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Health profile: Tonbridge Area - Essay Example

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This essay "Health profile: Tonbridge Area" presents the systematic collection of data in health profiling that provides an accurate assessment of the population. And if the data is analyzed correctly health profiling assists in monitoring the population’s health status…
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Health profile: Tonbridge Area
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Health Profile Tonbridge and Malling Local ity South East Region Introduction This health profile will analyse the social, demographic, economic, and epidemiological characteristics of the Tonbridge, Kent. An overview of the community will provide the demographic – population, race/ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status. Note that the demographic factors are significant regarding the implications for disease patterns, demand for health services, risk factors and health behaviours. The health profile will present reportable diseases, census, hospitalization and vital statistics data including table, charts and graphs. Having collected and analysed the data on the community, a health need will be identified and discussed. Health promotions currently available throughout the United Kingdom and the world that address the health need will be identifies and discussed. Linking back to the health need, this health profile will make recommendations on the potential health promotion strategies that could possibly be implemented, which will discuss how this will be evaluated? The conclusion will briefly summarise the main point of the health profile and reflect on the process of health profiling. Overview of Tonbridge and Walling District: Tonbridge and Malling Locale, County: Kent, Region: South East England, Nation: England, Country United Kingdom. Tonbridge is a historic market town in Kent County located on the River Medway. It is four miles north of Tunbridge Wells, twelve miles from southwest of Maidstone and twenty miles from London. Neighbourhood Statistics for Tonbridge and Malling The 2001 Census reported the following: 42,725 households 73% of residents were described as being in “good health” 26% between ages 16-74 have no qualifications 1.9% unemployment rate for all economically active between the age of 16-74 In 2003, eighty one were reported killed or severely injured in road accidents. The Indices of Deprivation 2004 (ID2004), which are measures of deprivation for every Super Output Area (lower layer) and local authority area in England, indicates that Tonbridge and Malling ranked at 304 out of 354 local authorities in England, where one was the most deprived area and 354 the least deprived. This rank was derived from the average deprivation score of the Lower Layer Super Out Areas in the local authority. Ethnicity: Percentage of Resident Population in Each Group, April 2001   Tonbridge and Malling South East England and Wales Ethnic Group - Percentages; White 98.3 95.1 91.3 Ethnic Group - Percentages; White; British 95.9 91.3 87.5 Ethnic Group - Percentages; White; Irish 0.7 1.0 1.2 Ethnic Group - Percentages; White; Other White 1.7 2.8 2.6 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Mixed 0.7 1.1 1.3 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Mixed; White and Black Caribbean 0.2 0.3 0.5 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Mixed; White and Black African 0.1 0.1 0.2 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Mixed; White and Asian 0.3 0.4 0.4 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Mixed; Other Mixed 0.2 0.3 0.3 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Asian or Asian British 0.5 2.3 4.4 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Asian or Asian British; Indian 0.3 1.1 2.0 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Asian or Asian British; Pakistani 0.1 0.7 1.4 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Asian or Asian British; Bangladeshi 0.1 0.2 0.5 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Asian or Asian British; Other Asian 0.1 0.3 0.5 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Black or Black British 0.1 0.7 2.2 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Black or Black British; Caribbean 0.1 0.3 1.1 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Black or Black British; African 0.0 0.3 0.9 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Black or Black British; Other Black 0.0 0.1 0.2 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Chinese or Other Ethnic Group 0.4 0.8 0.9 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Chinese or Other Ethnic Group; Chinese 0.2 0.4 0.4 Ethnic Group - Percentages; Chinese or Other Ethnic Group; Other Ethnic Group 0.2 0.4 0.4 National Statistics. For details dissemination/ Type of Household: Percentage of Each Type, April 2001 National Statistics. For details, Life Expectancy at Birth (Years), 2001-2003   Tonbridge and Malling South East England and Wales Life Expectancy at Birth, Males 77.4 77.4 76.1 Life Expectancy at Birth, Females1 82.5 81.6 80.7 National Statistics. For details, Recorded