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This “Which food group am I?” quiz is based on the food groups and the recommended daily portions for kids. It is designed for students at the Grade 4 level.
Directions: Complete this worksheet by filling in the right amount of servings from each food group.
Food groups
Servings per day
Meats and Beans
A card game entitled “Power Eaters” for Fourth graders
Power Panther
A sample picture from Power Panther Zone.
The Power Panther is the mascot used by the Department of Agriculture to encourage children to eat healthy foods. Therefore the above picture would be displayed on one side of the cards whilst the contents pertaining to the food groups would be detailed on the inner side. This card game will be used to reinforce the material studied on food groups and to assist students in putting the right amount of food together to obtain a balanced meal.
It involves color coding 28 cards according to the color of each food group as displayed on the food pyramid poster. Each card contains pictures of various servings of food. Five cards consist of the total number of servings from each food group. These cards carry 5 points. 20 cards comprise specific food portions ranging from three servings to one serving. The points attached to these cards range from three to one respectively. There are also three wild cards displaying oil as a food group but students have been taught that oil is not a food group although a small portion is needed to keep one healthy. Therefore anyone picking an oil card will be required to lose a turn for the next round. An oil card may be canceled when the player gets a card containing the total number of servings from any particular food group (Cancellation of an oil card is the player’s choice).
The game begins with each player choosing a card from the 28 stockpiles. The player with the highest score on his/her card has the first turn. Each player then picks 5 cards. The first player places one card on the table. In an anti-clockwise manner, the remaining players match the first card using the same food group as displayed on the table ensuring that the recommended daily requirement is not exceeded. The player with the card with the highest points wins that round and ceases the played cards of the opponents. This person plays first in the next round. These ceased cards are put in the player’s basket which would be used to tally the winning score at the end of the game.
When a player does not have a card from the food group displayed on the table, he/she is required to take cards from the stock one at a time until a card belonging to that particular food group is obtained. Read More