presence. The term began to speak in other tongues means that they started conversing in different languages and as the spirit gave them utterance denotes that the power / ability to speak in different languages was conferred on them by the holy spirit, utterance is indicative of the power to speak. 2:5 “Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven” The term dwelling is used to denote the permanent abode or a fixed place of residence of Jews in Jerusalem. “Devout men” signifies men of who were god fearing and those abiding by his principles and preaching. “Out of every nation under heaven” means from all parts of the globe or all nations on the face of the earth. 2: 6 “Now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language” The term when this was noised abroad is used to indicate the fact that the news of this remarkable event spread everywhere, were confounded could be interpreted as being significantly surprised or astonished, every man heard them speak denotes that various people spoke in different dialects and yet they heard them speak in a language known to them and his own language means the language that they knew since birth. 2:7 “And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?” The term amazed is used to express astonishment since the Galilaeans are known to be rude, barbarous, ignorant as well as uncivilized and corrupt in nature (John 1:46) and hence it was puzzling to see them speak in such a manner. The word Galialeans (Acts 1:11) is deliberately used to emphasize the genuine astonishment of the people when they came to know of the fact that the Galialeans were addressing them in such a refined manner and hence the expression ‘behold’ is used to describe their genuine surprise. 2:8 “And how hear we, every man in our tongue, wherein we were born?” The term every man in our tongue indicates those who speak the same language. 2:9 “Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, in Judaea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia,” Here, Parthians means Jews living in Parthi, Medes - inhabitants of Media, Elamites – those who lived in Elam, Judaea – the mention of this term is highly complex in nature since they were already aware of the language being spoken and hence to them it was not a matter of great surprise. 2:10 “Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers from Rome, Jews and proselytes,” The term strangers from Rome is used to describe those who travelled from Rome to Jerusalem or those belonging to Rome and living in Jerusalem, proselytes is used to describe those who have been converted into the Jewish religion. 2:11 “Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.” The term ‘tongues’ is used for languages while the phrase ‘our tongues’ is suggestive of the languages known to or spoken by the apostles, wonderful works of God indicates the fascinating miracles and great things that God had done (Luke 1:49) in the gift of his son such as resurrection of his son. 2:12 “And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?” The words amazed and in doubt are used to describe their anxiety and hesitation about the occurrence of such events and what meaneth this depicts their lack of understanding or ignorance 2:13 “Others mocking said, They are full of new wine” The term full of new wine is used to cover their own ignorance and those who spoke all those languages were accused of being drunk which made them speak in different dialects. REFERENCES:, viewed October 1, 2008 from: Bible: New Testament, viewed October 1, 2008 from: The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2, viewed October 1, 2008, from Acts 1:15, “At this time Peter stood up in the midst of the brethren (a gathering of one hundred and twenty people) and said Acts 1:13, “When they arrived they went upstairs to the room … John 1:46, “And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.” Luke 1:49, “For he that is mighty hath done to me great things, and holy is his name.” Acts 1:11, “Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Read More
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