Crimes in Tonbridge and Malling, 2003-2004   Tonbridge and Malling Notifiable Offences Recorded by the Police - Violence Against the Person 1027 Notifiable Offences Recorded by the Police - Robbery 26 Notifiable Offences Recorded by the Police - Burglary in a Dwelling 313 Notifiable Offences Recorded by the Police - Theft of a Motor Vehicle 351 Notifiable Offences Recorded by the Police - Theft from a Vehicle 742 National Statistics. For details, Population and Society In 2003, there were 109,600 people residing in Tonbridge and Malling. Six percent were children under five and 18% were of retirement age (65 and over for males or 60 and over for females). Between 1982 and 2002, the population of Tonbridge and Malling grew by 10%, compared with an increase of 11% for the South East region as a whole. The population density of Tonbridge and Malling in 2002 averaged 453 people per square kilometre, compared with an average of 421 for the region and 380 people per square kilometre for England overall. The demographics of the population in Tonbridge reveal that the male population is, proportionally, larger than the female population in the under 65 age group. Normally, the numbers of males and females in this age group to be very similar; however in Tonbridge there are more men in the population than there are in rest of Kent & Medway. GP Registered Population 2003 2003 Registered Population for Tonbridge Locality By Quinary Age Band and Sex National Statistics Note: Registered populations refers to people who are registered with a GP Practice within the PCT). Mid-2003 Estimates of Population Percentage in Each Age National Statistics. For details, Socioeconomic Status According to the 1981-1991 Census, in Kent, 80.4% of men between the ages19-24 and 62.9% women between the ages on 19-59 were at least employed full-time, part-time, self-employed or utilising a government scheme. Since 1981, this was a decrease of 3.3% for men and an increase of 8.0% for women. Since 1991, 8.5% of men and 4.1% of women were unemployed. Of course, it is not noted whether they were probably searching for work, temporarily sick or in a period of contemplating a job offer. Below is the employment data from the 2001 Census: Percentage of Resident Population Aged 16 to 74 in Each Group, April 2001   Tonbridge and Malling South East England and Wales People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Full-time 43.8 43.2 40.6 People aged 16-74: Economically active: Employees Part-time 13.1 12.2 11.8 People aged 16-74: Economically active: Self-employed 9.6 9.6 8.3 People aged 16-74: Economically active: Unemployed 1.9 2.3 3.4 People aged 16-74: Economically active: Full-time student 2.3 2.7 2.6 People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Retired 14.2 13.4 13.6 People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Student 3.0 4.2 4.7 People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Looking after home / family 7.3 6.6 6.5 People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Permanently sick / disabled 2.9 3.5 5.5 People aged 16-74: Economically inactive: Other 2.0 2.4 3.1 National Statistics. For details, dissemination/ Percentage of Pupils Achieving SATs and GCSE Results, 1998/99 and 2003/02 National Statistics. For details, Health Status Below are the results to the 2001 Census which describes the health over the preceding 12 months as ‘good’, ‘fairly good’ or ‘not good’. Limiting long-term illness, health problem or disability that restricted or allowed daily activities were taken into consideration. Percentage of Resident Population in Each Group, April 2001   Tonbridge and Malling South East England and Wales General health: Good 72.5 71.5 68.6 General health: Fairly good 21.1 21.4 22.2 General health: Not good 6.4 7.1 9.2 People with a limiting long-term illness 14.0 15.5 18.2 People of working age with a limiting long-term illness 9.9 10.6 13.6 Households with one or more person with a limiting long-term illness 28.1 29.4 34.1 National Statistics: the percentage of households affected by limiting long term illness is calculated on a ‘per household’ basis rather than the proportion of people overall. Hospital Episodes in Tonbridge and Malling, April 2002 - March 2003 Males 16-59 Females 16-59 Males 60+ Females 60+ Heart Disease Diagnosis 231 78 554 302 Stroke Diagnosis 32 12 99 106 Cancer Diagnosis 248 492 599 482 Accident Diagnosis 251 94 120 262 Coronary artery bypass or angioplasty 43 7 66 15 Total Episodes 3,164 4,940 3,923 4,027 National Statistics. For Details, Health Need Asthma, characterised by recurrent breathlessness and wheezing, is a condition in which inflammation of the airways of the lungs restricts passage of airflow. With the accumulation of mucus production during an asthma attack, the muscles of the bronchial passage become tight and the lining of the air passages swell, thereby, reducing airflow (WHO 2006). Globally, approximately 300 million (mostly children and adults) are afflicted with asthma. Worldwide, by 2025, it is estimated that 400-450 million people will have asthma. Of the 30 million people who have asthma in Europe, six million are extremely ill. About 1.5 million people in Europe are fearful