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Bibliography on e-commerce - Essay Example

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(January 16, 2008). “Extol Debuts New Middleware Integration Tools.” E-Commerce Times. Available January 16, 2008 from
Erika Morphy discusses a new software…
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Bibliography on e-commerce
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In doing so, it also illustrates those elements of the business cycle that may prove difficult as smaller businesses begin to grow and the efforts being taken to try to meet those needs. Ted Kemp provides a quick basics approach to how to market goods online effectively without necessarily investing in some of the more expensive retailing software and expertise available. In his discussion, he points out some of the more important elements of a website’s appeal to online consumers, including what to place on the main page, how to encourage shoppers to purchase and providing some examples of online retailers that have effectively employed these tactics.

Megna, Michelle. (January 15, 2008). “How to Choose Tools that Customize Online Shopping.” E-Commerce Available January 16, 2008 from Michelle Megna provides a comprehensive summary of a Forrester Research study into the concept of e-tail personalization. This refers to the various software tools available to online marketers that provide automatic personalization for consumers in bringing them product offerings customized to their interests and shopping behaviors. While these tools have often been underutilized because of the sheer complexity of the process, the study reveals that they have become much simpler to deploy, more flexible for the marketer and customizable in terms of how merchandisers might wish to cross-sell their products.

Pankaj Kamthan outlines some of the major risks inherent in e-commerce that have caused problems in the past. While some of these issues have been addressed through more updated software since the article was written, the concerns that were raised by these issues remain valid. This is because hackers have become more sophisticated in keeping with the software and because consumers may retain concerns based upon these issues. Valentine, Lisa. (December 6, 2007). “One

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