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Police Recorded Crime and British Crime Survey - Essay Example

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Statistics is the science of data that involves the collection, classification, summarizing, organizing analyzing and interpreting of numerical information (McClave & Benson & Sincich, 2001). This discipline helps managers with the ability to make decision by providing…
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Police Recorded Crime and British Crime Survey
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Different types of graphs that can be created to view tendencies within the data are pie charts, bar charts and scatter plots. Governmental units utilize graphs a lot to inform the general public information. The police department is a governmental unit that uses statistical graphical applications a lot. This paper analyzes two graphs created by that illustrate the amount of crime that occurred in England and Wales last year to determine the discrepancies in the reported crime between the two graphical illustrations.

The two graphs studied in this paper reflected the amount of crime and the type of crimes committed in the England and Wales regions. The two sources that reported the crime and created the two graphical illustrations are the police department and the British Crime Survey. Any observer looking at these two graphs would immediately notice that they portrayed two completely different perceptions of the crimes committed in the area. There are multiple reasons why these two graphs show different perceptions of crimes committed in this area.

The first reason for the discrepancy is that the two graphs divided crime in totally different categories. The British Crime Survey divides crime in six categories while the police department divides crimes in eleven different categories. There are only three categories in the British Crime Surveys that match the police crimes categories which are burglary, vehicle theft and other theft. The British Crime Survey does not report crimes such as murders, drug procession, commercial crimes or crimes against children.

The British Crime Survey data is a yearly survey performed by this organization among the population in the England Wales Region. The survey is realized utilizing a large pool of participants. The survey is sent to approximately 47,000 households and the response rate of the participants is about 75%. The time period of the data collection of the

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