of asthma and feel that a severe attack will led to their death. In 2003, The European Respiratory Society reported in the European Lung White Book that the total cost of asthma in Europe is €17.7bn per year, and the productivity lost to poor asthma control is estimated at €9.8bn per year. According to the United Kingdom 2001 Asthma Audit, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Ireland have the highest prevalence rates for asthma in the world. The 2001 Asthma Audit provided by the National Asthma Campaign revealed that there is a higher estimated number of asthma suffers in the United Kingdom. This Audit estimated that 5.1 million people - 1 in 13 adults and 1 in 8 children - are currently being treated for asthma. In 1999, the Campaign’s audit estimated that approximately 3.4 million were suffering with asthma. Why is asthma becoming more common? Could it be the result of a complex combination of genetic and environmental factors? Annually, serious or life-threatening asthma attacks result in 74,000 of emergency hospital admissions. Currently, 1,500 people die from asthma each year, over a 1/3 of which are people under the age of 65. Other statistics and findings from the 2001 Asthma Audit included the followed: In 2000, General Practitioners in the United Kingdom saw over 18,000 cases relating to new asthma attacks each week. The number of new cases of asthma each year is now three to four times higher in adults and six times higher in children than it was 25 years ago. Many asthmatics do not receive adequate information or advice when asthma is first diagnosed. Very few asthmatics have a written self-management plan explaining when to take medication (6%) or what to do if asthma worsens (3%). Of 56 countries surveyed, the United Kingdom has the fifth highest prevalence rate (20.7%) for asthma in 13 to 14 year olds. Asthma attacks now cost the United Kingdom an estimated £1.2 billion in lost productivity, £850 million in NHS treatment and a further £161 million in social security costs. The average cost of an acute asthma attack needing an urgent General Practitioner appointment is £381. Over 18 million working days are lost to asthma each year. Surprisingly, the United Kingdom has one of the highest incidences of people with asthma of any other country in the world. Asthma UK reports the many asthma symptoms are manageable. However, providing services and solutions that meet the needs of people with asthma in the United Kingdom will demands an understanding of areas where improvements are necessary. A top-ranking league position admits that there is a lack of information and or detailed statistics available about asthma in the United Kingdom. Asthma Insights and Reality Europe (AIRE) Survey of patients throughout Europeans countries revealed that there are gaps between clinical practice guidelines and the reality of treatment. By working with the communities regarding asthma, healthcare professionals, researchers, and advocates such as Asthma UK will definitely fill this gap in knowledge. Because on average asthma affects people in one in five households; accounts for at least 12.7 million work days lost each year; and it is responsible for one hospital admission every 7.5 minutes. This includes 700,000 people with asthma aged over 65 years; 590,000 teenagers with asthma; and 2.9 million women and girls and 2.3 million men and boys. Note that 60% of adults with asthma are women and 54% of children with asthma are boys. There has been too little research conducted regarding the impact of asthma on the quality of life, though this is epidemiological information available. The symptoms of asthma can limit daily living which creates a reduced quality of life for suffers, their families and friends. Why is asthma at various degrees of severity becoming a typical occurrence in adults and children around the world? And the incident rates in developing countries are similar to those in industrialised countries. According to the AIRE, asthma does impact the daily lives of adults because the illness hinders their ability to function at work. And a large number of suffers have trouble sleeping and are not able to exercise. These limitations can lead to emotional strain. For childhood, asthma is common and globally its prevalence is on the rise. Studies indicate that 1/3 of children with asthma have five or more episodes of wheezing once a year. Not good, because young children are irritated and terrified by their attacks and the worst is that severe asthma increases the number of days missed from grammar school; college and for young adults; and asthma affects choice of careers. For parents, there is increased absenteeism from work, limitations on social lives; and siblings often feel neglected. Asthma suffers must take their medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and commit to preventative therapy. If not, asthma can be fatal. Patients groups promote better health via fund raising for research and have become active in supporting and providing information to suffers, families and caregivers. They provide a variety of care services and programmes that ease the burden of asthma (AIRE 2006). Health Promotion In 