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Marketing. Definition of strategies - Essay Example

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Elaborating further, rising disposable income in the developing economies, aided with path breaking advances in media, has resulted in a section of population who crave for, and can afford BAT products. BAT can now also take advantage of low labour costs in these economies as globalisation has ensured that these factors can be taken advantage of.
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Marketing. Definition of strategies
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Markets: The markets for BAT have expanded many times over. Though a section of the smoking population may have shifted over to cheaper variants or quit, due to overbearing tarrifs and taxed, newer clients have lined up in greater numbers. The organisation has also benefitted by taking a Glocal approach - where the global strategies have been implemented through skillful local initiatives. Political factors: These refer to the different policies of the government such as the degree of intervention, the political stability and the trade relations enjoyed by the economy.

Political decisions can impact on many vital areas for business such as the education of the workforce, the health of the nation and the quality of the infrastructure of the economy such as the road and rail system. The political system in a nation also decides the face of the business in that economy. The political factors surrounding BAT are influential. The immense pressures being put on the restrictions of the sale of tobacco products as against the pro-tobacco lobbying presents a high stake game.

International trade regulations have also meant that BAT products are available all across the globe and hence have a growing clientele to access. Social fSocial factors: Changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a firm's products and the availability and willingness of individuals to work and it can cause products and services to go out of fashion. Advertisement, surrogate at times, are being used to divert the youth towards cigarettes and other BAT products. This is also being aided by an 'ape the west' attitude being adopted by the Asian nations.

Legal factors: These are related to the legal environment in which firms operate.Different categories of law include:consumer laws; these are designed to protect customers against unfair practices such as misleading descriptions of the productcompetition laws; these are aimed at protecting small firms against bullying by larger firms and ensuring customers are not exploited by firms with monopoly poweremployment laws; these cover areas such as redundancy, dismissal, working hours and minimum wages.

They aim to protect employees against the abuse of power by managershealth and safety legislation; these laws are aimed at ensuring the workplace is as safe as is reasonably practical. They cover issues such as training, reporting accidents and the appropriate provision of safety equipmentIt is here that BAT is facing the maximum resistance. Though the intensities are different, almost all the nations that the tobacco major operates in has anti smoking legalities involved. Huge investments have been made by consumer groups and pressures being created so asto engage the corporation into

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“Marketing. Definition of Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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