1992, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Programme assigned a committee to prepare guidelines entitled Global Strategy for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma which was released in 1995 and updated in March of 2002. The GINA and other groups have put much effort in addressing the asthma epidemic hoping that the knowledge gained from the guidelines will assist health professionals in providing better care and policy makers in designing and implement better health policies that properly address concerns regarding asthma as well as other diseases. Using a database marketing strategy designed by the Whitewater Agency, The National Asthma Campaign in the United Kingdom has assigned charity specialist to raise monies from donors to help improve the health of its 5 million asthma suffers. What the general population needs to understand about asthma as well as any other illnesses is that treating diseases is the responsibility of not only the patients but general practitioners, hospitals, and the specialised community clinics. Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council is working with the Primary Care Trusts and other health partners on a number of health improvement programmes to assist people in making better choices regarding their health concerns; decreasing the incidents of infectious diseases in the communities; encouraging leisure activities that result in healthier lifestyles; and improving housing conditions of the poor. Their first initiative, is “Saving Lives, Our Healthier Nation”, a publication suggest ways for improving health. Most interesting is that the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) have launched an interactive consultation system on its website. Hopefully, this approach will not violate the 2000 Freedom of Information Act’s (FOI Act) restrictions. Aimed at employers, safety representatives and health professionals, the website provides the causes of asthma; the signs, symptom and what is like to get the disease; information for employers on how to safeguard their employees; and what HSE are currently doing to wage war on asthma. Though smoking and pollution are being recognised as the culprit, more intense philosophical research of the causes and origins of asthma need to be conducted, and the use of a good old fashioned American grassroots approach to get the general public involved as opposed to relying on community leaders might be necessary. Conclusion The systematic collection of data in heath profiling provides an accurate assessment of the population. And if the data is analysed correctly health profiling assists monitoring the population’s health status and makes information available to the community. It provides a comparative and epidemiological approach to the health need assessment. Health profiling enables health professionals to become familiar with identifying health needs. It improves health care strategies such as health promotion for communities such as Tonbridge, Kent or any particular community. As mentioned, health profiles certainly ensure the best use of available resources. And though a small industry population, the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council is working diligently with others to improve the health and lifestyle of its community. REFERENCES 1. “Asthma”. Asthma Insights and Reality in Europe (AIRE). (accessed 28 March 2006). 2. “Asthma Audit: United Kingdom”. 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National Asthma Campaign Conquering Asthma. London: Asthma Enterprises Ltd. /site_search/search.rm?term=Prevalence&searchreferer_id=113 (accessed 28 March 2006). 10. Brackbill, Robert M. “Community Health Profile: Horizontal Epidemiology?” (accessed 28 March 2006). 11. “Dissemination and Implementation of Asthma Guidelines”. The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). (accessed 28 March 2006). 12. “Health Professionals: Resources, Information and Support for Health Professionals Working With People Who Have Asthma”. Asthma UK. professionals/index.html (assessed 25 March 2006). 13. “Health Promotion”. Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council. (accessed 28 March 2006). 14. “Putting Information at the Hearth of Decision Making”. Health and Social Care Information Centre. (assessed 28 March 2006). 15. “Sonoma County Health Profiling” County of Sonoma - Health Services. Public Health Division. (assessed 28 March 2006). 16. “South West Kent PCT Tonbridge Locality Health Profile” Version 1.1. Kent & Medway Public Health Information Team. October 2004. 17. Stanhope, Marcia and Lancaster, Jeanette. “Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice”. 2ed Edition. China: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. 18. “The National Asthma Campaign”. Marketing, 4 October 2001, http://library.troy. edu:2092/itw/infomark/613/97/82031245w7/purl=rc1_BIM_0_A79253370&dyn=3!xrn_10_0_A79253370?sw_aep=troy25957 (accessed 28 March 2006). 19. “Tonbridge and Malling”. National Statistics. National Statistics Online. (accessed 29 March 2006). 20. “Working for Healthier Lung” The British Thoracic Society. (assessed 28 March 2006). Read More
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